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Dude, you don't have to justify yourself to self-entitled jerks on the internet. Do what makes YOU happy. It's not like we're paying for this. Don't even justify them with a response.

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Awesome job on FM ross, can't wait for "The Tunnel"

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Just out of curiosity, how many people actually complain on this site about new FM episodes and do you even bother to post them?


Anyhoo, glad to see something new, and good luck with the new CP

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New Freeman's Mind on my birthday?

Best present ever.

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cant believe i havent registered before this, freemans mind is so witty, you have really achieved something awesome there, all the people imitating you guys on youtube like shephards mind can suck it

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A really great episode, thank you Ross.



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Despite you saying this episode wasn't one of your best efforts, this was actually quite great. Maybe it was just that wait, but it certainly felt worth it to me.


I also can't wait to see The tunnel episode of CP. Both are such great series Ross, I hope you're really proud of what you do. I believe you are a pioneeer for the machinama culture.


-ShakenBacon (I was too lazy to sign in.)

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Your works are brilliant. CP and FM are both extremely excellent machinma. That being said, take the whiners with a grain of salt. Its good to see that you are focusing on what YOU want for a change.


Paying attention to fans is cool and all, however it doesn't mean jack if no work gets done because of it. What was the saying?" A person is smart. People are stupid. " something along those lines.


And as the philosopher Jagger once said " You can't always get what you want ''


Keep up the great work Ross. You're a funny guy.

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Humble suggestion: When Gordon gets knocked out by the marines (which should happen in the next 2-4 episodes or so), have that be the end of the "first season" according to the YouTube series page. As an added bonus, you'll be all but expected to take a long break between "seasons."

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Good Luck Ross on the animation for CP, Im looking forward to seeing it

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Keep up the good work! ^^ FM CP and whatever you want to work on. it tends to be really good entertainment

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That's great, I love Civil Protection!

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AWESOME cap'n, it's fucking awesome!!!

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Yay! Gordan hit fresh air! Thats all the FM I ned for now, can't wait for CP.

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[waiting for the downloadable copy]

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Solid work on episode 29. I am always expecting a lame episode, because so far all were good, but up until now it just didn´t happen.

But I have realy high expectations for the new CP-ep. I wasen´t a big fan of the show, but the last episode was so amazing, I can´t wait, what you do next.

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Cap'n I still have no words to express how is this cool.



[still waiting for downloadable copy]

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At around 3:55 when you start immating the "cegar general" it reminds me of the ganster "Rocky" from this bugs bunny cartoon I remember watching as a kid.

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