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Finding entry level work in a town that's mostly college students throughout most of the year /and/ 40% of the population is below the poverty line is downright impossible. Athens is a decent town, but so many potential employers have been moving to the next county over due to being taxed out of their eyeballs because of our county government supporting the economically disadvantaged (which I have no qualms with, it would be absolute fucking anarchy if half of the population here weren't receiving government assistance). Ironically, this kind of results in a feedback loop of poverty for Athens-Clarke County residents. I wouldn't mind moving away to find work, but I'd rather be in a place where I already have connections than go through the stress of moving to a new city again.

100 percent average every time, all the time.

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So I drew something for some guy on another forum I visit. I admit, it wasn't much. Didn't take long but it's not like he requested something big anyway. Didn't ask for anything in return for it, but god. When I gave the finished product to him, not a thank you, smile or fucking anything. Just a; "It'll do." It makes me so pissed. Like, wow, I just devoted my time to you, and all you can do is mutter two god damn words? Fuck. On a lighter side, somebody on DeviantArt has requested some art from me. X3 First time it's ever really happened on DeviantArt.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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People, learn to use your blinkers when driving, sure you were lucky this time, but you might not be so lucky next time. Especially if you're moving two lanes to the left or right. Gah!


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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ASUS, why did you make your phone so damn hard to manually update? Forcing me to completely wipe the phone, unbrick it, try 3 different ways to install it, and then re-root the thing is not pleasant. Other than that, it's a great phone. lol

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Fuck my new manager. No really, screw him. Hell, the previous manager doesn't like him. None of the employes like him, he's a complete hard-ass of a douche, who doesn't know what he's doing. I'm not even comparing him to the other managers (Leeann Chin has two store managers, and then there's the general manager, and other store managers, etc.). The previous morning manager (all names are being changed) Steve, not only did he know what he was doing, he was nice, relaxed (to a degree), helpful, respectful, among other positive traits. The closing manager, yeah I'm not too fond of him, but at least he's good, although his background (I'm not sure exactly what) does get in the way, at times, when working with him, but no big deal. Now the new morning manager (the one that everyone doesn't like, including the previous morning manager) is, like I said, a real hard-ass. The first couple of days he was kind/nice, but that was a ruse. The moment he catches you not doing a task (may it be coming out of the bathroom, putting a band-aid on, talking to a customer/fellow co-worker) he has this "I'm very irritated at you for wasting precious time" look on his face, and with his voice as well. On another note, I hate closing up (this has nothing to do with the managers.). So many tasks to do for four people (including night manager). Now I'm usually the last one to leave (again, minus the night manager) because I usually close once a week, and I'm not as fast as the others. I'm doing the best that I can, as fast as I can, but the night manager (okay, I might have lied earlier, oh well) is like "Tiffany can finish by 9 o clock, can you finish by then?" Look, I'm not her, I'm not Kyle, I'm not you, I am me. Yes, it really sucks that I get finished by 11 when doing the dishes. Also, please, oh please tell me how the others get finished two hours before me, especially those that do the dishes when I'm not closing. I got a couple of tips from another closer tonight, which would have really helped if the night manager wasn't making it harder on me.



ADHD version: Everyone at work hates the new morning manager (including the previous morning manager), and I hate closing up, I'm slow(er) at closing up, and sometimes I end up too drained to play video games and working on SFM projects (you can read up on it in the General thread), oh and I really hate the new manager.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Oh geez. I have amazing managers where I work. :3 We're free to joke around, I mean we occasionally get told off for not doing work, but that's my fault. XP I'm the one who got distracted. But yeah, my managers are carefree, (in the good sort of way), and just really nice people! My work is a really nice place! :3 Usually you get annoying coworkers or bossy managers, but where I work, it's just so nice! So lucky!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Dear Planet Earth,


Not finding something attractive does not equal body shaming. Like stop. Shaming someone for there body is body shaming. I get what you're trying to do but beauty is also an opinion believe it or not. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." ON TOP OF THAT, not finding something beautiful is also not body shaming.


Like seriously. People are trying to replacing a problem through hive-mind mentality which is a shitty way to deal with a problem. I'm not gonna throw away my individuality because people somehow think because I prefer A over B that I'm somehow a bad person. I said I prefer A over B not "A is good, B is bad".


No wonder SJW's get such a bad rep. They do everything completely wrong and they do it loudly.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Dear Planet Earth,


Not finding something attractive does not equal body shaming. Like stop. Shaming someone for there body is body shaming. I get what you're trying to do but beauty is also an opinion believe it or not. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." ON TOP OF THAT, not finding something beautiful is also not body shaming.


Like seriously. People are trying to replacing a problem through hive-mind mentality which is a shitty way to deal with a problem. I'm not gonna throw away my individuality because people somehow think because I prefer A over B that I'm somehow a bad person. I said I prefer A over B not "A is good, B is bad".


No wonder SJW's get such a bad rep. They do everything completely wrong and they do it loudly.


Someone had to say it and I think you said it 100% perfectly.

Tumblr, you have your heart in the right place, but there's a point where you should have stopped and you're quite far past it.

the name's riley

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I feel so... disheartened. That's the only way I can explain it.


I've been doing stuff I wouldn't normally do. Watch TV, actually read Tumblr. And gosh, I don't know what to say.

