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Bill S.978

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Considering this community was brought together by machinima, this pretty much concerns us.




I think it's messed up to be honest with you. This bill isn't targeted directly at video games, but we fall in the margin.


Basically, if you didn't watch the video, this bill prohibits copyrighted content to be publicly shown on the internet. It is supposed to stop people from watching movies and tv shows on the internet. I agree with that. What I don't agree with is generality of it, as it is too wide. Copyrighted Content can be anything, including video games. the only way to publish it, is with explicit permission from the copyright holder.



Hi Friend.

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Who watches (illegal) streamed movies anyway?

I would prefer to download them in 480p+ instead of some crappy stream that I

have to buffer anyway too.


But the whole system in this world is crap anyway. The small guys get their life

destroyed for tiny things likes this while many celebrities and the 'big guys' never

have to lose anything at all, even thought most of their 'misdoings' could be called

atrocities to mankind.


I guess wealth will always create royalities.

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But how many videogame companies will actually go after people who do that? Take this site for example, does anyone believe Valve would want to take down videos like Freemans Mind and Civil Protection? I have a feeling this wouldn't make much difference since watching a game is nothing like playing it which means you won't lose any sales due to streamed content.

The creator of minecraft just said that if this passes they'll just add a clause to the Terms of Service that allows anyone to stream it. I'd imagine this will be largely ignored for video games.

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Have you guys actually read the bill and not just what gamers on the internet have interpreted it? Because I haven't.


If what they're saying is true, now's one of the great times to be living in Canada. :)

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But how many videogame companies will actually go after people who do that? Take this site for example, does anyone believe Valve would want to take down videos like Freemans Mind and Civil Protection? I have a feeling this wouldn't make much difference since watching a game is nothing like playing it which means you won't lose any sales due to streamed content.

The creator of minecraft just said that if this passes they'll just add a clause to the Terms of Service that allows anyone to stream it. I'd imagine this will be largely ignored for video games.


The problem is that it makes it a government job, not, using your example, Valve's job. They don't pursue you, the government does. And in the minecraft case, not everyone reads the terms of service, so knowing what does and doesn't is hard.

Have you guys actually read the bill and not just what gamers on the internet have interpreted it? Because I haven't.


If what they're saying is true, now's one of the great times to be living in Canada. :)


I have read tidbits of it and heard what a lawyer had to say about it, so I know a little. I'm fine with this bill if they revise it to say everything copyrighted but interactive mediums.

Hi Friend.

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However the terms of service that cover content made with the Source Engine and Unreal3 Engine permit the sort of thing that's discussed, which is why Machinima is still in business and not in a big legal battle.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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The problem is that it makes it a government job, not, using your example, Valve's job. They don't pursue you, the government does. And in the minecraft case, not everyone reads the terms of service, so knowing what does and doesn't is hard.


Doesn't matter if no one reads it, as long as companies include such clauses no one can be persecuted for streaming their games. Considering how streaming is no where near actually playing the game (unlike moivies and TV-show where streaming takes away incentives to pay for them/watch them on TV) most companies would probably put it in just for the potential free advertisements that let's plays and such are.

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By far, U.S.A is retarded. No offense to anyone who lives there but by golly the Bill is going lower the advertisement of games for the companies... Not to mention shut down Let's Players, Guides, Funny Comedic Machinima and anything else related to gaming. If this passes I will personal head to the U.S.A to riot!

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On the other hand, here in europe (to be exact germany) I can't watch half of

the youtube videos anyway because of some copyright.


'This video is not available in your country. Sorry.'

Yeah, you me too youtube.


Well, if bill blabla gets through it probably ends in quite the same. The videos

might still be uploadable on youtube, but US viewers will not be able to watch

them. Nor will I since I mostly use a US proxy to watch videos blocked here. :?

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Luckily in Ukraine we have vkontakte which has even more videos than youtube and are all available, and the largest collection of music.... :P


Actually although it's a post soviet era based site, I've seen a lot of westerners sign up just because of that problem you are talking about.


And actually I like it, it's not flooded with 10 year olds from the USA or embarrasing russian guys who can't speak english and flame war everyone like on youtube.

All the comments are appropriate and decent. You could even talk about politics normally for once for all I care.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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By far, U.S.A is retarded. No offense to anyone who lives there but by golly the Bill is going lower the advertisement of games for the companies... Not to mention shut down Let's Players, Guides, Funny Comedic Machinima and anything else related to gaming. If this passes I will personal head to the U.S.A to riot!

1. Only the US citizens will be affected.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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By far, U.S.A is retarded. No offense to anyone who lives there but by golly the Bill is going lower the advertisement of games for the companies... Not to mention shut down Let's Players, Guides, Funny Comedic Machinima and anything else related to gaming. If this passes I will personal head to the U.S.A to riot!

1. Only the US citizens will be affected.


And US videos.

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If this bill kills Red Vs Blue or Freeman's Mind, I will blow up those responsible.


Also, vkontakte is a little notorious for something that isn't to be discussed on this site.


Also... dammit, why can't Anonymous attack WMG for being the cancer that is killing YouTube? Do something useful for once!

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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If this bill kills Red Vs Blue or Freeman's Mind, I will blow up those responsible.


Also, vkontakte is a little notorious for something that isn't to be discussed on this site.


Also... dammit, why can't Anonymous attack WMG for being the cancer that is killing YouTube? Do something useful for once!

The problem is that it's notorious for a wrong reason, not many people know that it isn't just a facebook copycat :)...


I had facebook too, but everyone just kept adding me and I found that pretty gay, and I am so fucking tired of those MORONIC status updates it's no joke..

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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By far, U.S.A is retarded. No offense to anyone who lives there but by golly the Bill is going lower the advertisement of games for the companies... Not to mention shut down Let's Players, Guides, Funny Comedic Machinima and anything else related to gaming. If this passes I will personal head to the U.S.A to riot!

1. Only the US citizens will be affected.


And US videos.

If that wasn't true, I doubt this thread would have a Ukrainian, a German, a Kiwi (if I'm allowed to call you that :? ) and two (now three) Canadians talking about a US bill.

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If this bill kills Red Vs Blue or Freeman's Mind, I will blow up those responsible.


Also, vkontakte is a little notorious for something that isn't to be discussed on this site.


Also... dammit, why can't Anonymous attack WMG for being the cancer that is killing YouTube? Do something useful for once!

The problem is that it's notorious for a wrong reason, not many people know that it isn't just a facebook copycat :)...


I had facebook too, but everyone just kept adding me and I found that pretty gay, and I am so fucking tired of those MORONIC status updates it's no joke..


Not what I meant. The first time I ever heard the word "vkontatke" it was in connection with a criminal investigation concerning certain adult materials that did not star adults.

He just kept talking and talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic...

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Yeah.... I remember those times..... :P I can assure you there is not much porn left on vkontakte.

"When a son is born, the father will go up to the newborn baby, sword in hand; throwing it down, he says, "I shall not leave you with any property: You have only what you can provide with this weapon."

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This isn't going to go through, why would this and not the ACTA?

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It probably wont pass, it is a good idea, but the wording is too broad, they need to revise it.


Why are so many people bashing the US?

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