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Remember Me

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I dont remember hearing about this game until Life is Strange came along and even then it was because Remember Me was LiS's makers (DontNod) first game.


Game's introduction (from steam page):

Neo-Paris. 2084.


Personal memories can now be digitised, bought, sold and traded. The last remnants of privacy and intimacy have been swept away in what appears to be a logical progression of the explosive growth of social networks at the beginning of the 21st century. The citizens themselves have accepted this surveillance society in exchange for the comfort only smart technology can provide. This memory economy gives immense power over society to just a handful of people.



Remember Me™ is a 3rd person action adventure where players take on the role of Nilin, a former elite memory hunter with the ability to break into people’s minds and steal or even alter their memories. The authorities, fearful of her knowledge and capabilities arrested Nilin and wiped her memory clean. After her escape from prison, Nilin sets out on a mission to recover her identity, helped by her last and only friend. This search for her past leads to her being hunted by the very people that created this surveillance society.



Having finished the game, i have to say it is one of most interesting games and its shame its so under the radar. However, i sometimes can see why is that, as game definetly is strong in many points, but few weak points dont do game justice.

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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I have heard alot about the game, and went to watch a play through. It definitely seems like a awesome concept in which I was sold in. But from the looks of it, the game was a LITTLE too repetitive when it comes to combat. And other reviews seem to agree with the fact. By the end of it it becomes a bit sluggish to get through. But you know...opinions opinions. I still think it's an awesome concept.

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One thing I never understood was how obscure this game was. All I know is that its advertising was very little.

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yeah, it tends to get repetitive a bit, though combat animations look good and fluid enough. Meaning it wont be that big problem- at least not nearly as big as navigation can be at times.

Still, the thing i hated most about combat: these special troopers that hit you back. I understand it was to give pressens bigger importance, but still, even on normal those guys were bit too OP

As for concept- story and idea behind it is fantastic and by looks of it it might even be real not too distant future (memories thing at least- there is research going on in that field).

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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My opinion of the game is encapsulated in this quote from Zero Punctuation.


"Remember Me? Kinda forgettable."

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Having just beaten the game a couple of days ago I can confidently give it a rating of... something between alright and very good/10


Two souls, alas! reside within my breast. One says that the game is nothing but repetitive combat and way too linear climbing stages. The other one however says that this is one of the most beautiful games I've seen in a while. And to me personally, that makes up for the gameplay.

I'm a sucker for scenery porn, and this game has lots of exactly that. Yes, I'm the kind of guy who loves to just stare at this amazing virtual world for a while, not really caring for objectives that much. The strong points of the game are definitely the environment and atmosphere. So what about the combat?

As I already mentioned, it is pretty repetitive. It can be satisfying at times, when you get a really big combo, but other than that it often feels like just another beat-em-up.

The story asks a lot of ethical questions, essentially revolving around the right to forget certain memories and the abuse of that power. I'm not a very philosophical guy, but I certainly found it interesting, although it didn't captivate me that much. I can definitely see other enjoying it more. Actually, my favorite parts were those few sections where you have to get in other people's memories and remix them, by making subtle changes that eventually lead to big differences. It should have had more of those, in fact, I can imagine an entire game based on that premise alone!

I like the game. I really do. I just don't like playing it that much. So can I recommend Remember Me?

Yes. But keep this in mind:

Don't expect too much from the actual gameplay. I explained the combat, and the climbing sections, while similar to Tomb Raider in a way, feel rather restrictive and linear. What you can expect though, is a good story full of moral dilemmas, and some of the most beautiful video game environments ever.

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