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Trying to get gamescope working on Linux with Nvidia card

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I've been trying to get Gamescope working with an Nvidia card (Geforce 970) on any Ubuntu-based distro of Linux.  I've had some people helping me, but we've been running into a wall in terms of getting gamescope working.  I want gamescope specifically for having the ability to downsample the image and I was told that's the best way to do it.


I can get gamescope to work in any capacity.  I've tried it with multiple games on Lutris, but also in the terminal just trying to run glxgears (errors below)


gamescope -f -- glxgears


vulkan: selecting physical device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970'
vulkan: physical device supports DRM format modifiers
vulkan: vkCreateDevice failed (VkResult: -1000174001)
Failed to initialize Vulkan


Below are some logs I ran of the GOG copy of Judge Dredd v. Death, however this problem has occurred on every game I've tested so far.


Log of Judge Dredd v. Death running using DXVK + dgvoodoo:


Started initial process 3897 from gamemoderun /home/z/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-7.2-2-x86_64/bin/wine start /unix /home/z/Games/dredd/drive_c/GOG Games/Judge Dredd/Launch Judge Dredd - Dredd vs Death.lnk
Start monitoring process.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
wineserver: using server-side synchronization.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object 'libgamemodeauto.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
Initial process has exited (return code: 0)
Monitored process exited.
Exit with return code 0


Log of Judge Dredd v. Death failing to launch using DXKV + dgvoodoo2 + gamescope


Started initial process 2423 from gamescope -w 800 -h 600 -W 800 -H 600 -- gamemoderun /home/z/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-7.2-2-x86_64/bin/wine start /unix /home/z/Games/dredd/drive_c/GOG Games/Judge Dredd/Launch Judge Dredd - Dredd vs Death.lnk
Start monitoring process.
vulkan: selecting physical device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970'
vulkan: physical device supports DRM format modifiers
vulkan: vkCreateDevice failed (VkResult: -1000174001)
Failed to initialize Vulkan
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 256

Installed Ubuntu Mater 22.04 LTS with internet enabled and let it update everything + 3rd party drivers
Installed Lutris via the software
Under the System tab for the Lutris profiles, I turned on "Disable Lutris Runtime"
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wine64
sudo apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386 vulkan-tools
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:samoilov-lex/gamescope
sudo apt install gamescope
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
added "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=
sudo update-grub


Since the above didn't work, compiling gamescope from the source is apparently rather problematic on Ubuntu, so one of the people assisting me compiled one for it (attaching to this post).  After opening it, I ran this to copy over the installed one:
sudo cp gamescope /usr/games/

-I have tested this in other distros also:
•Ubuntu (regular)
They gave me the same result with gamescope.
-I have been using the 530 proprietary Nvidia driver, but tested it on 525 also.
-I also tested this on a Geforce 1070 and had the same result.
-This was part of a test to check results on both AMD and Nvidia graphics, so simply switching to an AMD card would defeat the purpose of this experiment.
-While I'm willing to switch to another distro, I was preferring to stick with something Ubuntu-based to maximize compatibility.  I'd essentially like to confirm from people it's not possible to get gamescope working on Nvidia hardware on Ubuntu before abandoning it.


Thanks in advance for any help.  If anyone posts a solution, I'll add it to the post later.



- - -



The ppa I was directed to was outdated.  The one I should have been using was

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ar-lex/gamescope



User ReflexiveTransativeClosure has posted an alternate version of gamescope where downsampling does work, but introduces oversharpening and a blur on the entire image.



User ReflexiveTransativeClosure fixed the issue with a custom build!  It's the latest version he posted in the thread on page 2.  Turns out gamescope downsampling always worked, but only for non-integer numbers.  Brilliant.

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First, the vulkan: vkCreateDevice failed could imply an issue with the driver.

If you run 'vkcube' (which should already be installed with vulkan-tools), do you get a window with a spinning cube in it?

If not (i.e. you get a vulkan error): it's a driver issue.


Otherwise, the version of gamescope in ppa:samoilov-lex/gamescope is quite old, so using that newer version is a good idea.

I've checked that version you've attached, and it's recent and works fine for me.

Just to check you're running the right version, could you run 'which gamescope'? It should print '/usr/games/gamescope'.

If not: that could be the problem.


If all of that's okay then it's something less obvious, but it's always worth eliminating the obvious stuff first.

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Hello Ross. Nvidia cards being an issue with gamescope is a known problem. Also, I hate invision board and my inability to inline code.


