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I wonder what exactly I did to lose a rep point.

I lost 8 on my birthday, and I would have loved to know what exactly I did.

I checked your rep sheet before I gave you your rep back, and it seems one person gave you all those -reps in the "War against Alphabetagamma" thread. Don't remember which user but it seems he really disliked you.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Now as a quick reminder to everyone that managed to miss it last time:


Several people said they didn't know about it last time! That is no longer an excuse!

I wonder what exactly I did to lose a rep point.

I lost 8 on my birthday, and I would have loved to know what exactly I did.

I checked your rep sheet before I gave you your rep back, and it seems one person gave you all those -reps in the "War against Alphabetagamma" thread. Don't remember which user but it seems he really disliked you.

Oh yes, I remember now...

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I too would like to be able to see reasons for losing/gaining rep. Even though I don't really care about rep, I just think it would be handy. :P


BTW, aby, um in ur city. Stoking u.

Retired Forum Moderator

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BTW, aby, um in ur city. Stoking u.

*looks over shoulder* :shock: ,*locks doors* :crazy:, *hides under bed* :silent:, *realizes that blightmare's a brony* :idea:,*opens door to welcome* :-D

What do you think so far? u jelly?

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Well, it's not as hellish as LA. I could get used to it. I most definitely approve of the current weather, even if it's not like this all the time.

Retired Forum Moderator

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The side streets in LA have worse traffic than the main roads up here. The weather is rarely favorable, and if it is, it lasts an hour and becomes hot as hell. There are other things as well.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Vancouver is generally humid in summer and spring, and cool and mellow in the fall and winter.

However in winter we get slush, so fall is the only season worth enjoying with a guarantee of predictable and nice weather.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Well, even so, it's a lot better than a humid California summer in which we get up to 100 degree's+ with heavy humidity. Our winters are the only thing we have going for us because you can actually go to the beach after Christmas.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Vancouver is generally humid in summer and spring, and cool and mellow in the fall and winter.

However in winter we get slush, so fall is the only season worth enjoying with a guarantee of predictable and nice weather.


Ohio is pretty much the same way. Except the winters can be freezing cold, and the summers can be scorching hot. But I enjoy most of the seasons.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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Well, even so, it's a lot better than a humid California summer in which we get up to 100 degree's+ with heavy humidity.

You in Canada son! Celsius! Awesome avatar by the way. 8-)

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yea im belligerently pissed today cause its taken 4 goddamn months for my glasses to come in, i called the place to ask them to get their thumb out of their asses, and they said "the lenses are in! in two weeks you'll have your frames!" WELL THATS GOOD FUCKING NEWS!! its not like i cant legally drive without them or anything!


and i know people are gonna say "just get contacts", my face just isnt complete without them.

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btw can someone pull me out from under this rock while telling me what a brony is?


A male viewer of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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