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I just got called a (their words) "extremist liberal homo-loving fucktard" because I didn't agree with someone when they said (once again their words) "queerfags are literally ruining all of planet earth."


Who is he? A hardcore Putinist/Tea Party member?


Either way, he's scum.


EDIT: I absolutely DESPISE people who are "useful idiots". I hate it when some "liberal" goes up on Fox, acts irrationally or idiotically, and then makes Fox look like the "good guys". I fucking DETEST it. The same stupid shit goes on at MSNBC too, but less people watch that horseshit than they do Fox. And on a related note, CNN can go to hell too, for simply being extremely idiotic and "sensationalist".


Fuck TV news.

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I absolutely DESPISE people who are "useful idiots". I hate it when some "liberal" goes up on Fox, acts irrationally or idiotically, and then makes Fox look like the "good guys". I fucking DETEST it. The same stupid shit goes on at MSNBC too, but less people watch that horseshit than they do Fox. And on a related note, CNN can go to hell too, for simply being extremely idiotic and "sensationalist".


Exactly why I don't watch or read or listen to mainstream or otherwise heavily biased news sources. The lot of them can go fuck themselves.

the name's riley

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I feel so fucking stupid for propagating some of the shit I did back in the past. It's almost like I was a different person back then. It verged on murderous, frequently derailed threads, and simply made little to no sense. If anyone wants to know what it was, don't. It was dumbassery at its absolute worst.

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I feel so fucking stupid for propagating some of the shit I did back in the past. It's almost like I was a different person back then. It verged on murderous, frequently derailed threads, and simply made little to no sense. If anyone wants to know what it was, don't. It was dumbassery at its absolute worst.


Everyone changes over time so I wouldn't worry about it. Even then I've been around these forums for a while, minus the break, and I don't remember you causing any trouble or being problematic so it probably wasn't as bad as you feel it was. But being aware of it is a good position to be in because it allows people to overcome aspects about themselves they may not like.


I for one am a lot more bitter and jaded now (yes I've noticed. Mostly by me making way too much use of this very thread) mostly due to senior stress and too much time around "that" side of tumblr. I could do with a vacation from the large social outlets such as facebook, youtube comments(see previous rants) and tumblr.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I could do with a vacation from the large social outlets such as facebook, youtube comments(see previous rants) and tumblr.

FYI, there was a medical study a while back that associated social media use with massively increased stress, and stress-related afflictions risk. (eg. heart attack, hypertension, depression, excessive anger, etc.)


I thoroughly recommend a break every now and then from just about everything. (everything in moderation, it's a good philosophy for anyone)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I know it's 7:30. I don't fucking care. Can't I have ONE shot of whiskey without people calling me a drunk?

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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No, because people are idiots that think that having alcohol any time except after 8PM makes people alcoholics.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I haven't had any of this brand before! I was just trying it out, and now suddenly I'm a "drunk". I only had one friggin' shot!

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I have a way to invalidate their argument... I tell the person "if I wanted to get buzzed I'd be chugging the bottle, drunk isn't even achievable with less than 3 bottles". It tends to make them shut up.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I have a way to invalidate their argument... I tell the person "if I wanted to get buzzed I'd be chugging the bottle, drunk isn't even achievable with less than 3 bottles". It tends to make them shut up.


Add "on an empty stomach" for added effect.

Retired Forum Moderator

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I can do that, but it tends to make me a bit gassy.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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To be honest, I don't even LIKE it. It's too smooth. I mean, I bought it so I'm going to drink it, but when I don't have to slow down and it barely makes an impact, it's too smooth. This shit is dangerous because I could drink enough to get absolutely hammered completely by accident with how smooth and easy to drink this is. I do not desire any more than a light buzz. Maybe I should have bought Jack Daniels instead of Jim Beam, or maybe even scotch, and next time I'm definitely getting fireball or something else with flavour.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Vent: When I wake up, my coordination goes all to hell and for a few minutes I'm just stumbling around probably looking like I'm drunk before figuring out which limb is which. I'm used to it but it's still really damn annoying.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Thing is, normally my coordination is pretty lousy in the normal case, tripping over my own feet and losing my balance and sometimes knocking down store displays and the like. So add the "waking up" on top of that....

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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You're lucky... Your brain actually lets you get to the point where you need to wake up to gain control of limbs.


My sleep cycle: Lay in bed getting my REM sleep before unconsciousness, (commonly referred to as 'daydreaming' except it's not during the day, and it actually fulfills the REM requirements of my body) then sleeping in stage 1/2 for 5-6 hours before dropping into semi-consciousness as I wake.


Once every few weeks/months I actually drop into deep sleep, but rarely more than twice per month. (I had 3 nights in a row with good sleep when I was 16, and that was the last time)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Thing is, normally my coordination is pretty lousy in the normal case, tripping over my own feet and losing my balance and sometimes knocking down store displays and the like. So add the "waking up" on top of that....


You're lucky... Your brain actually lets you get to the point where you need to wake up to gain control of limbs.


My sleep cycle: Lay in bed getting my REM sleep before unconsciousness, (commonly referred to as 'daydreaming' except it's not during the day, and it actually fulfills the REM requirements of my body) then sleeping in stage 1/2 for 5-6 hours before dropping into semi-consciousness as I wake.


Once every few weeks/months I actually drop into deep sleep, but rarely more than twice per month. (I had 3 nights in a row with good sleep when I was 16, and that was the last time)


You guys have it horrible. I can barely function with 8+ hours of sleep, I always feel tired. It fucking sucks.


On to the real rant:


I fucking hate right now how Turkey is just letting the Kurds die right in front of them. It's one of the most sickening scenes I've ever seen. Fuckers. Why the US doesn't do heavier airstrikes and airdrops simply baffles me. It's like the world doesn't fucking care because it isn't their problem. Rwanda anyone? It pisses me off. Like watching a murder and rape and doing nothing.

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All they need to do is make a website and let people volunteer to sign up to go over, be equipped with a weapon and basic body armor, a couple days to get used to it, and free travel/lodging/food... I know I'd sign up.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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About once every week I get these nights of sleep I call no-rest. It's not a full on sleep because for the course of like 8+ hours I'm 100% conscious of my surroundings and that I'm laying in bed, etc. But I'm uncomfortable and uneasy the whole time. On top of that, it always comes with a dream that follows a format of me trying to achieve something, failing, and starting back at the beginning of the dream. The dream is very stressful and on constant loop until I actually get up and force myself to move around. And worst of all, when I do get up, and the rest of the day, I feel like I just skipped sleep that night, so I pretty much put myself through 8 hours of stress and discomfort for no reason.


Worst of all there are some times when this will happen 4+ days in a row and I'm essentially useless during them because I'm so tired and unable to function and no matter how hard I try to get decent sleep I slip into these.

Retired Forum Moderator

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As a person who goes without sleep for days at a time on a weekly basis, I can sympathize.


As for me, I came here to complain about the Steam in-game browser's habit of refreshing pages every time you change tabs, which fucks Youtube up the ass, but on second thought I'll complain about a lack of sleep too. Because I have NO FUCKING REASON to not be sleeping during the week anymore and I still can't do it.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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