The helping bit in your log is the following (the negative integer):


    vulkan: vkCreateDevice failed (VkResult: -1000174001)


That's the value for VK_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_KHR. Reading up the documentation about it, we learn that this is returned when:


Abuse of this feature may result in starving the rest of the system of implementation resources. Therefore, the driver implementation may deny requests to acquire a priority above the default priority (VK_QUEUE_GLOBAL_PRIORITY_MEDIUM_KHR) if the caller does not have sufficient privileges. In this scenario VK_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED_KHR is returned.


There's something going on with gamescope that makes the driver iffy about the priority requests. I'm not learned enough to know what the priority is, that is if it's a user right to tweak within the system or something entirely internal to vulkan. At first glance it ought to be internal, as it pertain to how the hardware processes go. Being able to ask for specific priorities is one of the strengths of vulkan, as it removes intermediate "framework" layers. Issue comes when the hardware/driver is a little bit hostile to it (vulkan is not a nVidia proprietary tech).

Edited by xrogaan (see edit history)

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On 5/21/2023 at 7:53 PM, xrogaan said:

... implementation may deny requests to acquire a priority above the default priority ... if the caller does not have sufficient privileges ...

To add to this a little, for Nvidia the privileges needed should be that the process is running with CAP_SYS_NICE [0]. Gamescope doesn't try to use the priority feature (which helps performance but isn't essential) if CAP_SYS_NICE isn't set for this reason [1].


It would definitely be a good idea (when you've checked that which gamescope gives the right output) to check,

    getcap /usr/games/gamescope

which will print "/usr/games/gamescope cap_sys_nice=eip" if CAP_SYS_NICE is set, and nothing otherwise.


If getcap does print that line, then you can try running,

     sudo setcap -r /usr/games/gamescope

to remove the capability and prevent Gamescope from using the feature. You should then get a line in Gamescope's output when running a programme saying: "No CAP_SYS_NICE, falling back to regular-priority compute and threads. Performance will be affected.".


If getcap does not print that line, you can instead run,

    sudo setcap 'cap_sys_nice=eip' /usr/games/gamescope

which will set CAP_SYS_NICE, and should allow the priority feature to work (if the driver sees sense). That should mean the "... falling back to regular-priority  ..." message isn't printed when you run Gamescope.


[0] https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/linux-solaris-and-freebsd-driver-470-42-01-beta/181536

[1] https://github.com/ValveSoftware/gamescope/blob/56a799827d005425a5764d1572b87efd9ace10b9/src/rendervulkan.cpp#L811

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On 5/21/2023 at 9:53 PM, xrogaan said:

Also, I hate invision board and my inability to inline code.


I'm afraid we're stuck with that, but I'm fine if you want to link to pastebin or something if it's a problem.


On 5/21/2023 at 9:21 PM, ReflexiveTransativeClosure said:

If you run 'vkcube' (which should already be installed with vulkan-tools), do you get a window with a spinning cube in it?


Yes I do.  Also, a couple WINE games run with DXVK and dgvoodoo2 with gamescope disabled, so my understanding is that it's using Vulkan then instead of OpenGL

On 5/21/2023 at 11:56 PM, ReflexiveTransativeClosure said:


It would definitely be a good idea (when you've checked that which gamescope gives the right output) to check,


This is likely at least part of the problem, I was suspecting this:


getcap /usr/games/gamescope = nothing

getcap /usr/bin/gamescope  = I get the message you described


On 5/21/2023 at 9:21 PM, ReflexiveTransativeClosure said:

Just to check you're running the right version, could you run 'which gamescope'? It should print '/usr/games/gamescope'.

Apparently not, I get /usr/bin/gamescope.  I'm ignorant on this, but the gamescope in /bin/ is about 660k and the one in /games/ is about 12MB, which left me confused.


I could be barking up the wrong tree now, but I tried this from the compiled gamescope:

sudo cp gamescope /usr/bin/


This led to the following messages (after doing your latest instructions)


gamescope -f -- glxgears


No CAP_SYS_NICE, falling back to regular-priority compute and threads.
Performance will be affected.
wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:68] Creating headless backend
vulkan: selecting physical device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970': queue family 0
vulkan: physical device supports DRM format modifiers
vulkan: vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2 returned zero modifiers for DRM format 0x3231564E (VkResult: 0)
vulkan: vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2 returned zero modifiers for DRM format 0x48344241 (VkResult: 0)
vulkan: vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2 returned zero modifiers for DRM format 0x38344241 (VkResult: 0)
vulkan: supported DRM formats for sampling usage:
vulkan:   AR24 (0x34325241)
vulkan:   XR24 (0x34325258)
vulkan:   AB24 (0x34324241)
vulkan:   XB24 (0x34324258)
vulkan:   AB30 (0x30334241)
vulkan:   XB30 (0x30334258)
vulkan:   AR30 (0x30335241)
vulkan:   XR30 (0x30335258)
gamescope: symbol lookup error: gamescope: undefined symbol: SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels


