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New 'Mind' idea, feedback anyone?

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I, like many, have been inspired by Freeman's Mind and now wish to create my own. I first considered doing another FM, call it 'Gordon's Thoughts' or some BS like that. However I am now considering trying a completely different game with a completely different take, namely Halo: Combat Evolved. The grand events of the game will unfold through the narration of one very confused super soldier as Carl tries desperately to figure out how he got in this weird armor and why he's fighting aliens, and of course the mystery of what the hell he did last night.


Feedback anyone? Does this have a germ of hope in it, or does it sound doomed to be lost in the annals of youtube?

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There are quite many 'minds' nowadays but only few have at least glimpses of something original (except FM which is the bestest of all)!. You need to be good! Original, amusing, independent, funny and dramatic enough when needed.


CAN YOU MAKE IT? :shock:

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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I thought of making a Nukem's mind...


I did too, probably around when Freeman's Mind first started. I even contacted Ross Scott about my idea, but we both realized that Nukem already litters the ambience with his own series of one-liners to break the silence, and it's kind of difficult to top the original Duke Nukem at his own game.


It's hard to come across a good Duke Nukem impersonation that's not inherently cliched or half-hearted.

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While I'd like to see Master Chief think nothing his supersoldier exterior, I think Halo may be too combat heavy. One of the best things about Freeman's mind is that Ross is using a game which has perfect pacing between action sequences that allows for different ramblings. I also think a game with strong atmosphere is probably the best option. I'd like to see a horror game mind such as F.E.A.R or deadspace 1 mind series. Both also have silent protagonists

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I'd like to see a horror game mind such as F.E.A.R or deadspace 1 mind series. Both also have silent protagonists

Look up The Point Man's Mind by Triox45, it's really good.

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I'd like to see a horror game mind such as F.E.A.R or deadspace 1 mind series. Both also have silent protagonists

Look up The Point Man's Mind by Triox45, it's really good.

Well so much for my super original idea. I've seen a few episodes now. It seems to be getting better

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I had a mind series in Quake 2 for a few months that was apart of my dark checkered past.

R.I.P Stephen "Anti-Social Fatman" Bray


"In the meantime, the sun will be rising. You will know all, and I will not feel this dread any longer."

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I had a mind series in Quake 2 for a few months that was apart of my dark checkered past.

You also had another one, but we won't talk about that.

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Meh, Halo sounds like a bad concept, I mean Chief already has a voice and name, not to mention there's no quiet moments really, most mind series kind of just rip off freeman's personality only not funny, but if you can make it good then kudos to you dear boy! And the Point Man's mind isn't really in my top ten, I mean the guy making it is pretty good, but the game itself consists of the same environments and encounters throughout most of the game so he doesn't get much to work with.

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Why not do a mind of yourself in a game like Fallout 3 or New Vegas. That way, you can truly be yourself?


Or do older games. All I can think of:

Hacker's Mind (System Shock 2)


Whatever isn't already taken.

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Meh, Mind series are becoming too mainstream...

Hipster. I despise hipsters, because they're becoming too mainstream.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I kinda agree with you Raou (even though 'mainstream' is not the word I'd use) some games are just better left without a mind series. Especially Halo, I do not want to see a serious Halo mind series, I don't care how good it is.


Also, I've said the same thing somewhere else but, fuck mainstream and hipsters, I'll like any damn thing I want.



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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But liking what you like is tautology! And tautology is TAUTOLOGY for crying out loud. I swear, the things that are ruining this country are what's ruining this country.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.


I'm quite good at genetics as a subset of biology, because I am an expert which I know is a TAUTOLOGYYY.


My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a sciientist Saalaariiiaaaaaan...""



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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I had a mind series in Quake 2 for a few months that was apart of my dark checkered past.

You also had another one, but we won't talk about that.

Ok, now I'm interested. What was it, a Leisure Suit Larry kind of deal?

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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But liking what you like is tautology! And tautology is TAUTOLOGY for crying out loud. I swear, the things that are ruining this country are what's ruining this country.


"I like what I like" may be tautology in a literal interpretation of language, but in context it's useful to illustrate the contrast between that viewpoint and less independent, more derivative ones.

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