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I'm fine, sitting in front of my PC doing some research on bridge/high end compact cameras since i can't afford a DSLR...

''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Well, the day went unusually well. Woke up feeling good, work wasn't bad, and my family weren't as big pains in the asses as they usually are. And I'm listening to Bal-Sagoth in the aftermath of watching Mystery Science Theater 3000, that'll make any day complete

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Feeling sick, think I have a cold. Didn't stop me from playing League of Legends all day.


Besides, so much snow half the roads are one lane only, not much else to do.

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I am good. It is a lonely night here. Strange how I stay up for a while every single night only to do absolutely nothing productive or even remotely interesting most of the time. I might as well go to bed to get better and longer sleep instead, right? Well, I don't do that for some reason. Some nights I do have excuses, like watching a TV show or play some Dead Space 2 (the current love of my gaming life), but other nights there is just nothing happening.

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I'm fine. Was asleep until half an hour ago, when the truck with the groceries came by and woke me up... so I decided to check the site and found the forums are up! That's awesome.


I don't seem to be able to reply on any of the News related threads though.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I don't seem to be able to reply on any of the News related threads though.


Yeah, me neither. I think that will only happen the next time a new News thread is opened.

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I'm doing pretty well. I've made it through the week, so I guess I'll take the weekend to study Icelandic, Swedish, and Gothic. The weather is going to be rainy here; there won't be much to do otherwise.

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I am good. It is a lonely night here. Strange how I stay up for a while every single night only to do absolutely nothing productive or even remotely interesting most of the time. I might as well go to bed to get better and longer sleep instead, right? Well, I don't do that for some reason. Some nights I do have excuses, like watching a TV show or play some Dead Space 2 (the current love of my gaming life), but other nights there is just nothing happening.


I get this as well. Sometimes I'll be playing games, but other times I'll just be sitting here at my desk...thinking I should be sleeping, yet for some reason just sitting here...



With regards to myself, I'm fine, it's 11am, and I'm going to be off to University in less than an hour.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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^ oh oh, vampire alert, where is the civil protection when you need them?


on-topic: Very fine, how 'bout you?

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