Here is a short video explanation of the European Citizens’ Initiative, this one should be much easier to share and get the bare bones message across about what it is doing. For those who want the opposite, the long Video FAQ should be out tomorrow!
February 7th: Videochat with fans
All above will be live at at 6PM UTC.
The European Citizens’ Initiative has launched! This is the biggest and most ambitious chance to create law on publishers destroying videogames they have already sold to you. Get EU citizens to sign it!
Here’s the July videochat. There are some minor updates at the beginning on the game campaign, the rest is the usual rambling. A big chunk this time was on my Linux experiences + a side project I put some work into previously. The EU petition is opening on Wednesday + Game Dungeon coming ASAP after that!
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on July 27th at The next Game Dungeon should be out around the same time, give or take, it may be the biggest one so far. There will be more news on the game campaign at the end of the month.
Here’s the June videochat. The rambling on this one was worse than usual. No news on stopkillinggames this time since I covered everything important on it in the previous Dead Game News. New Game Dungeon coming as soon as it’s done!