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There are some overly negative reviews of this game that come across as something other than someone with legitimate complaint. I don't think this is a "troll" either where someone is attempting to get a rise out of people with very little or no back blow to them (which is what trolling means, and trolling as it is properly defined has not been a thing on the internet since about 2009 or 2010, at very latest; unless you go on a forum and tell people the Earth is flat - that is pretty funny and can give you a sense of what trolling really used to look like).


The post topic:


Let's talk about the mentally ill having a megaphone to say their nonsense online. How do we deal with this? I for one, wish to have a way to ignore the mentally ill without having to first read and hear their words/thoughts on every single website that they have an account. I'm also a proponent of freedom of speech, and I think any sort of blanket banning tool would too easily be misused by any power hungry employee. Maybe we should simply have these people locked up, and limit their computer use?


Feel free to give your organic response agnostic of what I've said here and then respond to my ideas, as I'd like to hear peoples' thoughts on this, rather than merely a response to what I've said. I'd like this topic to be left as open as possible with the main premise being "the mentally ill and internet usage".

Edited by FullBusinessSuit (see edit history)

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On 9/26/2020 at 10:25 AM, FullBusinessSuit said:

Feel free to give your organic response agnostic of what I've said here and then respond to my ideas, as I'd like to hear peoples' thoughts on this, rather than merely a response to what I've said.

You haven't really explained why this is a significant enough problem to warrant drastic action, or even why it's a problem at all except for the fact that you personally have a distaste for mentally ill people, so you're not giving this discussion much of a choice but to revolve around you and your own warped beliefs.


Speaking of which, you call yourself a proponent of freedom of speech yet you support silencing entire groups of people simply because you don't want to be confronted with their existence, and you're afraid blanket banning tools on the internet will be misused by power-hungry authorities yet you support indiscriminately locking people up if they're "mentally ill" (a not-at-all ambiguous label which I'm sure you apply with fairness and nuance). You are an interesting specimen.

Edited by Mira (see edit history)

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10 hours ago, Mira said:

You haven't really explained why this is a significant enough problem to warrant drastic action, or even why it's a problem at all except for the fact that you personally have a distaste for mentally ill people, so you're not giving this discussion much of a choice but to revolve around you.


Speaking of which, you call yourself a proponent of freedom of speech yet you support silencing entire groups of people simply because you don't want to be confronted with their existence, and you're afraid blanket banning tools on the internet will be misused by power-hungry authorities yet you support indiscriminately locking people up if they're "mentally ill" (a not-at-all ambiguous label which I'm sure you apply with fairness and nuance). You are an interesting specimen.

Oh boyyyy. Given your response in that first paragraph combined with this response

You sound like the mentally I'll being talked about.


Reading on...


>you personally have a distaste for mentally ill people


wow at this statement.


reading on...


Just read this gem of a clause you wrote


> you're not giving this discussion much of a choice but to revolve around you


This is exactly what I planned to do with you (resolve around you) after reading that first paragraph. but you said it first AMIRITE? reddit tactics will not be entertained. i'm taking it you use reddit a lot?


I'm not even going to address the specifics of  your lack of so much attempting to solve the problems I presented. Your solution is to get upset, hope people throw you a pity party and attack me because you are "virtue" signaling in a politically correct way; Reddit behavior. That website should be fined until it's out of business.


Do you have a mental illness? Do people often react to you in a way that let's you know you're not like everyone else, you know what I mean? Have you had a doctor diagnose you with a mental illness? Have you been referred to a doctor for mental assessment? Are you on any medications that alter your mental state? Please share details (I'm querying the forums on how to block you on this site, since I'm not interested in your thoughts/opinions on the original post, so you have until someone let's me know how to respond).


Edited by FullBusinessSuit (see edit history)

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Please keep discourse civil. Attack the idea not the person.

