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I'm feeling lonely,unwanted and i STILL don't have a girlfriend..... :cry:

And i'm trying my best to be a very nice guy and not get depressed as possible.

This....is bullshit. :x


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Did i mention that i live in an unfinished house(with my grandpa) ever since late 2006 because of my dad not wanting to make the house decent and normal looking because my uncle(his brother)are not on very good terms and he thinks that IF we decide to rebuild the house,we will probably be kicked out again because my uncle will claim ownership someday and we will possibly be homeless?And i don't even want to THINK if i'm going to invite some of my friends(my classmates,to be exact) because they will probably criticize the things about me and our house(maybe if i explain why they will probably understand but i don't know for sure).No fucking wonder i'm an unlucky loner.I AM still living and i'm trying to keep my sanity intact,yeah,but still.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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Really, if they can't understand you living in an unfinished house, they probly aren't friends.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Rimworld has a stupid mechanic where plants just magically know when it's night time and just stop growing even if it's an indoor hydroponics with constant light. It's pissing me off not only because it's stupid but it's the only reliable way to get food in the tundra biom and my people are starving because of psychic fucking potatoes.


On top of that the AI is broken as hell wanting to always take a slow zigzaging path over ground that's 87% speed and climbing over other crap rather than the straight unblocked road that I paved that allows 100% speed. Not only does it waste my time and really annoys me but they also want to take a hike to the other side of the planet to get some crappy packaged meal even though there is literally a meal only one tile from them. All while taking the slowest path possible in freezing ass temperatures.


That sweet sweet mummified, frozen, dehydrated chicken that's likely a few years old.

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2011 forecast: Tornadoes on Christmas.


2012 forecast: Tornadoes on Christmas.


2013 forecast: Tornadoes on Christmas.


2014 forecast: Tornadoes on Christmas.



Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?

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Okay, so. If anyone here is a psychologist, yes please. I want you. I've been watching Legend of Korra, and whoopedefuckingdoo, lesbian couple in it now. I know the show has ended, but... Urghhh... (I am preparing to offend 90% of the population) I am so homophobic, it's ridiculous. Finding out about the lesbianness made me want to punch something. Now, yes, I know, being homophobic is bad, but I swear, everytime I try and get the horrible feelings and angst away, it never works. Nothing works. Just, gays and lesbians are such a strange fucking concept to my brain, and I can't take it. Because of the new gay stuff in this show, I am now reminded about gays everytime I see something related to the show. Thanks, internet. You've ruined the show for me, cause now I get pissed everytime I see it because whoopdedoo, there's a gay couple in it. It's a fucking wildfire of girls and guys going; "Ooh, you're supporting gays! Yay! *girly squeals*" Yeah, f all of you, you're making my job as an attempting recovery homophobic worse. Why can't I just be normal and accept the fact that gays are a thing?? This is stupid. I hate myself for being so hateful towards others. GRAGH.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Okay, so. If anyone here is a psychologist, yes please. I want you. I've been watching Legend of Korra, and whoopedefuckingdoo, lesbian couple in it now. I know the show has ended, but... Urghhh... (I am preparing to offend 90% of the population) I am so homophobic, it's ridiculous. Finding out about the lesbianness made me want to punch something. Now, yes, I know, being homophobic is bad, but I swear, everytime I try and get the horrible feelings and angst away, it never works. Nothing works. Just, gays and lesbians are such a strange fucking concept to my brain, and I can't take it. Because of the new gay stuff in this show, I am now reminded about gays everytime I see something related to the show. Thanks, internet. You've ruined the show for me, cause now I get pissed everytime I see it because whoopdedoo, there's a gay couple in it. It's a fucking wildfire of girls and guys going; "Ooh, you're supporting gays! Yay! *girly squeals*" Yeah, f all of you, you're making my job as an attempting recovery homophobic worse. Why can't I just be normal and accept the fact that gays are a thing?? This is stupid. I hate myself for being so hateful towards others. GRAGH.

I'm gonna start off by saying as a bisexual who identifies with neither sex (genderqueer) I'm actually not offended. I just hope you won't see me any different after this, and I will make it an effort not to bother you with this knowledge again. :) I usually warn people ahead of time if my topics are leaning towards that subject anyways.


I'm not offended because you are aware this is not a good thing for you to be thinking and the fact that you're aware of it and trying to better yourself is already a good sign. I've only taken one psychology class so I'm hardly qualified for any sort of in depth analysis but all I can suggest is really try to understand that sexual preference aside, a human is a human. In the end it's really no different than, say, I like playing video games over playing sports. Probably hard to make the connection between hobbies and sexuality but at it's core, both are preferences in the end, it's just people are far more passionate about one than the other. If your phobia is more centered towards the fear that they may try to hit on you then all you have to do is let them know you aren't interested. If they continue after that then either they're just complete assholes as a person, or you're trapped in a yaoi manga and I can't help you there lol.


It also doesn't help that there ARE people who go out of their way to rub their sexuality in others faces and they aren't helping anyone doing that, really. I've always made it a point that I never talk about my sexual preferences unless either the topic arises(like in this case) or I'm asked. Most of my friends go months before finding out and I honestly prefer it that way because in the end I just want people to get to know me as a PERSON before a bisexual.


I say keep trying to better yourself and I admire you for having the courage to speak up about personal issues.


