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Epic Games going back to the PC?

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I thought Epic were the guys who used to be the go-to PC developer until Gears of War happened and they just completely blew off the PC.

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Well, Gears is done and Unreal hasn't been touched in a while, makes sense.

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In terms of where their money comes from, Epic is a game engine company more than it's a game developer. The mountains of money they make licensing Unreal allows for them to have more freedom when designing a game. If they want to make a PC exclusive title, unlike other developers they can afford to make it even though it will make less money. A game developer who's money comes solely from the games it creates would be quicker to jump on the multiplatform bandwagon as it's the safest bet to make a profit.

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Epic Games going back to the PC?


Before that can be taken seriously they need to kick the insufferable prick CliffyB "CliffyB" CliffyB out the door head first with a red mark on his butt. Didn't they "go back to the PC" with Bulletstorm? That game was supposed to be their return to form but what did the PC platform get? A GfWL crippled game with encrypted config files and could only dream about a demo while the other two release platforms got one with no fuss. Formerly PCF did a good job with the game itself though.


Epic Games are only a shadow of what they used to be. They will never create such masterpieces as Unreal or Unreal Tournament ever again, nor (Do I dare say it?) Jazz Jackrabbit 1/2, those days are gone. Personally I hope they will not make an Unreal 3 just to spare the original Unreal 1 its soul and dignity (Yes, I pretend Unreal 2 never happened.).

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Isn't there already an Unreal 3?


Edit: Scrap that, I was thinking of Unreal Tournament, herpaderpelton.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)


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Unreal 2 is like Quake 2 in that their only connection with the predecessor is the name. The only difference is that Quake 2 is actually a good game.

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I like the art style of the game, and the music, but generally I didn't care much for the gameplay.


Is there actually a game you dislike, by the way? You seem to like everything you review.

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Epic Games going back to the PC?


Before that can be taken seriously they need to kick the insufferable prick CliffyB "CliffyB" CliffyB out the door head first with a red mark on his butt. Didn't they "go back to the PC" with Bulletstorm? That game was supposed to be their return to form but what did the PC platform get? A GfWL crippled game with encrypted config files and could only dream about a demo while the other two release platforms got one with no fuss. Formerly PCF did a good job with the game itself though.


Epic Games are only a shadow of what they used to be. They will never create such masterpieces as Unreal or Unreal Tournament ever again, nor (Do I dare say it?) Jazz Jackrabbit 1/2, those days are gone. Personally I hope they will not make an Unreal 3 just to spare the original Unreal 1 its soul and dignity (Yes, I pretend Unreal 2 never happened.).


I agree that CliffyB is a gigantic moron, but unlike Bulletstorm this is PC exclusive. I'm expecting either a F2P UT or a beautiful tech demo game.

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People Can Fly is owned by Epic Games now (I don't even think they still exist under that name.). Publishers actually can have a huge say in how a game turns out, because, you know, they're paying for it.


Epic are primarily technology providers nowadays. They have been milking the same 2 franchises for many years now. They're not as bad as Team 17 but they're making progress.

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To be fair the last Quake engine (iD Tech 3) is from 1999, the engine powering Quake 4 is only a mildly modified Doom 3 engine (iD Tech 4). So for a long ass time Epic have been selling the fairly powerful and modern Unreal Engine 3 while iD Software didn't have a serious competitor up for licensing until 7-8 years (!!!) after their last big engine revision.


I don't think iD Tech 5 will take off, personally. Especially after the chaos surrounding Rage's first days after release. Epic Games is the new driver of the game engine bandwagon.

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RAGE is the least PC friendly engine I've ever seen in my life. When I first booted up the game, I had missing textures, framerate of about 5 FPS (when they promised 60), and everything looked like shit.


Though the patch they released thankfully fixed these problems, I don't see how they can ever redeem that. A lot of PC gamers still have problems playing RAGE.

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To be fair the last Quake engine (iD Tech 3) is from 1999, the engine powering Quake 4 is only a mildly modified Doom 3 engine (iD Tech 4). So for a long ass time Epic have been selling the fairly powerful and modern Unreal Engine 3 while iD Software didn't have a serious competitor up for licensing until 7-8 years (!!!) after their last big engine revision.


I don't think iD Tech 5 will take off, personally. Especially after the chaos surrounding Rage's first days after release. Epic Games is the new driver of the game engine bandwagon.


I'm pretty sure only Zenimax studios are allowed to use iD Tech 5.

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