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Videochat September 2017

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September videochat with fans. More annoucnements this time. First, expect the next FM2 and RGD episodes soon, I'm predicting tomorrow for FM2 and Thursday for RGD, but I have been wrong before on my time estimates. Second, I talk about the HL2: Episode 3 story leak. The short version is if a polished enough mod based on that comes along, I don't see the reason to not continue Freeman's Mind into that. Finally, I'm getting married next month, so I'm skipping the videochat for October. That also means I'm going to be working double time this month in order to have videos for both this month and the next, since I won't have as much time in October. Expect as many videos as I can crank out for now and October!



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Gongratulations on getting married! I wish you both prosperity & happiness

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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Congratulations on the marriage!

Bomb shelter parties are the best parties because bomb shelter parties don't stop. Until everyone's dead.

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I would like to seriously propose a discord chat when a gaming session would take place.


It would be sweet to have an organized team that leads a charge towards a common objective like a base and tells everybody where the enemies are and where to go in general.

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"I don't trust a man that doesn't have something strange going on about him, cause that means he's hiding it from you. If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his words backwards from time to time, you know it's all laid out there for you. But if he's friendly to strangers and keeps his home spick-and-span, more often than not he's done something even his own ma couldn't forgive." -No-bark Noonan

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Congrats on getting married! And don't stress on the preparations!

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Haven't been on these forums for a while, but massive congratulations to you both on getting married! All the best and hope you have a lovely (and extended, man, do you ever take extended time off from this?) honeymoon!

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As a longtime follower of you, FM, Civil Protection, all of it, a massive, massive congratulations on the engagement and marriage. Makes me, and I'm sure everyone else on here, happy to see you doing well.

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