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The Accursed Vices/Rituals thread

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Hey people.


All of us have vices or rituals we do daily, some people hav to chew the food 40 times to feel safe, others have to brush each section of their hair 100 times. Some are addicted to online poker, caffeine, cannabis or other drugs (like ponies). I thought It'd be interesting to share and know our vices or rituals.


Me in personal, when I get back from school on thursdays and wednesdays I have to take another bus that stops a bit farther from my house than the regular one. I buy the exact same ice cream in the exact same place and eat it on the way home and have been doing it since March.


What's yours?

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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I watch daytime Soap Operas and have an addiction to Pizza and fast food

Begone the fools that lead me I need not to know accept reclining spirit I need to endure You try to live a lifetime each and every day In this short time of promise you're a memory

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I play computer games any time I can, even to the exclusion of doing homework.


I'm an audiophile and videophile.


I'm addicted to Cooler Ranch Doritos and Mtn. Dew Livewire. (with another minor addiction to good pizza)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have to play BioShock daily because I really like the shotgun animations.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Computer addiction probably and I used to drink too much soda but I've cut down a lot recently.

half-a-pack a day smoker, i like junk food, and part of my ritual is doing vocal stuff for about 2 hours...don't ask.
Doesn't it seem like a bad combination? Smoking and singing/smoking and living?

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smoking doesn't affect my vocals, and my reasons for doing it belongs in a different topic.


another ritual is i always have to have caffeine when i wake up. or else my day won't end up right.

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I used to play pazaak everyday.

At school I lost my control over my hands and start doodling stuff very often.


I can't do anything without music. When I turning on my PC first; winamp, then everything ekse.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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I can't go a day without singing. It's kinda therapeutic and keeps my spirits ever high.


Had to be said.


For some reason whenever I go to a specific part of the city I HAVE to check this electic control box and see if anything is on there. I don't know why.

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I can honestly say I was not thinking that when I posted. XD


Also, another one which only happens when classes are going, I need to have a foot long sandwich before my classes(doesn't matter from where) or else I just feel empty.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I have to play BioShock daily because I really like the shotgun animations.



Anyway, i check my Youtube/Forums at least 5 times a day. I think is save to say i have an internet addiction. I just REALLY DON'T like seeing those orange orbs next to the forums sections. And i cannot stand knowing that i might have missed a great video when i don't check my Youtube. I always check up multiple times before i go to bed just to be as sure as possible i am not missing any video/post.


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Computer addiction probably and I used to drink too much soda but I've cut down a lot recently.

Good thing too. I had a soda problem and my teeth were fucked to hell, but I got them fixed and have REALLY cut down on soda. The less soda, the better.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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Average day in the life of Rainbow Dash

>Wake up

>>Get on laptop

>>>Check forums

>>>Check youtube

>>>>Check comments

>>Get breakfast

>>Get all that other mornin' sh*t done


>Go to School

>>Quote MLP at every chance I get


>>Make people I hate feel bad about themselves

>>Complain about the maturity issues the students have

>>Facepalm at all the things the students ask in math/biology


>Go home

>>Almost everything from this point is pony related


>Go to sleep


>>>Dream about ponies


>Don't sleep at all





This would have looked much better with folder icons... XD

Also known as "Username"

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- I can spend 3 hours just to find one good track on beatport


- Internet = 70 % of my time in a day


- If I start producing at night, I don't know when to stop.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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>>Quote MLP at every chance I get


Ughh.... I know that pain... :P

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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