People getting piss drunk, ruining everyone else's lives around them permanently. Then just people bashing each other. All I could do was just sit down and cry because of how awful the human race is. For most of my life, I've aimed to be peaceful, respectful and understanding. I don't know how well I've done, but... I want to be all of those characteristics so I can make people feel good. And watching TV, and reading Tumblr articles just ruins my day, it makes me sick and makes me feel revolted. One person does a good thing, and everyone goes; "Oh really? Well you could have done better!"

I remember one day, I was six years old, I didn't have enough money for the toy I wanted, and a lady behind me gave me the extra $1 I needed. It was only $1, and I don't know why, but it was the happiest moment I had. And probably still to this day. I don't know why it stands out for me so much, but I just can only sit here and cry, and hope that humanity doesn't get worse. God I can't wait for heaven.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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God I can't wait for heaven.


One can never be late for that. No need to rush...



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God I can't wait for heaven.


One can never be late for that. No need to rush...

Agreed... To both sentiments.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Another vent, sorry. X3

I just really dislike how people can't get used to religion. Religion has been around for decades, centuries, millenniums even, but atheists still continue to shit on our parade. "You believe in religion? You must be retarded."

Really? Cause your big bang theory is way fucking better, your random explosion happening from nothing. I can believe that evolution is real, and I've also seen real life miracles happen from God. So I'm very much on the fence with it all. But I still call myself a Christian. It's just ridiculous though. Atheists should either deal with religion being a thing, or get lost. Technically Atheism is a religion itself anyway. Religion is to believe in something. If you believe in nothing, then surely it's still a religion. Just, anti-religion in a way. X3 I just wish people would understand the concept of beliefs and opinions. *sigh*

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Atheism often falls under having faith in science, not nothing. It's also not anti-religion, that's just a bunch of loud mouth neckbeards thinking they know everything. I'm also an Atheist but my boyfriend is a Christian and we get along just fine. We often even poke fun at the lore as well.

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It's really just assholes that want to find something that they can legally use as a basis for discrimination. (and it happens on every side) All in all, it sucks for those of use that aren't looking to have hostilities.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Atheism is the opposite extreme. Just like there's varying degree's of religion there are varying degree's of the atheism as well, and unfortunately on both sides the most radical ones are usually the loudest and most obnoxious.


I don't really follow any set of beliefs other than "It is what it is and what it is is fucking cool." I guess as long as you find whatever works for you...

Retired Forum Moderator

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Guys, I'm stressing out so badly right now. To the point of tears, dammit. I had all my work done, then suddenly... Monday, today, no study lines at school, 3 assignments set in the one day, and two more because I didn't KNOW they were homework assignments. You see, I asked the teacher VERY clearly; "Do you expect me to write all of these questions?"

"No. Just think about it." She says.

Then this week, she's expecting like, 3 pages of fucking written work, due on Wednesday. But oh no. It doesn't end. I worked 6 hours tonight. No room for homework. I've eaten 2 packet of chips today and that's it. I don't even feel hungry, I'm that stressed. Then tomorrow, I have a fucking dentist appointment. Why? Apparently I'm getting a tooth pulled out. So no more food till tomorrow dinner. If I don't reply to this, assume I fucking starved to death. But yeah, pulled out tooth = pain, blood loss. I'm already on my period (girl), so... Blood loss + blood loss + no food + stress. Hmmmmmmmm...

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Guys, I'm stressing out so badly right now. To the point of tears, dammit. I had all my work done, then suddenly... Monday, today, no study lines at school, 3 assignments set in the one day, and two more because I didn't KNOW they were homework assignments. You see, I asked the teacher VERY clearly; "Do you expect me to write all of these questions?"

"No. Just think about it." She says.

Then this week, she's expecting like, 3 pages of fucking written work, due on Wednesday. But oh no. It doesn't end. I worked 6 hours tonight. No room for homework. I've eaten 2 packet of chips today and that's it. I don't even feel hungry, I'm that stressed. Then tomorrow, I have a fucking dentist appointment. Why? Apparently I'm getting a tooth pulled out. So no more food till tomorrow dinner. If I don't reply to this, assume I fucking starved to death. But yeah, pulled out tooth = pain, blood loss. I'm already on my period (girl), so... Blood loss + blood loss + no food + stress. Hmmmmmmmm...

I really wish I could offer some advice on how to manage the stress but I just spent a year swimming in a pool of it and didn't manage it very well myself. :S Also that teacher is an ass. I can't stand when teachers neglect to make sure students are properly informed about assignments.


If anything, copious amounts of Chamomile tea helped somewhat.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Until you're old enough to drink, I have no advice on stress. Once you're old enough, my advice is don't drink too much.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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If the dentist is not a complete butcher then pulling the tooth should not be that bad, actually. Certainly not the kind of blood loss as the other one... I don't know if he is going to use anesthetic, if he is, then you may want to drink a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of sugar (real one, not sweetener) to keep the blood sugar level up and not feel dizzy.


On religion v atheism - we used to have a thread for that somewhere in serious topics. Might as well resurrect it, if anyone's interested...



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If anyone on here is willing to talk one to one with me, I'd like it. I'm really not feeling the best and I just want somebody to talk to... Please. Steam name is Jeb_CC of course. Shouldn't be too hard to find.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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