Running Judge Dredd on Lutris in DXVK with gamescope (looks like the same main error, there could be small differences since the earlier one was an old log):


Started initial process 2439 from gamescope -f -- gamemoderun /home/z/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-7.2-2-x86_64/bin/wine start /unix /home/z/Games/dredd/drive_c/GOG Games/Judge Dredd/Launch Judge Dredd - Dredd vs Death.lnk
Start monitoring process.
wlserver: [backend/headless/backend.c:68] Creating headless backend
vulkan: selecting physical device 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970': queue family 0
vulkan: physical device supports DRM format modifiers
vulkan: vkCreateDevice failed (VkResult: -1000174001)
Failed to initialize Vulkan
Monitored process exited.
Initial process has exited (return code: 256)
All processes have quit
Exit with return code 256


Let me know what I should do next, thanks.




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The 12MB binary has probably been compiled with the debug symbols. Bigger, but gives more information when it crashes.


When you run glxgears, do you actually see the gears or does it still not work? The situation seems unclear to me. If you get the glxgears window to works, try disabling lutris runtimes:

  1. right click on the game in the lutris library
  2. select configure
  3. in the system options tab, first option should be a disabled "Disable Lutris Runtime". Enable it.


And now a word from Linus Torvalds, creator of the linux kernel, about nVidia (16 seconds). Sentiment echoed by the community as a whole.



What follows is a commentary. Won't be helpful in troubleshooting the issue, but might be nice to know.


On 5/22/2023 at 1:13 PM, Ross Scott said:

This is likely at least part of the problem, I was suspecting this:


getcap /usr/games/gamescope = nothing

getcap /usr/bin/gamescope  = I get the message you described


Apparently not, I get /usr/bin/gamescope.  I'm ignorant on this, but the gamescope in /bin/ is about 660k and the one in /games/ is about 12MB, which left me confused.


I could be barking up the wrong tree now, but I tried this from the compiled gamescope:

sudo cp gamescope /usr/bin/


Those two path shouldn't be relevant unless you are doing naughty things, like manually changing your system. Much like windows, linux has a PATH environment variable. It tells the system where to find binaries. You can see it using a terminal and typing

    echo $PATH

Normally /usr/games comes last, and /usr/bin comes second (after /usr/local/bin). There are useful tools to know what binary is being resolve, as pointed out earlier the which command. But also the whereis command, that will output the manual and all binaries.


It looks like lutris is changing the environment enough that gamescope gets confused.


Now a point about the naughty things I was referring to. As you point in your message, you are getting confused: which gamescope binary is being run there? While you can do whatever you want, overriding system binaries is generally a bad idea. Instead you ought to use the /usr/local space. Reason is that you'll slowly start to forget which operations you did and how changed your system is, which leads to surprises down the line (if you wait long enough). Other benefit is that you can mount an external drive to /usr/local. Meaning if you wipe your distro, all the custom binaries will remain safe and/or will be able to be used on different computers.

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On 5/22/2023 at 12:13 PM, Ross Scott said:

Let me know what I should do next, thanks.

Try setting the priority again

sudo setcap 'cap_sys_nice=eip' /usr/bin/gamescope


Ubuntu directly recommends against installing the NVidia driver from the .run file. But if the drivers from the repository aren't working, it's worth a shot.

  1. Download the latest driver: https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/drivers/results/200492/
  2. Open a terminal in the Downloads folder.
  3. Make the file executable:
    chmod +x NVIDIA*.run


  4. Install dependencies:
    sudo apt install build-essential libglvnd-dev pkg-config dkms


  5. Purge existing NVidia drivers
    sudo apt purge nvidia-*


  6. Reboot
  7. Once it's rebooted, rather than logging in via the login screen, do CTRL+ALT+F2 (it should say that you're in TTY2 at the top) and sign in from there.
  8. cd Downloads
    sudo systemctl stop lightdm #MATE
    sudo systemctl stop gdm #Regular Ubuntu and Pop
    Ctrl+Alt+F2 again
    sudo ./NVIDIA*.run


  9. Follow the prompts and make sure to say yes to DKMS and yes to 32-bit libraries.
  10. Reboot once it completes
  11. Should be able to login and try
    gamescope -f -- glxgears


Edited by Unaccounted4 (see edit history)

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On 5/22/2023 at 1:46 PM, Unaccounted4 said:

But if the drivers from the repository aren't working...