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10 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i mean i straight up saw people advocating for actual violence

There is a difference between coordinated violence and savagery. Not all violence is wrong, for example, there are wars that have been fought for very good reasons, there are vigilantes on the side of the law or even like Robin Hood, or bounty hunters, or what have you. If just the thought of that is scaring you to the point where you are petrified, maybe go take a martial arts or self defense class, and get some violence in you. If you can't even use a bit of violence to defend yourself, I don't know what to say; that's kind of the bare minimum one should go with violence. I'm not a fighter or a violent person, but I'm not frightened to the extent that you appear to be. I think I could use some battle/combat conditioning even to get myself where I need to be.


10 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

seriously am insane or, are some people just straight up deranged

I've yet to dive into the forums here. I see some topics I want to read, but I haven't spent the time to read them yet, so I wouldn't know what people are saying.


10 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

this thread is just beyond fucked up

I mean, you sound like you're from the UK. You guys have full blown internet censorship already there. Are you aware of that? If not, it could be triggering a thought in your mind where you are realizing something is in play that you assumed wouldn't be; censorship. People in USA get paranoid and nervous when someone brings up a topic that they intentionally or unintentionally are unaware of, especially if it affects their life in a big way.


10 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

threads like these just kill the mood for me and they just make me want to just dissapear off the face of the internet

Hey, more power to you. I've largely decreased my internet use the past few years. The internet isn't as good and serendipitous as it used to be. Like you mentioned in your other thread about checking the news, well everyone nowadays thinks they have to get online to be "up to date" (and people will use those exact words), and they get bummed out, like you were saying. There's nothing wrong with taking large amounts of time away from the computer.


10 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

edit: my actual survival instinct is REALLY kicking in all of sudden and my brain is screaming at me to just run away and to never look back,

This does sound quite a bit like an over reaction. I've never quite read something like this before. Perhaps it is paranoia about something you're realizing about your surroundings. I'd be interested in hearing about it, if so. I have done a lot of research about the history of the British Empire, and it sounds like it's fallen quite a ways. So if you have any comments on daily life there (since you don't check the "news"), I'd have a listen.



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17 minutes ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i understand, sorry, but this whole post made me reconsider my life choices as a whole, plus i'm just getting a weird vibe from some of the users who post here and i think i'm just going to avoid them from now on, i don't think i'm mentally that strong to talk to some of them, it just feels... wrong


i don't think i had such a strange reaction though, i mean, i wouldn't feel comfortable being told that, we should trap people away, and it's not like i don't have family members who have to deal with mental illnesses, i'm not affected personally by one thankfully, somehow... but i don't like how people dehumanize them, to me that just feels wrong on so many levels, i just think it's kinda fucked up, beyond what's reasonable


i mean i honestly feel kinda silly for spending any time on the forums now, it just doesn't seem like a good use of my time anymore, even as far as the entertainment value goes, i'd rather just be more productive, or i'd rather just turn my computer off


i'm not really sure if it's worth subjecting myself to people like these, my brain just starts to yell at me, that this stuff is not okay, and i just get really stressed out, to the point where it actually affects me really badly, and i don't want to let the fear control me, but i gotta listen to my mind and to my body, it often warns me about such things, and i'm always on guard, as i need to read whatever signals i'm given


you guys can take my posts for what you will, but i have some genuine concern here


i think this dude is quite honestly messed up, i don't think this is what a nice person should be thinking like... you don't just marginalize an entire group, just because you can't stand them, especially people who have a reason to NOT be ignored, people who NEED help


normal people can't help the ill, only professionals can, but that doesn't mean that, we can just lock them up like animals

that's just cruel man, why would you say these things, i'm not even sure what to say anymore, i've lost my train of thought


i mean yeah i get if people are annoying sometimes, but... ehh, this is going a bit too far, beyond what's ethical, jesus


I wasn't directing that at you, just making a general statement. It seemed to be getting heated in here. Sorry if it came off that way.

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11 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i had this random thought where, i sorta wonder if some of the forum users who post here are actually insane or just a bit coo-coo

You have trouble believing I'm not insane? I thought you were a regular here... ?


