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To clarify cooking grenades is a thing but as someone who has a lover and has had most of her family in the military it is recommended that you don't do it for safety reasons do to variations in the fuse.


1. Variations with a fuse that is already too damned short. Holding it for an extra second or two is just asking for it to go off in your face.

2. The way they do it in-game they simply remove the pin without dropping the spoon. The fuse doesn't ignite until the spoon is detached. Holding it then accomplishes nothing.

I'm not surprised they would do something that stupid. It reminds me of the latest CoD ad where this one dipshit is holding a knife reverse grip with the blade facing toward him. Unless you're Michael Myers you wont be killing anyone like that let alone in a war zone.

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I'm not surprised they would do something that stupid. It reminds me of the latest CoD ad where this one dipshit is holding a knife reverse grip with the blade facing toward him. Unless you're Michael Myers you wont be killing anyone like that let alone in a war zone.


There's also the entire rest of my list. Oh, and they have C4 being set off by bullets. Shooting C4 won't set it off. Hell, you can light C4 on fire and it won't go off.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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What's next? Complaining that Iron Man isn't realistic? Seriously, it's a video game, let it go, it doesn't have to be super realistic.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Vent: I made a really really bad decision and I'm really feeling the consequences of that one right now....

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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What's next? Complaining that Iron Man isn't realistic? Seriously, it's a video game, let it go, it doesn't have to be super realistic.

My concern isn't about realism but misinformation. I'm sure you already know about all the different shit storms that spawned due to it. At the very least they could show that the characters have the slightest knowledge of firearms safety. If Payday 2 can do it I'm sure Call of Duty can too.

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7. Blowing up a baby in front of the player won't get them fired up, it'll just turn them off. There's a reason I snapped my MW3 disk.


What the fuck did they do?! Where is that scene? That's definitely worthy of projectile vomit, that's for damn sure.


15. Story was the ONLY THING that made the first Modern Warfare decent and the second one playable.


No it didn't. It turned it into an overly nationalistic piece of shit. In fact that sums up the entire series.


16. Do you realize how incredibly racist you're becoming? The first game was just a little racist, but the second game kinda started to bother me and the third game is somewhere between old-school Disney and 1940's Loony Tunes racist. What the fuck is this shit? I get that the right-wing shut-ins you're marketing to are a bunch of racist sacks of shit, but they don't need racism in their games to enjoy it, and you're turning off EVERYBODY else.


I don't doubt you, but what did they do in game? If it's any indication, I don't play CoD.

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What the fuck did they do?! Where is that scene? That's definitely worthy of projectile vomit, that's for damn sure.


Modern warfare 3's shock scene has you playing as a civilian. The father in a young couple, walking along, holding a camera, filming his family (mostly his absolutely adorable daughter) visiting London. Then they're all killed by a car bomb loaded with poison gas. For no fucking reason.


No it didn't. It turned it into an overly nationalistic piece of shit. In fact that sums up the entire series.


You clearly never played it. The FIRST and SECOND modern warfares were absolutely NOT that. In the first modern warfare, the protagonist nations are portrayed quite realistically and even their enemies have believable motivations. The marines are complete fucking moron lunatics acting with such near-sighted self-righteousness that they miss every one of a HUGE series of red flags and screw the pooch so hard that the pooch has to lock itself in the bathroom for an hour with a tube of soothing cream. (Specifically, they fail to notice the city they are invading has been COMPLETELY EVACUATED OF ALL CIVILIANS, that resistance is getting lighter as they near their target instead of lower, and that their target isn't actually in the city. And then the nuke goes off and kills the entire invasion force.) And as for the SAS, they're actually competent and the game's actual protagonists for sure, but they're morally questionable from the start, especially captain Price, and have NO regard for the rules of war.


And in the second game? The game's villain may appear to be a Russian, but he's not the real villain. The real villain is an American. And when you kill him, he still wins because he gets the war he wanted while you get labelled a terrorist and go into hiding.


I don't doubt you, but what did they do in game? If it's any indication, I don't play CoD.


Well there's your problem. But I'll summarize.


Modern Warfare:

Nothing really racist, except for using the stock Russian and Arab villians. While that was already cliche at the time the game came out, they at least did a good job making these stock Russian and Arab villains believable and didn't just go "They're Russian, so they're evil!" and "SHOOT THE SAND MONKEYS! GAAAAWD BLESS AMEEERICAAAA!" like many of the later imitators did. And like they did in later installments.


