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Will ross scott do half-life 2 lost cosat

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I am wondering if when ross is done with half-life 2 he will do the lost coast. Because it be like a 1 episode thing.

If he doses not we will be wondering what was he thinking during that time

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It wouldn't be a bad idea. I doubt it'll happen any time soon though, but it would be quite nice.

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Lost Coast isn't even canon, it's just an extra level Valve decided not to put in Half Life 2. The only reason why he could would be some kind of dream sequence, but even then, highly unlikely.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


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Lost Coast isn't even canon, it's just an extra level Valve decided not to put in Half Life 2. The only reason why he could would be some kind of dream sequence, but even then, highly unlikely.


Indeed. It was intended as a tech-demo I believe, back when it was released.

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Maybe after they use the teleporter at Nova Prospekt Gordon wakes up on the beach there, and after completing the stuff there, he falls asleep and then wakes up in Dr. Kleiner's Lab?

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Maybe after they use the teleporter at Nova Prospekt Gordon wakes up on the beach there, and after completing the stuff there, he falls asleep and then wakes up in Dr. Kleiner's Lab?

That would be a perfect time to do it... Though not with the sleep part.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I would be a nice suprise though.

He could do it as a larger project like with the tunnel. :)

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It was a level taken out of the Highway section wasn't it? Maybe he could fall of the cliff or something.

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It really is kind of a continuity error no matter how you look at it. like the others, it'd have to be implemented in between something like the teleport part.


and forget you Firefox, "teleport" is NOT spelled wrong.

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Sure, why wouldn't he? Of course, he would have to finish Freeman's Mind 1 first. Then he would have to start up Freeman's Mind 2. Maybe somewhere in between Freeman's Mind 2 he would do Lost Coast... No wait... It wouldn't fit in with Half-Life 2 unless something else happened. Like falling of the cliff (as suggested) then somehow resuming the Half-Life 2 plot by somehow deviating from Lost Coast into the next level or back onto Highway 17 at Lighthouse Point or something. It's all up to Ross, though. Let time pass, and we will see :D

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u all know this is the prelude to episode 1 right? Becauses he was um in the hands of gman in the ending of hl2. so..... IT IS THE PRELUDE TO HALF-LIFE 2:ep1

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... no it wasn't. Lost Coast has already been confirmed as originally a removed part of the level Highway 17, and was then released as a technology demonstration of what the source engine can do.


And if you've played episode 1 you should know that yes, Gman did appear at the end of Half Life 2, but it was the vortigaunts that got them out of there.


I know this because I've beaten all three game 3 times at the least.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Gman appears at the beginning of Episode 1, not the end. The end is when Gordon and Alyx get in the train wreck after the citadel explodes.

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hm.. I worded that wrong. I meant one as in Half Life 2, not episode 1. let me fix that.

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.....The guy said he was getting fuesey at the sides. so gman had plans for him. Because some people are thinking to the beging of ep1 and i'm taking about the end of half-life 2. He was taking to gman at the end of half-life 2. *sign*

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