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Heartily recommended, one of the best walking sim I ever tried. Great atmosphere, creative "levels" and a story that manages to always stay interesting.

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This game is very short, just so you know. I highly recommend waiting for it to go on sale, because asking 20 dollars for a game that can be beat in 2 hours is a hard sell for me. 


That being said, it's fun, and there are some really poignant moments. One of the later stories you play through is probably one of the most relateable things I have ever played through in a video game, and hit really close to home for me. I'm sure most people would know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

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On 8/2/2019 at 1:30 AM, MeowlordKing said:

This game is very short, just so you know. I highly recommend waiting for it to go on sale, because asking 20 dollars for a game that can be beat in 2 hours is a hard sell for me. 

Definitely agree there. I do think there's some replay value to pick up on details and clues you might have missed. Personally, I've played it several times and it's always been great. I think most Ross fans know if they're the kind of person this game will click with. I'm definitely one of those people.

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I can certainly recommend this game. For me, It's got a great and interesting story and I dig the art direction. It is quite short; I beat the game in about 2 hours, but there is some replay-ability in this game, since there are details you'll likely miss the first time around. 

BJ! We need you defending us with the MG42!

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I haven't played the game so I can't comment on it personally but I did watch a review of it that said it was a great walking sim/first-person narrative experience (that's a mouthful).  Without delving into spoilers, one of the stories the reviewer talked about looked very interesting, especially with how the gameplay and the visuals connected to it.

1 hour ago, TheMG42 said:

I can certainly recommend this game. For me, It's got a great and interesting story and I dig the art direction. It is quite short; I beat the game in about 2 hours, but there is some replay-ability in this game, since there are details you'll likely miss the first time around. 

I just want to chime in and say your avatar and name combo is incredible.

I was a North American Fall Webworm in my past life. Those were the good old days... What were you in your former life?

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I wouldn't say this is, by any means, one of the best video-games I've ever played, but it's certainly one of the best experiences I've had in my entire life. The story was told incredibly well, and full of mystery. You feel empathy for characters you don't even see in-game but are only told about through narration, flashback audio, and seeing the state of their bedrooms before they died. Very sad, very emotional, but very beautiful all the same. Absolutely required playing.

Edited by Rezalon (see edit history)

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I would recommend watching Joseph Andersson's review about who the real villain of this story is

Burn the World!

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6 hours ago, RaTcHeT302 said:

i honestly found his reviews to be really dry and kinda boring, [...] wanted to get this off my mind mostly

To each his own I guess, I personally prefer his calm and deep approach (bringing evidence to his claims rather than just stating, kinda like ross does) to review over the "angry joe" kind of review or the ign snazzy happy go lucky form of reviews. His analysis of dark souls game mechanics for instance made me look at the game in a new light, especially after seeing the video about the "philosophy of dark souls" from a different author.

Edited by kerdios (see edit history)

Burn the World!

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This one is great for an afternoon or a couple of evenings. There isnt much gameplay in it but the house you walk around is very well detailed and you wont feel cheated out of your time. you will be told an interesting story.

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I'm not sure if this is something Ross would enjoy (I'm going to guess he will either be disappointed by the lack of payoff to the supposed supernatural elements or be worn down by the emotional family drama) but I found this a really wonderful experience myself, with a consistently interesting story, a great atmosphere and truly sublime visuals and art direction. My only problem is that the mouse-and-keyboard controls felt really counter-intuitive but that's honestly a very minor issue for a game like this. This would absolutely get a "fantastic" rating from me.

Edited by Mira (see edit history)

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Not a fun of this genre, but that one really got me. 100% worth playing for everyone.

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