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Decent-ish, but so it makes several gamedesign crime against humanity. There is SHITLOAD of backtracking. With lots of loading screens. Moon logic in some portions. Basically in the beginning it's ok, but then it becomes just so tedious that I would not recommend playing without walkthrough. And story is kinda meh.

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A FPS-adventure-puzzle game, looks great, but you will inevitably get stuck. It's not a smooth experience. It's a hard sell, both to the hardcore adventure players and to newcomers.

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It's pretty, i'll give you that. But the mysterious setting felt more like a carrot on a stick than something that actually gets resolved in a satisfying manner. The pretty scenery is a small comfort with all the backtracking.

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A must-play for veteran Mist players.


Here's a great review (no spoilers):


Come the full moon, the bat flies whose boiling blood shall stem the tide.

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I'm surprised so many people dislike it.  I thought it was wonderful.  It and Dropsy are the best adventure games made since the Lucasarts days as far as I'm concerned.

I never really felt like the game was illogical, in fact I felt the opposite, I thought it had more emphasis on logic puzzles than most games in the genre.  The only real issues I had with it were the slow loading and how long it can take to navigate certain areas late in the game.

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It was wonderful exploring the world of Obduction in VR, but I'm not sure I'd have much reason to play beyond that. The backtracking is even worse in VR if you limit yourself to moving at natural speeds.

Edited by Zabeus (see edit history)

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This would make a fun GD video. It looked great and had some neat puzzles, but it stuck to the formula that made Myst great, but hasn't necessarily aged well.

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I had a really good time with this game -- didn't really find the backtracking a problem on an SSD; just required a change of pace mentally. However, when the puzzles became utterly mathematical, I couldn't be bothered finishing it, so it's still on the heap. Great game nevertheless.

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I got stuck trying to play this without a walktrough and never finished it. Did not even think i got that far.


A beautiful game though. And I loved the visual effect when you teleport.

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