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Three word story!

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Asahina, who is Gordon's former Girlfriend, Saw Gordon with his brother John, eating space brownies with headcrab zombie icing, and she was pissed at God for not making her beautiful enough for him, instead he chose Jessica, who was John Freeman's wife! John Freeman fucked Gordon up because he didn't have the money to get a crowbar, instead buying teletubbies which caused Gordon to jump on top of lung and use wepon against zombie ghosts! Then Captain Tightpants, surprisingly pantless today, had an epiphany "Kaylee was right next to bees that were angry and shooting lazoooors!" Captain Tightpants said "UGH BOOGA BIM" and Gordon Freeman replied "Ma lazoooor!" and everything exploded, headcrab zombie Icing and cake was seriously friggin' everywhere. Gordon felt guilty and John started crying a pond. Just then an antelope crashed through to the surface from the land called "Under the Surface". All of a sudden there was a huge rift and Asahina disappeared. Someone said something about the Combine attacking John Freeman by kidnapping Asahina, John Freeman frowned and said, "Avast!" He then got his grappling hook stuck in an asshole of a vortigant who said "Why, thanks, John!". The Vortigant started hovering over a giant headcrab that looked suspiciously like Wallace Breen. Earlier, Breen had been smelling coke off a monkey's ass when Duke Nukem arrived negotiating with him using a crowbar. Gordon Freeman was confused by Duke's arguments. He get wepon from goast which was actually his grandmother. She decided to kill the joke by starting this over.

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?"

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?" Asked the captain


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?" Asked the captain, "Affirmative, cannons charged"

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?" Asked the captain, "Affirmative, cannons charged", said the spork.

Maximum fuck about to be given in 3... 2... 1...

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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?" Asked the captain, "Affirmative, cannons charged", said the spork. "Fire at Will!"


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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There was once three tomatoes in Mexican-held territory which was located around the border of new new microwave. They planned a mission for invading Earth, suddenly a pirate starship, piloted by Captain Figunaye, appeared in the twisted transistor. "Photon cannons, ready?" Asked the captain, "Affirmative, cannons charged", said the spork. "Fire at Will!". A big explosion

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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