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KEITH1437:"Sorry for second post, but I have a question. At 1:43 did the person in the background get hit by that black car?"

Ross Scott:"Good eye! You spotted a bug I left in there as an Easter Egg."


He actually gets hit a second time a few seconds later by a car traveling towards the right side of the screen at the intersection. I guess it's not only Dave and Mike having a bad day.

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Cant wait for freemanns mind

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Ah, that was short but sweet. Thank you for a quality episode even though it's REALLY late.

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Houndeye was cool great episode, good job guys.

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THis episode is definitely one of my fav's along with Aliens and Shadow of a Doubt. One thin g I don't like about it though was the houndeye model, it just doesn't like quite like the one from hl1. Other than that, great!.

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nice work there, i luved it! good animation, but it didnt run as smoothly as i thought it would be. but anyways good job and i hope there be an cp to the future...


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That was class. The doughnut shop scene with the music and all cacked me up, and Mike flying into the lamppost was probably the funniest thing I've seen in a machinima; realistic and - above all - painful.


The site's turned out nice too!

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Damn, when I saw the New Episode on my RSS, I thought it meant Freemans mind. Ah Well CP is great.

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Great episode Ross, great work as always . Waiting for FM and more CP

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Seriously man, u are a genius! That was awesome, good work!

I've been a fan of Mike and Dave since Friday, and this episode goes back to that original episode, which is great (altho, I would have to say On A Rail is the best of the lot... makes me wet myself every time I watch it). Nice one fella, and thanks alot!


Also looking forward to the next FM!!!

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By spoilers I meant comments mentioning general things like personality traits and "accidents" which were giving me already some idea about the episode content. I know, it's crazy. Not your fault anyway. ^^''


About the episode itself: OMFG! I mean, this was freaking awesome! So many complicated moves... it had to took some really annoying amount of time and work. Anyway, I really really really like this one. Maybe because it was long time since last one. Or maybe because, there's so much more stuff in it. And the quality... damn, good work!

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Donut shop scene was pure genius. This is the Mos Eisley Cantina for the CP universe.

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Finally, great episode.

But doughnut shops and cars...in c17? Seriously?

Oh well...

Still great episode, now for some fm

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Amazing, I love you Ross Scott.

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Excellent animation Ross, keep up the great work!

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if that is a normal episode, can't wait to see what else is coming. tht was the best CP ever!!!! i really wish i could help out, i not 100% sure on how to use faceposer and hammer. if i could get everthimg set up for facerposer and get hammer working, i would offer my assitance, but until then all i can give is moral support.


Just keep working hard and everythimg will be all right

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These effects and animations are getting better and better. You even remodeled a monster from HL1! Keep it up.

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Such a good episode! it ws definently worth the wait. loved it.

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hey how did you get the houndeye in there i thought that was a cut character only for the beta? Oh and i love the CP episodes keep up the good work.

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