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Movies Section Update

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Will the Freeman's Mind episodes after 33 get added to the Movies page anytime soon? It's fairly simple to trace them one after another on youtube, but shouldn't they all be on the page here? Been a while since this saw an update.

"That which you do not know, is not a moral charge against you; but that which you refuse to know, is an account of infamy growing in your soul. Make every allowance for errors of knowledge; do not forgive or accept any breach of morality."

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Ross is planning on revamping the complete movies and subtitles sections soon, don't worry about it ;) Just expect some valve time in between :P

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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I think that what is meant by that is that the subtitles section, if I remember correctly, is to be revamped someday, when the community (read: danielsangeo et al.) has created a subtitle database of high-enough quality to warrant a revamp.


(If you were not ironic, that is.) :D


Concerning the movies-section revamp, would that be related to higher-quality-encodings availability? I am keeping tuned, because when they are ready then I will download the first 20 FMs -- those ones I really like.


Adding the subtitle files to that will be a real threat, let me tell you (non-native English speaker, here).

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Adding the subtitle files to that will be a real threat, let me tell you (non-native English speaker, here).

Yes, very dangerous to add those subtitles... :lol:


Try 'treat' instead of 'threat'. ;)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Wonder what is meant by revamping the subtitles sections....


Two things:


1. Eliminate having all the subtitles in one place since that's less intuitive and will result in a gigantic page given long enough. Instead they'll all get moved to the episode pages of the relevant episode.


2. This will probably take longer to implement, but have a system where community made subtitles that have been reviewed by enough viewers or trusted ones can be moved to the episode pages automatically or by moderators or someone with more time than me. So if you created a new subtitles, then a few people reviewed it for spelling or timing errors, etc., it could then get automatically linked to the according episode page by a moderator or admin and be a more visible download than just in the forum. This would get more community made subtitles up faster. The number one reason I haven't reviewed more subtitles is many of them that I've looked at before (I haven't checked any in a while though) will have enough minor errors for me to correct, that by the time I'm done fixing all the minor things (especially any timing or format problems), I've spent 45 minutes on it for a 5 minute episode. Still, I'd rather have subtitles up and available that are 90-99% correct than for everyone to have to wait on me to get it 100%.

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I'm redesigning the video pages. I need a hand with the coding. drop me a PM if interested in helping out with that.

This Is A signature That is Working.

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