Seriously though, @FullBusinessSuit seems like he's gone off the deep end, and needs to come up for air... The chlorine is a bit strong in this water.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Everybody calm down. What I'm saying is already how mentally ill are treated and have been for my entire life. Except now it seems like these people are not kept in institutions, whereas when I was younger, that's where they were kept. And I doubt they can use computers with internet in there. There is nothing wrong with attending to the mentally ill, and RaTcHeT302 already went on to talk about the way in which they're already handled. I don't understand the outrage, and I will continue on the course of inquiring to people how the mentally ill should be dealt with when it comes to the internet.


It's already been suggested by big tech companies' executives that truly insane people should be looked at when it comes to things like allowing them to use twitter, to give their specific example. I'm only mentioning this because I'd like for respondents to avoid unwelcome personal attacks, and I'm presuming that if an authoritative figure has said something like this then that gives the folks who love their authoritative sources an excuse to jump on board. So if you'll join me, let's discuss the handling of the mentally ill online.


1 hour ago, BTGBullseye said:

seems like he's gone off the deep end, and needs to come up for air...

What effect does a mentally ill woman or man have when talking in an online forum or on social media?


What effect does 100 or 1000 mentally ill people have in comparison to just one?


In general, how does one spot a mentally ill woman or man? (already assumed the response that I'm one myself. Please move on to a general answer).

Edited by FullBusinessSuit (see edit history)

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12 hours ago, FullBusinessSuit said:

This is exactly what I planned to do with you (resolve around you) after reading that first paragraph. but you said it first AMIRITE?

Are you five?

12 hours ago, FullBusinessSuit said:

Do you have a mental illness? Do people often react to you in a way that let's you know you're not like everyone else, you know what I mean? Have you had a doctor diagnose you with a mental illness? Have you been referred to a doctor for mental assessment? Are you on any medications that alter your mental state? Please share details

This isn't the way to try and get to know a girl better, sonny


I have a degree, I have a job, I have an apartment, I have no criminal record, I pay my taxes, I get by without assistance... and I am arguing with a stranger over the internet about whether or not I deserve to be locked up so I suppose I can't be completely right in the head, but what specific problem do I cause for which I need to be "handled"? Why should anyone besides you care if you don't like what I have to say?

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Are you aware that about a 1/3 of CEOs in the US are considered psychopaths and who knows how many others are considered having a borderline personality?

47 minutes ago, Mira said:

Are you five?

I think he just actually might be (along with a few others)

Edited by kerdios (see edit history)

Burn the World!

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Whoa, whoa whoa, slow down there cowboy.
Why do the mentally ill have a megaphone? They can use twitter, facebook and forums just like any U.S. President or your grandma..
Why do you write "mentally ill" in big bold letters as if it is something special?
How do you know they are mentally ill in the first place?
Did they tell you so? How do you know their claim is believable?
Please tell me you are an expert in understanding posts so precisely that you can pinpoint their mental issue directly. If so, you should make money out of that and help mend the world. 
How do you know you aren't mentally ill and should be locked up by your own standards?

I am all for a "Not being an arsehole - License". And without you shouldn't be considered a decent human being and thusly not having access to the decent human being club but that's a highly subjective and controversial topic, and as a proud arsehole myself I probably would fail getting that license repeatedly because sometimes it's just the only possible or viable option to be one. 

Edited by Konrad (see edit history)

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If anyone was wondering how Robespierre fell victim to his own guillotine, this thread is where you find your answer. 

"Fleet Intelligence Coming Online"

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Let's talk about the mentally ill having a megaphone to say their nonsense online. How do we deal with this? I for one, wish to have a way to ignore the mentally ill without having to first read and hear their words/thoughts on every single website that they have an account. I'm also a proponent of freedom of speech, and I think any sort of blanket banning tool would too easily be misused by any power hungry employee. Maybe we should simply have these people locked up, and limit their computer use?


Feel free to give your organic response agnostic of what I've said here and then respond to my ideas, as I'd like to hear peoples' thoughts on this, rather than merely a response to what I've said. I'd like this topic to be left as open as possible with the main premise being "the mentally ill and internet usage".




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I...don't really see this "overly negative reviews", that thread author was talking about, so it is really confusing topic. But I will bump it anyway, to shame someone who started it. This looks like a proper reaction.

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