Given vkcube is working, it seems likely that the drivers are fine (or at least, working as intended). Re-installing the drivers is quite a drastic step (which can potentially break the entire system) so perhaps best avoided until you're sure it's absolutely necessary.


On 5/22/2023 at 11:13 AM, Ross Scott said:

gamescope -f -- glxgears


gamescope: symbol lookup error: gamescope: undefined symbol: SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels

The output from this one looks very promising. It is getting further than the others without encountering the vkCreateDevice error, so something's working at least.

The undefined symbol error is to do with how libraries work on Linux. It's possible that the person who compiled gamescope for you was using a different distribution, with a different version of the SDL2 library. Sadly this often won't work properly, so you won't be able to use that compiled version of gamescope.


There is a PPA with an up-to-date gamescope build which shouldn't have this issue (and should also be new enough to have decent Nvidia support, so shouldn't give any of the previous errors either). You could try that one instead, you'd have to run:

    sudo mv -T /usr/games/gamescope /usr/games/gamescope.old  (To make sure the compiled version you copied to games doesn't get in the way)

    sudo mv -T /usr/bin/gamescope /usr/bin/gamescope.old  (To make sure the compiled version you copied to bin doesn't get in the way)

    sudo apt remove gamescope (Remove the old ppa gamescope. This step shouldn't be needed -- but apt can get confused so it's best to run it anyway)

    sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:samoilov-lex/gamescope (Remove the out-of-date ppa)

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ar-lex/gamescope (Add the new in-date ppa)

    sudo apt install gamescope (To install the new version)


The add-apt-repository commands should ask you to press enter to confirm. The apt remove command should confirm it will remove gamescope (and perhaps ~5 more packages, but not 10s or 100s). The apt install one should tell you it is installing a few new packages.


Then, try running gamescope -f -- glxgears (or if that doesn't work, try /usr/games/gamescope -f -- glxgears) **, which will hopefully work (or at least not give any of the previous issues). If that works, then you're most of the way there (as xrogaan observes, there might still be issues with Lutris, but these shouldn't be too hard to fix.


** The newer ppa installs gamescope to /usr/games/.

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Oh, I did not realize there was more than one gamescope PPA. That was my fault as I was the one who mentioned that PPA to Ross in an email. I don't know if it will make a difference but yes the samoilov PPA is over a year out of date, from the look of it.

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On 5/22/2023 at 5:00 PM, ReflexiveTransativeClosure said:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ar-lex/gamescope

This is definitely what got it working (after uninstalling everything else), thanks a bunch.


I'm still having some issues with Lutris, but I confirmed it works in glxgears and works on some games in Lutris (before changing any resolutions).  I was going to investigate that further, but I ran into another issue:


Since I don't exactly know what I'm doing, I thought I would run this command again:

sudo setcap 'cap_sys_nice=eip' /usr/games/gamescope

It looks like that broke everything and I got the old error again.  Is there a command to revert it back?  Once I get it working normally again, I'll test it on some games to see if I can establish some other behavior issues I was seeing.

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Okay, I have some more issues, gamescope is working, but I'm either using it incorrectly or else have a deeper problem.  The whole reason I want gamescope is to have downsampling (rendering at a higher resolution to rescale it so you effectively get antialiasing).  So far, I haven't been able to make that happen on anything I've tested, nor can I get it to even hit native resolution sometimes.  I tested 4 games + glxgears on a 1920x1200 monitor:


glxgears (gamescope -f -w 3840 -h 2400 -W 1920 -H 1200 -- glxgears):

Can't get native resolution.  It's running at a low resolution (maybe 640 x 480, not sure), then being stretched to full screen.


1NSANE ( both with and without Resolution                          = h:3840, v:2400 added to corresponding dgvoodoo.conf file)

Runs at native resolution.  Have the ability to set the resolution to 3840x2400 in the options menu.  In-game, still only runs at native resolution, no downsampling occuring.


Messiah: Same as above, only works at native resolution, though no in-game option for higher resolutions (the 3840x2400 is set in the dgvoodoo.conf file though).


