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Getting really fucking sick of people debating religion

"God is real!"

"No he is not!!"

"yes he is!!!!!1"


You CANNOT prove there is a god

You CANNOT prove there isn't one

So shut the fuck up and believe what you want.

"Life sucks sober!"

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I read a stupid comment on a news article and then punched my monitor. I didn't break it but my hand hurts. I don't know why I did that though.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Don't worry, I tend to have that feeling sometimes too. (though I always have the presence of mind not to damage the PC hardware for displaying a stupid comment)

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Dammit, somebody explain how humans can know so little about humans. In particular, somebody explain how humans can know so little about the human body and its capabilities? I just had a prolonged argument with a complete moron who insisted that the human body was so fragile that any serious damage was completely incapacitating and that humans were so weak they couldn't inflict serious damage to eachother or anything else without using a weapon. (And that simple weapons are still somehow so weak that an animal's teeth and claws were more dangerous than say, a club or a blade.)


Humans are fucking APES, YOU MORON! And we're STRONG apes, at that. VERY STRONG. We have the HIGHEST strength to weight ratio of any ape other than the chimpanzee, and we're STILL STRONGER than chimpanzees due to our large size. We're also DURABLE, and even when a wound is fatal we take a LONG time to die. There are records of people being dismembered or disemboweled, stabbed repeatedly with swords or shot dozens of times and STILL living long enough to kill their attackers. Often times people don't even NOTICE gunshot wounds until after the fact, even when shot in the chest. Even being shot in the head is not always a death sentence and frequently fails to stop an attacker, because the human body and even the brain is BUILT TO WITHSTAND DAMAGE.


This guy thinks that a needle poke in the brain is instantly fatal. I'm not kidding, that's HIS WORDS. How can ANYBODY know so LITTLE about the human body? I mean, I'm pretty sure they HAVE one, how can they have NO IDEA what it can do? HOW are they so STUPID they LITERALLY do not know their own strength? What kind of STUPID mother fucker was I talking to? WAS THE LOBOTOMY AS PAINFUL AS THE HEADACHE YOUR STUPID ASS GAVE ME? HOLY SHIT, where's the Tylenol? I think this idiot gave me a fucking MIGRAINE.



On second thought, it's pretty likely he was trolling me. I think I get a might too worked up over these guys.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Chimps are on average much stronger than humans.







There are hundreds more, but you get the idea. The muscle tissue in apes is different from that which is found in humans, and there may be more than just that which makes them up to 6 times stronger than humans.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I'm talking about total muscle strength, BTG, not how much we normally have access to. Humans use about 1/5 of their strength under normal circumstances, other apes (we ARE apes, keep that in mind) use closer to half. We are also slower to increase the amount we're using for any given circumstance and never use as much. (Our muscle usage usually tops out around 60%, even in life or death situations. That's about as much as a chimp uses normally, and they top out at 100% like most animals.) Humans would be FIVE times stronger if they used their full strength, chimps wouldn't even be TWICE as strong. They're NOT 2.5 times stronger than us, so we have MORE strength in our muscles overall. A human at full strength has so much power it would destroy them. Literally. We'd tear our own muscles, break our own bones and pull out our own joints because we back too much power into our bodies for them to withstand, and that's why we normally use so little of it. (And as a result, humans have THE best stamina of ANY land animal because they use so little of their muscle mass. It's likely our primary hunting method of persistence predation, basically chasing herd animals and keeping them running until one falls behind due to exhaustion so we can kill it by itself, is the reason for this development.)

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Sources for what? There's a lot in there and most of it is at least supposed to be common knowledge. (Then again, I have met people who thought space didn't exist, so I guess "common knowledge" is a bit less than I thought.) Especially since the last of your own sources actually says the part about our limited muscle usage. (It also clarifies that chimps only *SEEM* stronger, because they aren't capable of reserving strength like we do.) And that really IS common knowledge, I mean, that's how adrenalin works. So if that's not it, then WHAT, specifically, are you wanting a source for? I'm probably not going to hunt down sources for every single statement in that entire paragraph, that'd take hours.