As for the Legend of Korra thing, that's honestly so blown out of proportions imo. I haven't watched the show so I can't really say 100% but I did see the ending everyone is losing their shit over and all I saw in the end was just 2 close friends. I get sappy with people all the time; doesn't mean I hit it off with them. :S I blame Tumblr in the end for all this craziness. They jump on the homosexual bandwagons so fast it makes my head spin sometimes. Do not, and I mean do NOT look up Sherlock on Tumblr.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Okay, so. If anyone here is a psychologist, yes please. I want you. I've been watching Legend of Korra, and whoopedefuckingdoo, lesbian couple in it now. I know the show has ended, but... Urghhh... (I am preparing to offend 90% of the population) I am so homophobic, it's ridiculous. Finding out about the lesbianness made me want to punch something. Now, yes, I know, being homophobic is bad, but I swear, everytime I try and get the horrible feelings and angst away, it never works. Nothing works. Just, gays and lesbians are such a strange fucking concept to my brain, and I can't take it. Because of the new gay stuff in this show, I am now reminded about gays everytime I see something related to the show. Thanks, internet. You've ruined the show for me, cause now I get pissed everytime I see it because whoopdedoo, there's a gay couple in it. It's a fucking wildfire of girls and guys going; "Ooh, you're supporting gays! Yay! *girly squeals*" Yeah, f all of you, you're making my job as an attempting recovery homophobic worse. Why can't I just be normal and accept the fact that gays are a thing?? This is stupid. I hate myself for being so hateful towards others. GRAGH.


Being homophobic isn't bad, it's just the in thing to hate in today's society.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Homosexuals these days are such self-entitled shitlords that it sickens me that them and their supporters are so willing to sacrifice one of the founding rights this country was built upon for the sake of a minority when the thing they're fighting for isn't even illegal to begin with.

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Mmm, lesbians. I like.


Seriously, I'm surprised that depiction of female homosexuality provokes this kind of reaction. In my experience, most people are far more tolerant of lesbians than of male homosexuals. I actually think that most women are at least latently bisexual, whereas only a small fraction of men are bi- or homosexual...


the thing they're fighting for isn't even illegal to begin with.


Well, if it were legal there would have been no need to fight for it (whatever it is they are fighting for over there...), right? :-)



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Welp, I'm not sure if I should be surprised that I came back to...this.

Vent: A somewhat misleading news headline nearly threw me into a panic fit before I could read it more closely. I wish I could keep a better handle on this damn brain.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Welp, I'm not sure if I should be surprised that I came back to...this.

Vent: A somewhat misleading news headline nearly threw me into a panic fit before I could read it more closely. I wish I could keep a better handle on this damn brain.


What was it?

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Aw. *sheds tear* You guys are the best. My morning just got so much better. I don't think it's the person that I'm afraid of. Cause, my best friend is gay. X3 But he's also asexual. So he NEVER shows off his other side. Which I'm cool with, cause I can just look at him like he's a normal guy. But, I had a talk with my boyfriend and yeah, I guess it's ridiculous how much the LGBT community acts sometimes. As soon as something mentions them, they start acting all prissy, thinking they're a special snowflake. Not accusing all of that community, no. But Tumblr is the fucking worst. X3 I'm just on Tumblr following Snake blogs. But, I actually find guy to guy relationships more copable. And to answer your worries, Rarity. Nothing you do tells me you're bisexual, I love that. And since that's the case, it's just a word, you being bisexual doesn't interfere with day to day activities (other than love of course). But I'm met SO many people that make it their sole purpose to let everyone know they're gay. And that frustrates me. You're not special people, there's at least 10,000 other people like you. Go win an Academy Award, and then come back to me and tell me you're special.


Sorry if I offended anyone here. X3 It happens. I do that a lot, by accident of course.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Welp, I'm not sure if I should be surprised that I came back to...this.

Vent: A somewhat misleading news headline nearly threw me into a panic fit before I could read it more closely. I wish I could keep a better handle on this damn brain.


What was it?


Something about Pharmacare getting axed in my province - since I rely on it to afford my medications, that would be a pretty bad thing.

Turns out they were actually just changing the program around and it doesn't apply to people already on it.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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My fucking dad just decided that he doesn't need to pay my mom the amount he is legally obligated to pay for my wisdom tooth surgery. There's no way in hell that we can afford to bring him to court over this, and coupled with the guy we rent the back room of our house out to moving away there's going to be some financial hardship. For someone who claims to want the best for my brother and me he sure does make our lives considerably harder just to screw over my mom. It's not like he didn't know about it either, he was informed and agreed to pay for it months in advance. It even ended up costing less than it was supposed to. I guess the really sad thing is that I'm not even surprised he acts this way anymore.

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Whomever decided SSD1 should be a mandatory training thing soldiers have to do to get promoted to a sergeant should be beaten with an iron stick. I mean fuck! It's a fucking 10 module lesson program, with a godforsaken exam at the end of it, involving like an hour and a half of military-esque questions you'd only know if you happened to take notes on every module! No one has time for that shit! then, you can't even write down the previous answer because the sadistic fuckers decided it was an amazing idea to program the questions and the responses to randomize with each unlimited attempt you get! I'd happily put this bullshit off until I was Specialist promote-able, but my sergeant is going to force me to do it anyway when I arrive to my first duty station! Fuck! Oh, and it's hilarious enough that not one of the fucking lessons has anything to do with my job. They pretty much assume i'm infantry. When am i ever going to need to know about Hearts and Minds?! I'm an Air Defense Artillery soldier! I shoot missiles at other missiles and occasionally a jet or something. Unless Infantry, and mechanized infantry severely fucked up, i won't even need use my M16 except to re-qualify! I'm a non-combat, in the wire, highly defended asset. SSD1 is useless to everything I'll ever need to do in my career!

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