Judge Dredd v. Death: Locks up if I try the dgvoodoo option.  Without it, I still don't have the option for a higher resolution in-game with Gamescope, it's just being stretched from low-resolution to full screen again.


Warhammer: Mark of Chaos: freezes on launch when gamescope enabled


I think I must be missing a step, but not sure where to proceed.



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I tried 1nsane, I've included both screenshots.


The menu doesn't scale, you need to go in game to see it.  And even then, you might have to zoom in to 400% or so to see the actual difference on my screenshots. (2k native vs 4k downscaled to 2k).




Lutris settings:





With gamescope you're only defining a virtual screen space for the game to render in. It's down to the game/dgvoodoo to be able to render at the higher resolution that gamescope is telling the game is available.

Native 2K




4K Downscaled






For GLXGears you also need to tell it to render in fullscreen so it uses all the available resolution that gamescope is allowing it to.

gamescope -w 7680 -h 4320 -W 3840 -H 2160 -- glxgears -fullscreen


Edited by Unaccounted4 (see edit history)

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I was ignoring the menu for testing purposes and only looking at in-game.  I can say with confidence there is zero AA occurring, the pixels are clear as day.  I can take a screenshot later if that helps.



Wait, I might be dumb. I could have had the output and game resolution mixed up from looking at your screenshot.


I thought game resolution was what to render it at in-game and output was what it should render at on your actual screen.  So say you wanted 4k downsampled to 1080.  I thought 4k = game resolution, 1080 = output.  Do I have that reversed?

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No, that is correct. Output resolution is the size of the window you want/screen you have, while Game resolution is the one you want the game to render in. (The first settings screenshot did have them the wrong way around but that was my mistake.)


I've done a new test with your resolution, and it seems it doesn't like 16:10 sized windows. If I set it to fullscreen on my 16:9 monitor, it does the scaling. If I set it to a window with those same dimensions, it doesn't.

In a window:








Edited by Unaccounted4 (see edit history)

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On a lighter note, I got Dredd to work with dgVoodoo, Gamescope, and MangoHUD. Though, without dgvoodoo's resolution bypass it seems to be capped at 1600x1200.






I got the latest dgVoodoo from here: https://github.com/dege-diosg/dgVoodoo2


Extracted the DLLs to the folder with the Dredd.exe


Set d3d8 and d3d9 as native overrides in winecfg:



Enable dgvoodoo2, mangohud, and gamescope in Lutris.




Messiah also still works with only the WSGF patch and everything else enabled from Lutris






Edited by Unaccounted4
Added Messiah screenshot (see edit history)

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On 5/24/2023 at 4:38 PM, Unaccounted4 said:


I've done a new test with your resolution, and it seems it doesn't like 16:10 sized windows. If I set it to fullscreen on my 16:9 monitor, it does the scaling. If I set it to a window with those same dimensions, it doesn't.


I'm a bit confused.  Is that true of Gamescope in general, or just 1NSANE?  Additionally, what about 4:3 resolutions?



Just to clarify, is the situation also like this:

-If the game doesn't support higher resolutions natively (like Dredd, Messiah), then dgvoodoo2 is required in order to bump up the resolution in order for gamescope to work?

-If the game does support higher resolutions (like 1NSANE, most modern titles), then dgvoodoo2 is not required to bump up the resolution and use gamescope or does it depend on the game?

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Further testing seems to reveal that it only seems to scale when it's in fullscreen, regardless of aspect ratio. In a window 1NSANE always renders at whatever resolution it's sized. It's probably an engine quirk with the game specifically.



Full sized screenshots (fullscreen):



Full size screenshots (1024x768 window)




On 5/25/2023 at 10:09 AM, Ross Scott said:

-If the game doesn't support higher resolutions natively (like Dredd, Messiah), then dgvoodoo2 is required in order to bump up the resolution in order for gamescope to work?

Gamescope is just a canvas. The game itself just needs to be aware of how big the print surface actually is, which in the case of Dredd and Messiah they are not. But otherwise yes, that statement is accurate in practice.


On 5/25/2023 at 10:09 AM, Ross Scott said:

-If the game does support higher resolutions (like 1NSANE, most modern titles), then dgvoodoo2 is not required to bump up the resolution and use gamescope or does it depend on the game?

Yes... both of those. Most modern games will scale up to whatever resolution they have available, though some may not because might be trying to be clever with windowed vs. fullscreen detection, etc..

Edited by Unaccounted4 (see edit history)

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