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The Super Mega Awesome AF Giveaway (NEW GIVEAWAY OPEN! p.13)

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Ladies and gentlemen, this is my 666th post.




To commemorate such a momentous and inherently evil :twisted: occasion, I've decided to institute The Super Mega Awesome Accursed Farms Giveaway Lottery.


The rules are simple:


1) I'm giving away one Steam game (yes, for free! :D). Nothing fancy, something in the 5 - 10 USD price range.


2) All you need to do to be eligible, is comment in this thread (once will do, if you do it more times it will still count only as one entry) and have a Steam account.


3) The winner will be selected using an advanced random number generator algorithm (this means no direct intervention or possible bias from me) this Sunday. I'll post the results and then PM the winner in order to select the game and proceed to the purchase (the winner can also choose to wait until a game of his/her interest is on sale, I'll do my best to comply with his/her wishes).




4) If I don't get a reply from the winner within 3 calendar days from the announcement, I'll declare the results void and proceed to a new draw.


I hope others, inspired by this, will continue after the current round is over (I know I will, sometime in the near future).


DISCLAIMER: side effects may include disorientation, depersonalization, drowsiness, excessive perspiration, regurgitation, panic, decreased alertness and concentration, cherenkov radiation, flatulence, upside-down vision, levitation, euphoria, defenestration and temporary insanity, among others. Consult your physician before posting. The Super Mega Awesome Accursed Farms Giveaway Lottery is not for everyone.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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I have a very slim chance of winning this, and I'm a pessimist, but...


My Steam name is Epsilon «DEA»



Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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My steam account is TehBradGuy14.



I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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I have a keyboard and I must type.

This is a nice metric server. No imperial dimensions, please.

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I heard Steam Games?


I still haven't played magicka...

Whats the price of that?

*Starts browsing the Store*



They call me Snake. They call me Es Rake. They call me Srahkay. That's nahmaname. That's nahmaname. That's not my... name.

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I'll be giving a free game away in approx. 100 posts.


Mhmm. 1337. Nice.


I was thinking maybe posts number 1000, 1234 and 1337.

I bring you mortal danger and cookies. Not necessarily in that order.


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A free steam game, you say? Hmmm..... Tempted...


Steam ID:



"I tell you one thing: I've been to a parallel universe, I've seen time running backwards, I've played pool with planets, and I've given birth to twins, but I never thought in my entire life I'd taste an edible Pot Noodle."

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Sounds good J.C



''Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.'' - Steve Jobs

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Screen name is different from account name. :x


But okay, Shirosaki[AF] for my screen name.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I might do something on my 12,345th visit to the forums.

I don't like writer's block, I prefer to call it writer's parry.

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