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Bullshit laws? Bullshit laws like the Bill of Rights? Bullshit laws like preventing murder, rape, robbery, counterfeit, trafficking, mugging, arson, property damage, animal abuse, child abuse, and so many more things? You mean those bullshit laws right? The ones that are meant to keep us safe?


Oh wait, I'm sorry. I forgot that a single cop doing one bad thing means every last one of them are corrupt and deserve to die, and while we're at it lets abolish all those stupid laws too. Can't have cops when there's nothing to enforce.


I wouldn't be surprised if you valued unborn fetal cells over our living adult soldiers too.


If you think they GIVE A FUCK about your "rights", you're not paying attention. Either that or you're incredibly dense. And if you think all this is about one cop killing one kid, you are even dumber. ALL cops are there to do is protect the interests of the people who sign their paychecks. You are NOT in that club. The laws they have in place are there for that purpose, and that purpose alone. If that, on rare occasion, should result in you being safer somehow, happy accident.


And given just how much murder, rape, robbery, counterfeit (not a safety hazard), trafficking (really non-specific), mugging, arson, property damage, animal abuse, child abuse and so many other things go on while the police do FUCKING NOTHING, most especially when THEY ARE DOING IT, it's extremely ignorant to think that's on their list of goals. Doesn't seem like a priority. Now, locking up negros smoking herbs, that's clearly a priority of theirs. Going around to trailer parks making sure the dishevelled hicks that can't even pay their rent are paying taxes so we can go drop bombs on brown people in foreign countries, that's a priority. And of course, filling up the jails for no real fucking reason other than to make money for the assholes that run the damned things, that's a priority.


And as for your concluding statement, I hold GRASS slightly above soldiers, because grass at least manages to create growth without KILLING ANYBODY. And don't make the mistake of thinking that our soldiers are fighting the good fight, to "protect our freedom". They're not. They're fighting to waste military resources, so the military has to buy more and the weapons manufacturers that own our government, like Lockheed Martin, can keep pulling in ungodly amounts of money, they'll just use whatever excuse they can get. Because just like the police only exist to serve the rich and powerful, so do the military. They just do it in a different way, and don't pull double duty. Their one duty of creating profits for the military-industrial complex is enough.


The police, on the other hand, both make money for the prison-industrial complex and drive out the competition for the other major industries, and if those aren't enough, they can pull triple duty by gathering tertiary revenue through fines and ticketing. And this quickly reveals what they're all about. If there's a law on the books, and they enforce or even respect it, it's not because it protects you in any way. It's because it makes some rich man richer. And that's all they're there for. Traffic laws? Sure, might make you safer, but mostly it just keeps things flowing because if transportation bogged down it would cost corporations a lot of money. Murder? Can't have people offing your workers, bad for business. Drugs? Some are real bad, others, like marijuana, are completely harmless, but all are competition to the pharmaceutical industry. Can't let the masses have options other than your ridiculously overpriced drugs that are no safer than the street drugs and don't work much better, so we have to make sure they don't.


None of this is about protecting anyone but the rich, or in any way but financially. And it's about time you woke up and smelled the roses. They smell like shit.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Gah, not another insane person who thinks the cops are "the real bad guys".


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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It's not insane, it's fucking observant, you daft git. It's just the basic observation of the inevitable result of money in politics. The rich get laws passed to protect their own interests, and to hell with whoever else it hurts. Then the police blindly and zealously enforce them. They intentionally choose the stupid and violent for the job, because that is EXACTLY what the job requires. You can't be smart enough to question whether you're doing the right thing, and you have to be violent because violence is a significant part of your job and there's no such thing as too far in their book, as the more violent you are, the more fear you create. The more fear you create, the better you protect the interests of those who made the rules you enforce.


It's not just the police, either. The police are a huge one, so is the military, the pharmaceutical industry, the entire field of psychology, the education system and of course the government is the absolute worst. They're all bought and paid for by a couple hundred rich, white assholes who want more for themselves and less for everybody else. And the only way it's going to change is if we get money out of politics. Which will NEVER HAPPEN, because 100% of the people we put into congress sold out to get there, as they absolutely fucking have to in order to get elected in the first place, because winning an election is entirely about advertising and nothing else, so whoever has the most money ALWAYS WINS. Guess who has more money. The guy who remains honest, or the guy who sells out? Oh, right, the latter. It's so bad that even though in the last election congress had the approval rating of kidney stones, ALMOST ALL THE OF THE MOTHER FUCKERS GOT RE-ELECTED. Despite EVEERYONE FUCKING HATING THEM. That is how fucking COMPLETELY NON-EXISTENT our "democracy" is.


And frankly, if you think it's "insane" to be able to see basic facts, like that our laws are created by the rich for the rich, the US government is an oligarchy and not a democracy, and the police are just enforcers, you are their idea of the perfect citizen, because you're clearly too STUPID to notice corruption that is right in front of your fucking face.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Nice try. Kinda hard to prove that definitively, and you know it. But hey, let's prove a few things.


