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What is your family background?

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We are talking about history of your family here. How much do you know about it? Do you have any famous people in your roots? (We're not talking 500-10000 years ago/common ancestors)


My parents are both Ukrainian, my mother born in Kiev and my father in Melitopol. They resided in Kiev for most of their life though. They are both university graduates and except for my dad being one of the engineers on the biggest aircraft in the world Antonov Mriya were average basically average smart people in the USSR.


Alright so now to the more interesting part.


One of my relatives is Ilyuhin, one of the oldest and most respected communists.


My grandfather's mother and father were apparently Trotskyists or accused of being trotskyists and were shot by Stalin when my grandfather was a child.


One of my relatives I recently found out about after some research (relative through my grand-grandfather other son), died in Penza, he was the communist head of the region and apparently it is suspected putin killed him. I was just about to write to him too.


One of my relatives is suspected to be a russian empire higher rank military person (Officer? General? It's hard to tell through the photo I have) who asked the Czar to marry a polish woman.


After some studying I came to the conclusion that going back 100 years, my relatives were mostly Russian, some zaporizhian cossacks, and some polish.


This would make me around 90% Russkrainian and 10 % Polish ethnicly as far as I know.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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My Mother is half Danish, half British and my Father is British. On my Father's side I am related to Cpt. Cook, the first man to circumnavigate New Zealand that is currently residing on the NZ 50c coin. Another person of interest on my Father's side was a cabin boy aboard the Mayflower, a ship that carried amongst the first Pilgrims to America.


On my Mother's side I am related to Lord Nelson who was a famous naval officer that fought in the Battle of Trafalgar bay, a city in New Zealand is named after him and he has numerous statues of him erected all over England. My Uncle even owns part of the ship that Lord Nelson sailed.

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My dad is from Ohio (raised on a farm) and my mom is from somewhere in the New England area I'm not totally sure her family moved around alot.


I don't know alot about the origin of my dad's family, but my mom's side is very well documented (my grandpa has made it a hobby to find out as much history as he can on his heritage.) We had a few distant relatives that served in the Civil War, but besides that nothing to spectacular. Both family origins come from Scotland.

"Alyxx Thorne: Batman/10"

"HLPrincess: Also, I'm very proud we have Batman Himself on the Forum."

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Both my parents are swedish (different parts of sweden but still swedish).

On my fathers side if you go waaay back, I have a relative who was an admiral in the swedish navy (about 1750) and he is suspected to have a relation to the royal family (marrying someone in the family or something), there is also another ancestor (once again way back) who had a statue raised of him in the netherlands Im not sure what he did. Not much to tell really... I have NO idea whats been happening on my mothers side for the past years...

"Life sucks sober!"

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On my mom's side, I am related to Jesse James (Great-Great-Great Uncle or something). On my dad's side, my grandfather was an officer in the US military during the Korean War and was supposedly in the Bay Of Pigs Invasion. My family on my dad's side also is one of the wealthiest in all of Guam and has power equivalent to the Vice President of the USA if he were to go there (note that the US owns Guam).

Hi Friend.

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im half argentinian / half spanish. the argentinian side is composed by only 2 generations, and before that , its italian. my great grand father, Amadeo da Montone, was supposed to become the Duke of Montone, a fortified, rich village in north italy. the fief belonged to my family since the middle ages. i said he was supposed to become duke because love got in the way. to get the title, Amadeo had to become a priest. however, a young napolitan woman caught his attention. he resigned to the title and married her. then ww1 happened. he had to go and fight. he didn't. as he had a family to feed, he fled to Buenos Aires. his brother went to war, survived and became the official duke.

edit: then Mussolini happened.


on the spanish side, my family was composed by Galician sailors, fishermen and soldiers. my grandfather, Eulogio, and his 9 brothers were part of a regiment during the spanish civil war. they were loyalist. all of them survived the war, and many came to Argentina in 1951. both my dad and grandpa like to tell stories bout those fishing trips. some of em were really interesting (meaning somebody got hurt badly or net broke with enough fish to feed the whole town for a week).

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: You just blow that fife

[82nd] Mr. Kochi Bracegirlde: the 'if ye know what i mean' aside

Hooper: want to give your men a fast reload? BLOW ME FIRST

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Parents on my Dad's side were Mennonites whose heritage comes from Germany, after being persecuted out of Russia at the beginning of the last century. They emigrated to Canada some time in the 1940s.


Parents on my Mom's side were Mennonites whose heritage comes from Prussia, after being persecuted out of Russia at the beginning of the last century. They became missionaries to Brazil and then moved to Canada in the 1960s.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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Are you a mennonite yourself?

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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I know little about my lineage. I just know my dad is part Irish, and one of my many great grandparents (on my mother's side of the family) was German. I also have a rather distinct unibrow, which I believe hints at some Greek/Celtic.


Oh, I'm also supposedly a distant descendant of Robert E. Lee (Confederate Civil War general).

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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My maternal grandfather came from Hamburg, Germany.

My maternal grandmother was born in New York City, United States, and her parents came from Estonia.


My paternal grandfather came from Glasgow, Scotland.

My paternal grandmother was born in the United States, but her lineage takes us as far back as the Mayflower.

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I actually don't know anything about my family(probably because they all life in Germany/Norway). My Mom is German and my Dad is Norwegian, so I guess that's kind of cool but other than that I have nothing exciting to tell :/


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Both my parents come from Poland (northeastern and northwestern parts). I do not know much about my dad's family, however it's possible they have some roots in Czech Republic. The second part of family has roots in Russia when these parts of Europe were still belonging to Poland (or at least I think so). My grandmother (R.I.P.) was actually born in Russia :)

My grandpa (R.I.P.) from my mum's side was an officer serving in AK (Armia Krajowa) Home Army that was the dominant Polish resistance movement in World War II during German occupation of Poland. I don't know much about that tho, grandpa was never talking much about it. I guess war is pretty grose even if they have freed Poland from occupation....

I fell kinda proud of that anyways but I almost don't tell anyone :D I've always disliked history at school :D

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My father was a hamster, and my mother smelt of elderberries!



My ethnic background is Scots/German/English/Irish/Welsh/Polish/Iroquois. And possibly a few other things.


I am distantly related to the VP of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens.


My Scots ancestry can be traced aaaaaaaaaaaall the way back to MacDuff. That's THE MacDuff, of "Lay on, MacDuff" fame, the guy who kills Macbeth at the end of the Scottish Play.


My great-great-great-great-great grandfather helped survey the boundary between Virginia and Pennsylvania, serving under George Washington, and was rewarded for his efforts with three tracts of land in southwest PA, in what is now Fayette County. Some of my family still live there.


Every person with my last name in this half of Pennsylvania is descended from one of his three sons.


My uncle retired as a Colonel after serving in every US conflict from Vietnam to Desert Storm. He worked in Army Intel.


My mother and father are both retired teachers, my father taught high-school chemistry and psychology, my mother taught various grades in Elementary school.


And now, a moment of "Eew" : My mother and father are actually 8th Cousins. (Not first, not second, eighth.)

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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