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You said that already. It's not going to accomplish any more the second time.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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And that's the third time. I already said I'd only stop if he did, you're not doing anything repeating yourself now.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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You and the other seven billion people on this planet, don't sweat it.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I'm about to post a very long winded rant because this has unfortunately been festering for a while.


You know what's really been grinding me up lately? The Youtubers of the game side.


Now I'm not talking about markiplier, pewdiepie, etc. I honestly could care less what they do with their time, and I do on occasion enjoy Markipliers loud-fast-moving-fast-talking-Red-bull-gives-you-wings-I-don't-breath-for-the-video's-duration videos if not just to giggle at someone being silly and over the top. I'm talking about the ones that think they know what they're talking about, and then proceed to tear every single game they play apart, ignoring any and all good things about the game to talk about why it's "literally hitler" and that the game devs are the worst people at their jobs. Why does this bother me? Well, because the game industry is what I've spent the last 5 years of my life working towards and I get to continue working towards it with the knowledge that no matter how much work I put into something, SOMEONE out there is gonna write it off as "if you spent more than 5 minutes working on it then it wouldn't suck" I think that's what bothers me the most. How easily hard work in the game industry is dismissed. There's a term company's like to call "crunch time". You know what that is? that is several months of 80 hour work weeks sometimes without overtime pay just so they can have a sliver of hope that someone at E3 or Pax or whatever will stop to look at the trailer for 5 minutes. There's a reason why I don't give the people who work on Call of Duty shit. They work tirelessly(yes, tirelessly, contrary to popular belief) and they get the worst treatment from people. I kinda pity them actually.


Anywho I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me talk about one of the biggest offenders of my annoyance right now. A one AllShamNoWow on Youtube. I discovered this guy through SeaNanners back when he used to play with them. He is funny. He can be very funny. Here's the problem. He likes to seek out bad games and play them while mocking them through and through. Now, he's found some truly bad games where I could tell the game designers were just doing it for the money and had no real interest in what it was, so I can understand why some would mock these games. The issue lies in that he sometimes chooses games that are well made, and passes them off as basically toxic waste. I watch these videos of his and I always come to the conclusion: This guy has no idea what he's talking about. "Garbage" seems to be his favorite word in a lot of these videos. Rarely says why he thinks it's garbage, usually just laughs, calls it garbage or other phrases synonymous with unwanted waste, and eventually quits. He doesn't seem to so much as grasp the threads of the concept that not liking something doesn't ACTUALLY mean it's bad; it means you just don't like it.


Some of those games he so casually threw away had some incredible concepts I've never hear of before or were actually executed quite well on a technical level indicating experience on the designers parts. But nope, he couldn't figure out how to do something within 10 seconds. Better call it garbage. One of these games with a cool concept I saw revolved around guiding the player via sound instead of sight. The game itself needed a lot of work, sound design didn't look quite finished making it a bit misleading at times, as well as a few other general bad practices I spotted in the gameplay itself. (forcing players into lengthy dialogue sections and even removing player control for it's duration would be a key one) Given these issues I sorta thought I knew why he chose this game to mock. Nope. He didn't just tear apart the gameplay flaws (which he never actually provided a decent critic on what would make it decent. Not like anyone who isn't a designer cares about that sorta thing anyways but I digress) he tore apart the very concept. Like, he sounded as if a game designed to use sound as a higher priority over visual was the dumbest thing he's ever heard of. Year after year people go on about how there's never any games coming out that try something new, and when one finally does come out, YouTubers like him come crawling out of there holes to devour it like they're nourished by the anguished screams of innovation dying.


Now given all that, let me just go ahead and compound this situation. He has 432,517 subscribers as I type this and while it goes without saying that they're not all like this (not all me- WHOOPS), he has one of the most mindless subscriber bases out there. I wonder how many of them just sit there and let Sham pretty much think for them. If there's any time I would find the term "sheeple" appropriate, it would be this. They're practically a few organized meetings away from being a cult. StroodleNoodle is probably the worst offender of them. Not only is he basically like Mini Me to sham, he's condescending as hell. What do you expect of someone that Sham deemed fit to moderate his live streams? On top of this, his subscriber base is TOXIC. Like I've seen some bad fanbois and fangirls on youtube but his imo take the cake. For example, he recently put up a video for Five Night's at Freddy's and one point during it he ripped on Markiplier which upset a few people(I'm gonna leave out the rest of the detailed explanation about the video and leave it at he shamed and mocked anyone who finds the game scary. Because we all know, if Sham doesn't find it scary, then it simply must not actually be scary to anyone). I'm not gonna take anyone's side here btw, the Markiplier fans didn't help anything with some of their comments either, but the reaction that followed can be summed up by different iterations of the exact same thing Sham said in his video, with a plethora of added insults ranging from the atrociously misspelled string of swear words to the "you must be 12"s. (I'm being very generous towards them right now mind you). And every so often I see Stroodle pop into a conversation to throw around heaping spoonfuls of sarcastic, condescending uselessness, which Sham's subscribers make very clear they view as a valid, proper response.


