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Random fun facts about yourself.

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Another fun fact, which might seem a bit bragging: A while ago, I had an accident involving spilled chemicals and, essentially, I'm blind in the left eye. Despite that, I can still game pretty well. :D


Did you gain any super powers?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I'm near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other. I went without glasses until I was twelve because if I needed to see something far I'd close one eye and for something close the other. I can see well enough normally anyway, though.


EDIT: Case in point: this picture looks different in each eye.






"Anything I can do to help?"

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There is a swedish singer who is an outspoken extreme christian, when I was younger I bullied her son over the internet, it was only recently that I found out who he was...

'tis a small world we live in...

"Life sucks sober!"

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I love to dance and sing, but I'm 6,1 and about 200 lbs, so I don't look like that type of person.


I love imperial war history, and could give you a short lecture about the British army's adoption of the Pattern 1908 Mills webbing.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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1. I have a mild case of Aspergers... (I guess that's why I'm so good at taking things literally)

2. I am a connoisseur. Not just a food connoisseur, but an everything connoisseur. (I want the best everything I can get)

3. I have a form of ADHD that seems to vary between obnoxiously there, and obnoxiously not there.

4. I started learning about PCs when I was 6, on an old 80186. (I have almost 20 years of experience now)

5. If the government ever got a warrant to search my PC they would try to fine me for over $1 billion and maximum prison sentence, but wouldn't be able to pin more than $50,000 worth of fines, and they'd never get me in jail.

6. I am an Audiophile. If it's an MP3, it better be 192kbps or higher; I prefer FLAC and other lossless formats better than MP3 though.

7. 13 is my lucky number.

8. I have more spare computer parts lying around than it would take to build 10 PCs.

9. I managed to get for free a $3500 cabinet stereo, $150 stereo computer speakers, 2 cars, and uncountable numbers of computers just by being a "nice guy".

10. I can fix everything but the computer in any car if I have access to the right tools and spare parts.

11. I can go on like this for pages.

12. I hate.

13. I love.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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1. I'm very passionate about history, especially military history, and am quite knowledgeable in the subject.


2. I also like role-playing games, especially the Fallout series, which are some of my all-time favorite games.


3. I'm pretty paranoid, but not in the "crab people are watching me" way. More like I'm constantly suspicious of the motives of anyone trying to get close to me (doesn't apply to anyone that already is, though).


4. I'm constantly attempting to analyze people based on their mannerisms and actions. This ties into the whole 'paranoid' thing.


5. I have pretty militaristic beliefs, probably to an unhealthy degree. It's one of the reasons I like grand strategy games and playing an 'armchair general' role. I would almost say that I have an actual obsession with wars and weaponry.


6. I have an extreme 'live-and-let-live' approach to life. Basically, in my opinion, people can do whatever they want, and as long as it doesn't directly affect me, I could care less about it. This applies to things such as drug dealers, robbers, religion, sexual orientation, and just about anything else you can name. As long as it isn't something that is somehow causing me harm, it usually won't bother me much at all.


7. I don't judge people by their 'dirty secrets'. I don't just mean that I'm nice and don't make fun of them - I don't judge them, period, pretty much regardless of what it is.


8. I like longcoats. A lot. I find them very comfortable to wear and I find something reassuring about doing so. They also look pretty awesome in my opinion. Wearing a longcoat is definitely one of the pleasures in my life.


9. Winter is my favorite season, mostly because I just like cold weather, but also because winter is when I get to break out the trench coat.


10. I don't have OCD or anything, but I do have a thing about needing numbers to be 'even' and I tend to finish things in a way that resembles that. A few of the 'even' numbers that I like would be 5, 10, 20, and pairs that add up to a number like that (example: 7 and 3 to get 10, and 11 and 9 to get 20). My brain is pretty much constantly trying to arrange things to fit that 'requirement', which is one reason why I enjoy playing Blackjack (in kind of a love/hate way). This quirk is actually the reason this list goes up to ten.