For the fuck of it, here's a quick source on that:


Though I'll give you enough credit to say you already know that.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Indeed, I do know how adrenaline works... I actually get near overdose amounts of it if I get pissed off. (it's really hard to piss me off, but you better hope I retain enough control to not kill anyone if I do)


So, you're saying that the we're using different definitions for the same words, and different ideas for the same result... Doesn't sound like either of us is wrong by what you're saying.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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It is FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING. I just have to say that first, it's important context.


See, my dog starts scratching at the door at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING, but I don't want to let him out at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so I ignore him and then he starts howling at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so I give up and let him out at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING to go take a shit at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING where it's freezing balls because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and then I step inside to make coffee because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and the dog starts barking at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and then I have to let him in at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so he won't wake up half the fucking neighbourhood at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING, but that's a moot point now anyway because there's gunshots at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and screaming at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING two klicks away, so now there's sirens at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING making me real glad I'm not trying to sleep at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING because now everybody's awake at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and won't go back to bed until FIVE O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING.


And did I mention it was FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING? Because it's important that you understand the context in which all this is occuring.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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It is FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING. I just have to say that first, it's important context.


See, my dog starts scratching at the door at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING, but I don't want to let him out at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so I ignore him and then he starts howling at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so I give up and let him out at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING to go take a shit at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING where it's freezing balls because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and then I step inside to make coffee because it's FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and the dog starts barking at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and then I have to let him in at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING so he won't wake up half the fucking neighbourhood at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING, but that's a moot point now anyway because there's gunshots at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and screaming at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING two klicks away, so now there's sirens at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING making me real glad I'm not trying to sleep at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING because now everybody's awake at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING and won't go back to bed until FIVE O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING.


And did I mention it was FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING? Because it's important that you understand the context in which all this is occuring.


Holy shit what kind of neighborhood do you live in for gunshots to be going off at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING

Well it may not be your neighborhood, just one psychopath living there or one psychopath who went there to kill somebody who lives there at FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE FUCKING MORNING.

the name's riley

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It's a shit neighbourhood. It's a hyper-conservative hick town just outside a liberal city, where all the bible-thumping shitheads that couldn't stand the damn city rules about things like "equality" or "seperation of church and state" decided to move all at once when they got the option. Worse, they got the option because a bunch of rich assholes moved out here before them and bought up all the lakefront property to build mansions on, and those rich assholes are a bunch of old as shit bible-thumping hypocrites themselves.


The result is a place where the creationist density is about 80%, the school district is full of vindictive old fucks that like to take out their prejudices on their students, creationism is taught alongside evolution in science class, the history classes are filled to the brim with conservative propaganda that is almost always racist as shit, the health classes are absinence-only AND homophobic and as a result of the shitty bible-thumping schools and shitty bible-thumping parents too many of the teens are hateful bigots running around spewing slurs at minorities and occasionally physically assaulting them. Add on Washington's high mental illness rate, the fact that half of the people here are poor as shit, and give them all unsecured guns they were never taught proper respect for as children. Odds on a bet the person being fired at was LGBT or suspected of such. This shit happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Thankfully, the cross-eyed inbred fucking morons around here can't shoot worth a shit, so it's unlikely they're dead if they're wounded at all.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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This. Fucking: Heat.

Standing in full protection gear and working in the hot fucking sun 8 am - 2 pm is worse than it sounds....

"Life sucks sober!"

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A stupid online person told me that I need to TRY harder to get my stupid memory to work again. WHAT DO YOU THINK I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE LAST FOUR YEARS. YOU NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT SO SHUT UP.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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I'm so bloody jealous of console gamers that get to play the beta of Destiny. I want that game so damn much, I mean it's a bloody first person shooter MMO with character customization. It seems made for me, but of course it's bloody console exclusive!

Who's brilliant idea was it to make a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER MMO exclusive to bloody CONSOLES?


... God I wanna smack them over the head with a tea kettle...

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I feel ya... Why are consoles so damn popular now anyways? You can just go out and get one of the controllers and hook it up to a computer, and have the same quality of game experience or better without having to go and buy a $500 console! (this is comparing to my $450 laptop as the computer example)


This is one of the things that annoys me to no end. Especially since the console exclusives are basically identical in all ways except for controls to their PC counterparts when you look at the code they use on the new consoles. (there are a few differences involved with the DRM system, but otherwise it's the same base code as a PC game)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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