Go to Google. Type in "Citizens United". That'll get you started, because that's the source of money in politics. Of course, if you're too stupid to notice political corruption when it's this far gone on your own then you'll likely not be able to do this.


Now, to see it manifesting, find congress's approval and re-election ratings. This takes about three seconds. Notice something? Respectively, these are 14% and 90%. So 86% of people fucking hate the people in office, and yet 90% of them get to come back anyway.


Well, that certainly shows the will of the people not being upheld, but let's move on to the issue as a whole. Here's a nice link to something it's hard to Google on the subject of how often the people get what the majority of them want, compared to how often the super rich get what they want: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9354310


In case you're too stupid to find the download link, it turns out only the wealthy elite get what they want. The people only get what they want when the elite want it too. Which is the definition of an oligarchy, and shouldn't be a surprise.


As for the practical implications, public opinion on marijuana has been "LEGALIZE IT!" for decades now. And it's only happening just now, very slowly, in a way that the rich can gain financially from it and nobody else can, and even so it's an aberration because marijuana has been the hot-ticket item for the prison industrial complex for ages. Another great one would be all the wars we've been in. And of course, there's the prison industrial complex I mentioned. We incarcerate more people than any other nation on Earth. 1.6 MILLION PEOPLE. Want more statistics to show the way this is divided demographically, (two words: Jim Crow), see here: http://www.prb.org/Publications/Articles/2012/us-incarceration.aspx


Okay, so what does this show? It shows that we incarcerate an almost ridiculous number of people, it's only increasing, and the system is racist. But where does this come from? Well, remember Citizens United? You'd better. See, there's people making money off of people going to jail. They're called private prison contractors. For example, the Corrections Corporation of America. Who said, and I quote, "The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws. For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them."



"If they change drug or immigration policy, we're losing money."


And that's why there's still a drug war, capice? And also why we demonize immigrants.


Or did you want proof of police being violent, stupid, brutish, psychotic, murderous thugs? Well, here's a few names to Google, although I do have to say you appear to be oblivious: Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and Akai Gurley.


What do these three men have in common? They're all black, they're all male, and they were all murdered in cold blood by the violent thugs in the police force. The first one was shot while surrendering to the police, the second one, a CHILD, was shot while playing on a playground, and the third was shot while walking down a staircase near police officers and even they admit he did nothing wrong but refuse to punish the officer who murdered him.


Is this enough evidence? I can keep going on both points, but it is getting late over here and sleep is looking fantastic right now. Do I have to bring in more examples of our political system ONLY serving the rich and powerful, or more and more names of men being murdered by the psychotic thugs in the blue suits? Because I can.


And as for the riots going on now in Ferguson: I am hoping for dead cops. Lots of dead cops. I don't think it'll happen, but I really hope it does. A riot is the language of the unheard. I want it to be direct and to the point. After the pure racist fantasy that was Darren Wilson's testimony, I want to see that white supremacist, racist fucking douchebag piece of shit swinging by his fucking neck. Not only would that be the most direct and effective statement any of them could make, it would be the closest thing to justice anybody is going to get there, and it would be the only good thing to come out of this whole, god-awful shitty mess.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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You know, not everything's corrupt (to the core) like you claim. Next time you do research, do some actual fucking research, not biased bullshit research, and filing in the gaps with bullshit that fits your views. Yes. there are corrupt cops, our politics not the best, nothing's perfect. People have different reasons as to why they voted for X, Y, and Z. It might be because they're the lesser evil than the others, or maybe because they have no clue who to vote for, or maybe (like with the last presidential election) they voted for an asshole they know, who's been president before, over someone who hasn't.


Until you come to your senses and realize not everything's corrupt to the core, I'm blocking you, so I don't have to deal with your bullshit.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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You know, not everything's corrupt (to the core) like you claim. Next time you do research, do some actual fucking research, not biased bullshit research, and filing in the gaps with bullshit that fits your views. Yes. there are corrupt cops, our politics not the best, nothing's perfect. People have different reasons as to why they voted for X, Y, and Z. It might be because they're the lesser evil than the others, or maybe because they have no clue who to vote for, or maybe (like with the last presidential election) they voted for an asshole they know, who's been president before, over someone who hasn't.


Until you come to your senses and realize not everything's corrupt to the core, I'm blocking you, so I don't have to deal with your bullshit.


This. All of his points hold legitimate concerns, but are cranked so far to the left that I would expect this on Soviet propaganda networks.

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And there is the reaction of an idiot who's afraid of the truth. Ignoring all opposing points of view entirely because he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Just more comfortable when you ignore everything you don't already agree with, isn't it? Then you don't have to learn anything, or change? Your statement just now really just means "Until you suddenly convert to the way I think, I refuse to listen to anything you have to say."