Long story short, I've willingly spent the last 5 years of my life preparing to cater to some of the most ungrateful people on the planet who have a lot of other people mindlessly following them, all of which will in a heart beat write off hours upon hours of work as a 5 minute half-assed job, and maybe just maybe it's got me a little bit bummed.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Jehovah's Witnesses. At my door. Every day. These assholes just won't take "No" for an answer. Politely refusing just encouraged them, slamming the door in their face (and locking it) didn't work, and now I'm running out of clever ways to insult them. I even told one I had a number he can call... And it was the number for Dignitas. And yet, they're still coming. I'm considering mining my front lawn.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Answer the door wearing any heavy metal band t-shirt while holding a shotgun, then yell at them "GET OFF MY PROPERTY!"


It's worked for many in the past... I tend to get rid of them by asking if they want to go to church with me. (they seem to be allergic to Catholics)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Long story short, I've willingly spent the last 5 years of my life preparing to cater to some of the most ungrateful people on the planet who have a lot of other people mindlessly following them, all of which will in a heart beat write off hours upon hours of work as a 5 minute half-assed job, and maybe just maybe it's got me a little bit bummed.


If AllShamNoWow's subcriber base was exactly ad you described (and I personally belive you) then they're thr gaming equivalent to the Tea Party and Conservapedia, if not outright Stalinists.


Speaking of which, what the fuck is wrong with the right wing? They immediately accuse anyone in opposition to their viewpoints "un-American", "Communist/Socialist monsters", "terrorists", and other such idiotic statements. You honest to god can't tell them apart from fascists 70% of the time. Did they ever learn the words 'compromise' or 'moderate'?

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I could say the same for any extremist section on the other side of the aisle. (left or right doesn't matter much, both are different than what we actually need)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I accidentally double-dosed on my medication. Again. Damn this memory. It's never pleasant. I do not recommend it.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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I could say the same for any extremist section on the other side of the aisle. (left or right doesn't matter much, both are different than what we actually need)


True, except there are a lot less far left-wing creatures than there are far right, at least in the US.


On a related note, fuck Putin, fuck fascism, I just fucking want to beat that one level in Kirby Super Star!!! It has gone on for ridiculous lenghts how long I've played Kirby Super Star while simultaneously hearing about the Russians invade Ukraine. Boss arena has been kicking my ass for so long, I've gone fucking infsane from it. I need somebody's skull to cave in.

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Master Vrook in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. He's legitimately impossible to beat. As in, the only way you can HOPE to beat him is by using exploits, or by planting a bunch of explosives/mines in the room ahead of time, best if they're all bunched up together. I spent TWO HOURS trying to beat his ass, and I would get close, while getting him stuck, however, every time I get close HE HEALS HIMSELF BACK TO MAX HP every. Single. Time! It takes him 2-3 hits for him to kill you, even if you're level 20 or higher! He was a douche in one, and I wanted to kill him then, now I get my chance, and he's impossible. (On a side note, I feel kinda bad for posting this, shortly after reading Rarity's post on a certain Youtuber.)


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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On a side note, I feel kinda bad for posting this, shortly after reading Rarity's post on a certain Youtuber.)

Nah don't worry about it I've cooled my head.


As for Master Vrook, I really don't remember him being that hard, but then again it's been so long since I've played either of those and I did exploit the hell out of the infinite spawn enemy corpse on the sith world to hi level 50. That and I usually went Sith Lord prestige and just practically tore people apart with ridiculously strong powers. Mostly a maxed out force drain. For all I know I may have combined a number of exploits to bring him down before his first attack. (I always horde mines since game start)

Retired Forum Moderator

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