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That's what I had in mind. I thought as much as well. Well as long as Machinima can't lay claim to the rights to Ross Scott's portrayal of Gordon Freeman, which, as ridiculous as it sounds is sadly possible in our world.

Ooh, even better, Ross could do let's plays featuring Mike and Dave.

It'd be nice to see them again, plus, I think they would work together well.

It might be more annoying getting the other voice actor, though...

I HAVE to blow everything up! It's the only way to prove I'm not CRAZY!

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Or to continue Freeman's Mind in the face of a worst case Machinima lawyer ninja attack, rename it to something slightly different, Freeman's Mi-ental Ponderings? Put all the already done videos as an episode one on extreme fast forward in like 5 min and just continue on normally from there.

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To be honest since i can't donate(too damn young) i'd be willing to watch like a 5 sec gif posted by Ross like it and do that every day just so Ross could earn some of that sweat sweat Youtube money but yeah i advise making FM type of commentations where you yourself are in the shoes or suit or whatnot of the silent protagonist like the Bioshocks 1 and 2 name it Daddies mind(in the case of BS2) havent played 1st one but i think hes mute there as well.

And the other thing should i post more theories about why Machinima isn't working things out with Ross?

I fell into a pit I can't get out of. Now in order to survive I've turned in to Pacman and I'm eating old Mentos. Keep dropping em on the ground kids!

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To be honest since i can't donate(too damn young) i'd be willing to watch like a 5 sec gif posted by Ross like it and do that every day just so Ross could earn some of that sweat sweat Youtube money but yeah i advise making FM type of commentations where you yourself are in the shoes or suit or whatnot of the silent protagonist like the Bioshocks 1 and 2 name it Daddies mind(in the case of BS2) havent played 1st one but i think hes mute there as well.

And the other thing should i post more theories about why Machinima isn't working things out with Ross?


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To be honest since i can't donate(too damn young) i'd be willing to watch like a 5 sec gif posted by Ross like it and do that every day just so Ross could earn some of that sweat sweat Youtube money but yeah i advise making FM type of commentations where you yourself are in the shoes or suit or whatnot of the silent protagonist like the Bioshocks 1 and 2 name it Daddies mind(in the case of BS2) havent played 1st one but i think hes mute there as well.

And the other thing should i post more theories about why Machinima isn't working things out with Ross?


I like the idea of a bioshock ... (bioshock 2 would be more interesting... mostly because I love big daddies... but also because the enemies are more interesting) Or Systemshock 2 (bioshock's lost brother! Which I almost want to see more since I haven't played the game in years...)


and ya... a temporary sort of run through of it, or if you don't want to get over your head in the project just random clips (small projects always seem to suddenly balloon out and become main projects) Would be cool.


of course if your busy in RL Ross Then you should focus on reality rather than entertaining us ^^;


EDIT: gah english is not my first language this late at night.


V also you below me that's silly cuz he would loose all of the fans he struggled so long to make...

think of the poor uneducated people on youtube that complain everyday that Ross hasn't made another video.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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Dear Ross.

I'm being curious here.


Do machinima have some sort of 'binding' contract (possibly an expired one?) claiming IP (intellectual property) of you, your youtube account(s) or your portrayal of Gordon Freeman?.


If they do.

1. Create a new Youtube Account under another username, careful not to link it with any existing info.

2. Link adsense (that's what i heard was done) to the account in your girlfriend's name.

3. Make let's plays of games you love, fuck. revisit sonic if you have to.

4. Fallout 3/NV?


Also, in full honesty, if i had some leftover wingwangs i'd be more than happy to upload say, 50 or 100 bucks your way for the hours of entertainment, and of course, just, being a part of your work :) (le civil protection christmas special)

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Ugh, I might be revealing more than I should, but here's what's happening:



I've contacted guywiththeglasses and it sounds promising, but I'm still waiting back on some sort of confirmation from them before they can make an official offer. This has been happening about a week and a half now.


I've told Machinima.com I'm leaving because of the contract terms. They've decided to come back with one more offer which they haven't revealed yet.


I'm working on a side project that might be able to help earn money a few months down the road.


I've been applying for jobs, but haven't had any luck.


I'm still kind of desperate, still frustrated. If anyone has more ideas on what to do, you can keep posting.

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Temporarily, you might be able to apply for temporary jobs doing oustandingly amazing things like filing.

Ross, if you do this, please rant about it and film it. Also, I know you're a perfectionist about your videos, but honestly I wouldn't mind some funny filler content. Just some food for thought, I know this isn't the more important thing right now.

I have the perfect comeback. A Spaz-12.

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I've contacted guywiththeglasses and it sounds promising, but I'm still waiting back on some sort of confirmation from them before they can make an official offer. This has been happening about a week and a half now.

Guywiththeglasses sounds like a fairly nice person, is this perhaps someone we heard about before? ;)

I've told Machinima.com I'm leaving because of the contract terms. They've decided to come back with one more offer which they haven't revealed yet.


In retrospect, you probably should have kicked them to the curb a while ago. But even still, good on you. You are the best Half-life2 machinima creator ever, you deserve better than them.

I'm still kind of desperate, still frustrated. If anyone has more ideas on what to do, you can keep posting.

If Guywiththeglasses' deal is better than anything Machinima.com is trying to cobble together than it probably would be best to go with him.