You are a coward. An ignorant, pathetic coward who runs away from information because he doesn't like it.


News flash, moron. The reason we have a 90% re-election rate is the people already in have already sold out to get in, so they have all the campaign money for advertising, and the guy with more campaign money always wins. Sticking your head in the sand won't make that go away.


And to you, pest, this is the real world. There's no "left" and there's no "right". Those are made up terms, they have no actual meaning. Really, none. The "left" wing groups have almost nothing in common with eachother other than that name, and the right wing groups have absolutely nothing in common other than that name.


And... "Soviet"? You think I must be a communist because I think the government is corrupt? Are you insane? If you want to talk about a corrupt government, the Soviet Union would have been THE example, so it already wouldn't fit if it, even if it wasn't for the fact that it doesn't, you know, EXIST ANYMORE. What the hell is wrong with you?

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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And... "Soviet"? You think I must be a communist because I think the government is corrupt?


To the cartoonish levels presented, possibly.

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Everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and views guys. I'd suggest stop trying to push it onto other people. Let them believe what they want. I personally don't think the police is corrupt, not where I live anyway. They're friendly people trying to make Australia a safe and orderly place. But that's my point of view. So leave it at that, please.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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You are insane if you think those two things are at all connected. Completely, absolutely insane.



I don't know about Autralia's police department, I do know their nanny state censors like mad but that's about it as far as I know the political situation, but I live in the United States. And things here are FUCKED.


But yes. This is the vent thread. This discussion is a thing for serious topics. Fine. Let's all drop it.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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You are insane if you think those two things are at all connected. Completely, absolutely insane.


If you are going to attack me and others, then quite frankly I have nothing to say to you, and encourage everybody else to do the same.

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Hey, no more smack please. X3 No calling each other twats or twigs please. I understand this is a rant forum, but it doesn't mean there's an exception for rudeness. :3 Thank you.


Now for my rant:

GAH. I got into a BIG argument with my "friend". I completely lost it. She said that my boyfriend doesn't love me because he's in another country. -_- She said my relationship is fake. I wanted to punch her in the mouth. Then to make it worse, she said that gays CAN control their "gayness" and they can love the right person. BULL****, they can't help themselves, gah! She judges people so hard and is SO controlling. She ended the argument by saying that I wasn't her friend, walked out and slammed the door. I mean, X3 for the past few months, I haven't seen her as a friend at all. I've been trying to avoid her because all that has come out of her mouth, has been her judging me and telling me what to do.


And to make it worse, freaking double standards. Apparently my relationship with my overseas boyfriend is fake, but HER relationship with her friend all the way in India is perfectly freaking fine. @#!%$*#

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Calm your damn tempers, take it to the debates forum, and for the love of god, stop insulting each other. I saw too much saltiness at QUICK glances to even want to bother trying to read anything you guys are saying right now, let alone consider it and think of a response. If you can't make a point with out insulting them, it's not a point you should try to make at all.


For the forum rules being only 5 entries long and not even half a screen in height it sure does get ignored a lot. especially entries 1 and 2. You know,


"1. Try not to be a jerk. Maybe I've been working on Civil Protection too long, but I'd prefer to see some civil discussion here. This is intentionally vague, like most constitutions. It's a nice blanket rule to catch anything not specified."




"2. Don't insult people unless it's obviously a joke. While this is a rather radical concept for the internet, I don't see much good coming out personal insults towards anyone here. This doesn't mean you can't attack another person's concepts, statements, and arguments, but if you're reverting to outright insults, it really casts doubt on whatever point it is you're trying to make and is unlikely to contribute anything productive."

Retired Forum Moderator

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Calm your damn tempers, take it to the debates forum, and for the love of god, stop insulting each other. I saw too much saltiness at QUICK glances to even want to bother trying to read anything you guys are saying right now, let alone consider it and think of a response. If you can't make a point with out insulting them, it's not a point you should try to make at all.


For the forum rules being only 5 entries long and not even half a screen in height it sure does get ignored a lot. especially entries 1 and 2. You know,


"1. Try not to be a jerk. Maybe I've been working on Civil Protection too long, but I'd prefer to see some civil discussion here. This is intentionally vague, like most constitutions. It's a nice blanket rule to catch anything not specified."




"2. Don't insult people unless it's obviously a joke. While this is a rather radical concept for the internet, I don't see much good coming out personal insults towards anyone here. This doesn't mean you can't attack another person's concepts, statements, and arguments, but if you're reverting to outright insults, it really casts doubt on whatever point it is you're trying to make and is unlikely to contribute anything productive."

Too bad the voting system is still down... You'd've gotten an upvote from me.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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That moment when you're trying to get in a bit of extra sleep and people will not shut the fuck up and let you sleep

the name's riley

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