"I aim for the stars, but sometimes I hit London." - Wernher von Braun

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4. I'm constantly attempting to analyze people based on their mannerisms and actions. This ties into the whole 'paranoid' thing.


This is something I'm paranoid everyone whom I meet in person does to me. (Oh God, I better not handshake him for too long or he'll think I'm a weirdo. Shit, I have to look away, if I keep this eye contact up for longer than 000000.1% of a second, they'll think I'm a creepy stalker. etc. etc.)



"There are no good reasons. Only legal ones."


VALVE: "Sometimes bugs take more than eighteen years to fix."

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Shit, I have to look away, if I keep this eye contact up for longer than 000000.1% of a second, they'll think I'm a creepy stalker. etc. etc.)

Part of why I stare straight into people's eyes or boobs... Keeps them just as uncomfortable and off balance as me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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A few more:


I'm allergic to mustard. Fortunately, it's not real severe -- usually I just get painful sores in my mouth for a day or two. But it's pretty damn annoying.

People often mistake me for being 6 inches taller than I actually am.

And when you get me pissed off, I can be pretty damn intimidating, speed impediment and limp notwithstanding.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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I'm highly allergic to almost anything artificially scented... (scented candles, air fresheners, scented shampoos, perfume/cologne, most laundry detergents that aren't "free & clear", etc.) Massive headaches, sinus problems, and bronchial constriction.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm frequently having dreams about meeting and knowing famous people. By now I'm pretty good friends with pretty many of them: Keanu Reeves, Kevin Spacey, cast of Northern Exposure show, Eminem (! but he was kind of not that super-friendly), prince William (the one from British Royal Family!), Trent Reznor and his wife, Rob Zombie and his wife... (and some more but I keep some for myself!) so yeah, most of them are cool, chilled out people ^^

Ross's girlfriend (IRL) Twitter: @AmazingMagda follow me! ^^to somewhere! ^^

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Before I go to bed, I need to drink something, usually propel but anything will do, otherwise I wake up in the middle of the night really thirsty. The drawback? I have to take a piss two or three times before I normally wake up.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I'm absolutely terrified of medical procedures being done on me when I am being anesthetized in any way (local numbing or systolic unconsciousness)

Life is just a time trial; it's all about how many happy points you can earn in a set period of time

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1) i was born on 13th and friday

2) i was born exactly 60 years after my grandmother

3) i was one of the first people (if not first overall) to be registered to born in my hometown after it became town officially

4) i can be considered history geek, especially when it comes to Estonia

5) i like to brag about Estonia's achievments (for example estonian named Martin Klein holds record of winning longest wrestling match ever recorded, which was semi-final match against finn Alfred Asikainen in 1912 Stockholm olympics. it was 11 hours and 40 minutes long and it exhausted him so much he couldnt compete in final. however he was first estonian to get olympic medal)

6) i like to sing and frankly have tought to try to become professional singer, but... i think i would need serious push, though i have been told i got good voice.

7) i can pull one of my thumbs out of the joint at will with using only muscles of thumb itself and restore it in its correct state same way... about 6-7 times in 10 seconds

8) I just cant ask any girl out.. just mental block thing.. :(

Jack O'Neill: "You know Teal'c, if we dont find a way out of this soon, im gonna lose it. Lose it... it means go crazy. nuts. insane. bonzo. no longer in possession of ones faculties. 3 fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!!!"

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I just moved into a new apartment and spent way too much money on getting new supplies for my house (I was living with my brother at the time to get back on my feet financially and, in thanks, I let him keep most of the stuff we shared).

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I have a friend.


Ok, so I have more than 1 friend, but the real story is that when I came up here to South Dakota for my grandmother's funeral, I ended up contacting my friend... He asked if I had a job yet, I said no, he said to apply where he works... I had a job that day, now I'm just waiting for my first paycheck and a house...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have a real and still working typing machine in my room.

"Even if something sounds logical, it doesn't mean it have to be true"

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