ᛞᛂᛂᛔ ᛁᚿ ᛏᚼᛂ ᚼᛆᛚᛚᛋ ᚫᚠ ᛑᛆᚡᚿ ᛏᚼᛂ ᛋᚢᚿᚴᛂᚿ ᚫᚿᛂ ᚡᛆᛏᛍᚼᛂᛋ ᛏᚼᛂ ᚡᚫᚱᛚᛑ ᛆᛒᚫᚡᛂ ᛆᚿᛑ ᚡᛆᛁᛏᛋ: ᛔᚱᛆᚤ ᚼᛂ ᛑᚫᛂᛋ ᚿᚫᛏ ᛋᛂᛂ ᚤᚫᚢ:

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Technically speaking, the correct spelling is "thatguywiththeglasses". His name is Doug Walker and he goes by that name and by his characters' names (Nostalgia Critic, Chester A. Bum, etc). Easier to type Doug Walker, though. ;) Doug along with his brother Rob are responsible, in part, for the website.

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Ideas... hmmm.


Maybe play some games that have flagrant abuses of physics as Gordon Freeman. Singularity might be good, a bioshock title, ... others. Though as a physicist (in-training) I'm not sure how well I could point out all the many many abuses myself. In any case, I would put forth as a supposition that you're a lot more entertaining than some of the other 'lets play' commentators with millions upon millions of subs and would do well in any game. If you can make the endless corridors of HL entertaining to watch, I don't think there is a limit.

That actually sounds like a great idea! You could have Freeman be playing the games with the timeline being either before the Half Life games or in between the first and second, but wither way this sounds like it would be hilarious. It kinda reminds me of the Two Saiyans Play series Team Four Star is doing (Lanipator and Takahata play games staying in character as Vegeta and Nappa the whole time and its hysterical). This has a ton of potential and it could definitely be used to tie Freeman's character into recent, and therefore able to advertise, games. Anyone else agree?

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Honestly, I think having you leave Machinima might be the best thing you ever did, my brother. They jerked you around for years.. And delayed your videos several times, i might add.


I love how as soon as you pulled your "I'm leaving, dipshits" card, they immediately clamored to give you an offer.

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Ideas... hmmm.


Maybe play some games that have flagrant abuses of physics as Gordon Freeman. Singularity might be good, a bioshock title, ... others. Though as a physicist (in-training) I'm not sure how well I could point out all the many many abuses myself. In any case, I would put forth as a supposition that you're a lot more entertaining than some of the other 'lets play' commentators with millions upon millions of subs and would do well in any game. If you can make the endless corridors of HL entertaining to watch, I don't think there is a limit.

That actually sounds like a great idea! You could have Freeman be playing the games with the timeline being either before the Half Life games or in between the first and second, but wither way this sounds like it would be hilarious. It kinda reminds me of the Two Saiyans Play series Team Four Star is doing (Lanipator and Takahata play games staying in character as Vegeta and Nappa the whole time and its hysterical). This has a ton of potential and it could definitely be used to tie Freeman's character into recent, and therefore able to advertise, games. Anyone else agree?

Yes, that would be awesome indeed. And he could do other characters as well. look how great the Doom guy was. And as the money is a issue here, Ross could use free games. They are very good now and it wouldn't matter much because the important part is his narration, like Cr1TiKaL do.

Oh, and a special attention on promoting the channel is essential. facebook, twitter, tumblr.. your nana, smoke signals, everything.

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Ross could you post a picture of Freemans suit with your head? Really curious to see how you look.

I fell into a pit I can't get out of. Now in order to survive I've turned in to Pacman and I'm eating old Mentos. Keep dropping em on the ground kids!

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Ugh, I might be revealing more than I should, but here's what's happening:



I've contacted guywiththeglasses and it sounds promising, but I'm still waiting back on some sort of confirmation from them before they can make an official offer. This has been happening about a week and a half now.


I've told Machinima.com I'm leaving because of the contract terms. They've decided to come back with one more offer which they haven't revealed yet.


I'm working on a side project that might be able to help earn money a few months down the road.


I've been applying for jobs, but haven't had any luck.


I'm still kind of desperate, still frustrated. If anyone has more ideas on what to do, you can keep posting.


I'm so excited to hear more news about ThatGuyWithTheGlass :3 I can't wait until everything is finally settled!!

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Thatguy eh? Sounds good, I dont believe he is known for being an insufferable douchebag :P

1 fear though, If you had your videos on his site, would enough people watch them?

Honestly, whenever I watch something on that site I never watch anything besides NC, that will change if you get your videos up there though :P

You could possably lose alot of your Machinma fanbase that have no idea about this site or forums and they would have to be constantly reminded and I doubt you would get a massive fanbase growing from thatguy...

Feel free to disagree with my, its just my 2 cents.

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Thatguy eh? Sounds good, I dont believe he is known for being an insufferable douchebag :P

1 fear though, If you had your videos on his site, would enough people watch them?

Honestly, whenever I watch something on that site I never watch anything besides NC, that will change if you get your videos up there though :P

You could possably lose alot of your Machinma fanbase that have no idea about this site or forums and they would have to be constantly reminded and I doubt you would get a massive fanbase growing from thatguy...

Feel free to disagree with my, its just my 2 cents.


Machinima fanbase?!


Dude it's mostly from youtube, on Machinima's channel, sure, but usually people watch it -from- youtube.

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