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I have a broken tooth that is finally going through the nerve death throes... It's really incredibly painful when pressure is applied to the break location, (in between the 1st and 2nd molars on the top right, the broken one is the 1st molar) and pushes the teeth apart. Lights up the entire side of my face in pain that feels like a cross between a frozen tooth, and a jaw cramp on an epic scale. (fortunately it is totally painless the rest of the time, and I have lots of pain meds at my disposal until I get up the nerve to go to the dentist)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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last few days, i've had stomach aches (caused by virus). Now, these aint strong (nowhere near strong sector from those i felt) and during daytime it usually gives way, but when i sleep, it starts to hurt enough for it to disturb my sleep. I mean i can sleep and sleep well, but nowhere near as well as usual due to pain

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Went to grab door handle earlier today, somehow managed to get splinter right under my nail (no idea how, as door was smooth)

Just managed to get it out and damn, it hurts like hell

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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@Judas: Hope your tooth gets better. :( I absolutely hate tooth aches...

@Alyxx: Glad to see that it's slowly working out for you! ^_^

@BTG: I hope your tooth gets better too. XP You should go to the dentist though. I HATE dentists, but I go if I have something wrong with my teeth. The 2 hours of the Dentist's constant; "Why don't you do this enough?" "Why aren't you doing this?" is worth it to get rid of the pain...

@Meelis: Oh dear! Hope your stomach is better by now. And eesh, I hate splinters. Luckily I haven't had one in years. X3


OT: My throat is kinda sore... dunno why. I might be getting some sort of cold because my nose is playing up too. I kinda hope not. This is my 4 day weekend and I want it to feel GOOD. Not full of sickness. XD

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Jeb, you better not get case of Murphy's law here!

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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@BTG: I hope your tooth gets better too. XP You should go to the dentist though. I HATE dentists, but I go if I have something wrong with my teeth. The 2 hours of the Dentist's constant; "Why don't you do this enough?" "Why aren't you doing this?" is worth it to get rid of the pain...

I've done 3 other root deaths already before... They only hurt for a few weeks, then they're totally painless forever more. It's like getting a root canal, except a lot less painful, and no dentist bills. Also, this one is done for now as well, so I've killed 4 roots with less pain than a dentist would cause. (and they all would need it anyways)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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You must have had bad dentists then. I had a root canal on an inflamed nerve and I felt nothing after the numbing. It was only bad because it was boring. 4 hours in the chair with my numb jaw getting tugged on.

Retired Forum Moderator

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@Meelis: Nah, I'm good. :P

@MrKittyCat: Oh, dear... XD I feel so sorry for you. RIP OJ.


OT: I was eating an icypole and got my tongue stuck on it. Cause... that's just something I'd have happen to me. XD After wrestling with an icy-pole, FINALLY got it off, now my tongue feels like... not a tongue anymore. X3 It hurts. >-<

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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@Meelis: Nah, I'm good. :P

@MrKittyCat: Oh, dear... XD I feel so sorry for you. RIP OJ.


OT: I was eating an icypole and got my tongue stuck on it. Cause... that's just something I'd have happen to me. XD After wrestling with an icy-pole, FINALLY got it off, now my tongue feels like... not a tongue anymore. X3 It hurts. >-<

geesh, you aussies -.-

sounds like common activity for kids here in winter time. Gets below freezing, stick tongue to metal pole. You will yank piece of your tongue off

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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sounds like common activity for kids here in winter time. Gets below freezing, stick tongue to metal pole. You will yank piece of your tongue off

Likening that to an activity is worrying.


OT: lightly related to yanking a piece of your tongue off, I have a sore on my lip that's been there for over 2 weeks because every time it seems to get close to healing, it keeps getting bitten while eating, and cut fresh open. T_T

Retired Forum Moderator

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I had some kind of bone swelling on my wrist for a few days.Good thing it went away.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I have this horrible carpet burn on my toe and I know it's not infected but it's still getting worse

the name's riley

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My tooth aches and I don't know why. >.< And I hate dentists...

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I lost my voice a few weeks back, through pushing it too hard while having a clogged throat from the end of a cold. Did a gig and I tried a deep "Oi!" and I felt my vocal chords slap against each other. We had another gig the next day and I couldn't sing, which was a problem as I'm the main backup singer in the band.


I'm all good now, but fuck if I'm ever risking that again.


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I dunno if I slept on my hand funny or what, but right now I can't rotate my wrist without it locking up, hurting like hell, and then my fingers going cold.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I dunno if I slept on my hand funny or what, but right now I can't rotate my wrist without it locking up, hurting like hell, and then my fingers going cold.

Use your other hand to pull out on your wrist while relaxing the hurt arm's muscles, and then gradually turn it with the hand you're using to pull the injured hand. You should get a few pops or cracks, and a small amount of pain, but it should result in a much less painful normal operation of the limb.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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For about a week now I've been feeling really weak, trembly, having occasional fever and just feeling really crap to be honest.

It happened about 3 days after I quit my blood pressure meds that I've been on for about a year so whether it is some kind of reaction to that or not, I'm not sure.

Have gotten checked up and done some blood tests. Everything's fine and I don't have any infection so I'm not quite sure what's wrong with me.

In either case, I am slowly getting better so let's hope it's not gonna last for much longer...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

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I have pins and needles in my foot right now and holy fuck, just kill me now. XD Amputate it!! Oh my GOSH, it feels like my foot is being eaten by 500 tiny kittens. FUCK

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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