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Escape From Machinima

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I find this song somewhat fitting for this piece of news.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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If it weren't for Freeman's Mind I'd have never heard of Machinima.com. Here's hoping you find a new network that treats their content creators as well as they deserve to be treated.

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*stares into youtube subscriptions page for Machinima*


AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Unsubbed. So long, Machinima.com. I hardly knew ye. But in all seriousness, I hope things go well with finding a new network to post from, Ross.

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Freeman's mind is the only thing iv've ever watched from Machinima that is worth my time. Good luck to you sir, keep up the great work.

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I'm sorry you had to deal with all that crap Ross, but this was immensely satisfying to read nonetheless. It feels good to see you getting all that off your chest, and I think we can all agree that we're very glad to see that you're leaving Machinima. There are greener, less evil pastures that don't go straight through hell.


I'm just happy that you were able to cut your losses and get out of this in one piece - I've heard really bad stuff about Machinima keeping people shackled with their contracts, and I'm glad you didn't end up in that situation.


Best of luck Ross, and remember, when life gives you lemons, burn life's house down!

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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Ross, I can say that maybe trying to apply for a monetization with The Gamestation since I know alot of people like DasBoSchitt have been made YT Partners through The Game Station and left Machinima.com, if you were only doing Gameplay only with Commentary and were partnered with their Respawn Network i think you would be ok, but I think going with The Gamestation would be a good idea, or try and see if Twitch TV has any type of Monetization on youtube, I would if I were you, but I am not sure what to do in your shoes since I am not wearing them


ADHD version: Try applying for a partnership with The GameStation and twitch TV Ross

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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I had a thought. I know for a fact that Zero Punctuation's Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw is a fan of FM, maybe he could help you get something with The Escapist? At the very least, as a celebrated internet comedian, he could probably help spread the word of your new arrangements. Plus, there's always Minecraft's Notch and friggen Macgyver, so they could help too.

Although I would understand if you don't want to bug them about all of this.

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Yay! We're out of limbo!

Congratulations on getting out in one piece! I was sure Machinima would have hidden a legal trap in there somewhere.

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Hopefully everything will be better now, I wish you the best of luck.


FYI, I was never pissed or blaming you for not releasing new videos and I hope most fans feel the same way ;)

Fool me once: Shame on you. Fool me twice: EVERYONE DIES!!!


si·lence (noun): The sound people make, when everyone trying to kill you is dead.

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It bums me out that it had to be such a nightmare to get to this point but now you can hopefully focus on moving forward. I believe you have some true fans who will stick around. This whole fiasco, I believe, has shown that. You've got lots of well-wishers it seems. I hope things go well. If that means you have to abandon videos, for a while, to provide for yourself that's understandable. I'm subscribed to your forums. I'll watch the videos whenever they get here so whenever you get to them that's fine with me but here's hoping you can find an outlet for your videos that won't screw you over and you can sustain yourself while working on things you love to do. Best of luck!

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


"Does my beard intimidate you?"

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Well, Ross, that was kinda depressing to read, but it's good to know that you're currently unbound and have some promising new roads.

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Incite (had to TinEye.com that one)

Vampiric Tutor



Muddle the Mixture

Matca Rioters


Are you a Magic player, Ross? :¬)

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AFIAK the forum fans don't get pissed at Ross, it's the ig'nant youtubers that demand that others work their asses off for slave wages to deliver free content to them. Retarded YouTube comments are a lot of the reason I joined the Forums.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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:3 can't wait to flood the youtube comments saying that ross has moved... (guess all there is now is to wait to know were he's moving to XD)


also ross your rants are the best. You have a great skill at telling big news in a fashion that's fun to read.

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:3 can't wait to flood the youtube comments saying that ross has moved... (guess all there is now is to wait to know were he's moving to XD)


also ross your rants are the best. You have a great skill at telling big news in a fashion that's fun to read.

Exactly. Those ADHD footnotes are just the best!

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I am happy that Ross was able to retain ownership of freeman's mind and has exited his abusive relationship with Mashinima.

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Machinima seems to be scrambling around lately. Other filmmakers have been leaving one-by-one, given a stricter schedule, or have just been fired. Here's hoping things get better for you.

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Have you tried contacting The Game Station? They have a lot ot different popular gaming channels, and Freeman's Mind might be the jewel in the crown :)


PS Thanks for all the Freeman's Mind episodes, they've kept me running through difficult times.

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It's probably not a realistic option but I would gladly PAY for Freeman's Mind if needed, hell i'd appreciate the chance to help out a guy who has given me so many laughs. I mean .99 an ep would be reasonable for me. Maybe lengthen episodes to 15-20 min and charge 1.99. If it were possible to set a once a month release schedule and a 6.99-7.99 annual subscription fee id throw my money at you. Maybe make a couple "Season ?" DVDs with FM+CP. Monetize were you can man don't let FM or CP die because some shitty company tried to roll you.

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