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Your favorite game villain?

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If Nintendo had kept their quality up I might've continued to give them money, but as it is... I'll get one of the new PSP's instead, use one of the various hackware firmwares that are out there, and do all those games on a decent game system that's actually worth it's pricetag.

So you, who haven't even played this system yet for yourself or even seen the game can already say it's not worth the money? So you have psychic powers? Wow...

I've seen the whitesheets for the hardware they use.

And you can base your statement exclusively on the hardware without even playing one of the games and see how well the games utilize the hardware?

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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So you, who haven't even played this system yet for yourself or even seen the game can already say it's not worth the money? So you have psychic powers? Wow...

I've seen the whitesheets for the hardware they use.

And you can base your statement exclusively on the hardware without even playing one of the games and see how well the games utilize the hardware?

Hardware limitations do exist, if the hardware sucks, I don't pay the company for 20 times it's value. (despite any games it may have, since there will inevitably be an emulator for it in the near future)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Yes, but hardware limitations do not automatically mean the games suck. It all depends on how well they utilize the hardware.

I don't care about the games if they charge 20 times the value of the hardware.


I'll wait for an emulator instead of buying into a ripoff.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Well, it's your choice. I want to buy it just so I can play Starfox 64 on the go.

Can do that already with a PSP emulator... Hence why I mentioned it earlier. (the PSP has excellent hardware for it's price)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Emulators can never beat the real thing in my opinion. Only... well, emulate it.

You should try them before you condemn them... Most can perform Anti-Aliasing on those old N64 games while emulating them perfectly otherwise, and that I would definitely consider beating the original.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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We seem to be deviating from the topic of video game villains, people. Lets stick to the topic.


I don't believe Dr Foetus has been mentioned yet, the villain from the Meat Boy games, kidnapper of Bandage Girl and whatnot.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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We seem to be deviating from the topic of video game villains, people. Lets stick to the topic.


I don't believe Dr Foetus has been mentioned yet, the villain from the Meat Boy games, kidnapper of Bandage Girl and whatnot.

Wow, lol, I misread that as "Bondage Girl"...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I found Nihilanth to be an excruciatingly boring end boss, and in my opinion he can not be called a villain.


yup, no arguement from me

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We seem to be deviating from the topic of video game villains, people. Lets stick to the topic.


I don't believe Dr Foetus has been mentioned yet, the villain from the Meat Boy games, kidnapper of Bandage Girl and whatnot.


As soon as I saw Foetus I just WTF'd

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If Nintendo had kept their quality up I might've continued to give them money, but as it is... I'll get one of the new PSP's instead, use one of the various hackware firmwares that are out there, and do all those games on a decent game system that's actually worth it's pricetag.


I actually agree. Nintendo's quality and diversity has plummeted since the Wii came out. Everyone I knew had gamecubes before the Wii or PS3 came out.

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Has to be GlaDOS.

The thing about GlaDOS that sets her apart is that she is creepy yet hilarious at the same time.

I never quite got how GLaDOS was a villain, I'd think who built her are the ones who should take the blame. Damned aliens.

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Has to be GlaDOS.

The thing about GlaDOS that sets her apart is that she is creepy yet hilarious at the same time.

I never quite got how GLaDOS was a villain, I'd think who built her are the ones who should take the blame. Damned aliens.

I always saw her as a humorous take on HAL.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I always saw her as a humorous take on HAL.

I couldn't sit through that movie.


But I see you're point. Who's to say HAL isn't an alien? :o

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