Modern Warfare 2:

Are we really expected to believe that one airport massacre would be enough to get Russia to invade the United States? That's bullshit, guys. Russia would just go to the UN, force the UN to do an inquiry into the incident to prove the US is at fault, and then milk the incident for financial compensation and political pull for the next century. And the scumbags in power in Russia would love every fucking minute of it, just like our government loved every fucking minute of it after 911 happened and they used it to justify all the COMPLETELY FUCKING UNRELATED HORSESHIT they did after it. And they presented the favela as a shanty town little fucking slum, with huge expensive houses all around it. Yeah, ha ha, huge class divides in South America. Because it's not like the class divide in the US is A LOT FUCKING WORSE or anything, you fucking hypocrites. And... why, exactly, are we fighting the people here? They have NO motivation to be shooting at us other than, you know, the fact that we're running through their streets with assault rifles chasing a guy. At least take two seconds to make an excuse, because unlike your new core demographic I AM going to question why we're shooting waves of brown people talking foreign and I'm not going to make the excuses FOR you. (Yeah, I realize they're probably paid off by the guy we're chasing. But they could have said that instead of just throwing a bunch of hispanic men with guns at us with no explanation. And wouldn't the soldiers be confused about the militia attacking them, even if that was the case?)


Modern Warfare 3:

Everybody not American or British is now behaving as a scenery-chewing, for the evulz card-carrying villain, bombing cities full of civilians with poison gas for NO FUCKING REASON, sabotaging a peace treaty by killing their own president and SOMEHOW still having the full military resources of their entire country. This isn't Russia, this is the way Russians were portrayed in 1960s fucking propaganda films, and it's just as fucking racist. Real Russians would not act like this. They can be total jackasses sometimes, and frequently are, but I can't see Russia invading the US, much less sabotaging a peace effort, bombing civilians with poison gas and then giving full military support to the terrorists that did so. And even more especially I can't see that when the group responsible was an ultranationalist rebel group two fucking games ago. NOBODY switches over that thoroughly, that quickly. Even if the rebels won, there's NO FUCKING WAY they could pull shit like this so fast after taking power, especially after they tried to nuke the US in the first game before they took power. And there's no more motivation given for the villains AT ALL! WHAT THE FUCK? This is bullshit, guys. I couldn't even FINISH this game it was so bad.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Modern warfare 3's shock scene has you playing as a civilian. The father in a young couple, walking along, holding a camera, filming his family (mostly his absolutely adorable daughter) visiting London. Then they're all killed by a car bomb loaded with poison gas. For no fucking reason.


Oh. THAT scene. :x


Their enemies have believable motivations.


What would that be?


And in the second game? The game's villain may appear to be a Russian, but he's not the real villain. The real villain is an American. And when you kill him, he still wins because he gets the war he wanted while you get labelled a terrorist and go into hiding.


I feel that the whole "American can be a villain too" thing was stapled on to avoid the whole "uber-nationalist" criticism the games keep getting hit with.


Modern Warfare:

Nothing really racist, except for using the stock Russian and Arab villians. While that was already cliche at the time the game came out, they at least did a good job making these stock Russian and Arab villains believable and didn't just go "They're Russian, so they're evil!" and "SHOOT THE SAND MONKEYS! GAAAAWD BLESS AMEEERICAAAA!" like many of the later imitators did. And like they did in later installments.


As noted, how did they make those stereotypes believable?


Also, you forgot to bash CoD Ghosts.

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Also, you forgot to bash CoD Ghosts.

What's that then? Must be a a ripoff of Starcraft Ghost... ;)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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What would that be?


Which one? Zakhaev and Shepherd both explain themselves pretty well. Of the two, though, of course Shepherd explains himself better.


Zakhaev believes the current Russian government is a puppet government set up by the west, and that Russia is collapsing under its rule. (Well, Zakhaev, if your Russia is anything like our Russia, you at least got the second one right.) He wants to overturn the current government and restore his homeland to power.


In other words, he's an ultranationalist.


Shepherd wants revenge. During the events of the previous game, he lost 30,000 men in a nuclear bombing. This ruined him. He wants to find Makarov, the last surviving member of the conspiracy, and doesn't care how much involvement he actually had in it. And more importantly, he wants to strengthen the American military and restore its international reputation as an untouchable hyper-power, to hell with whatever is lost in the process. He starts a war with the new ultranationalist Russia in order to do exactly that. He believes that once the people have an enemy, they will rally behind him.


In other words, he's ALSO an ultranationalist.


I feel that the whole "American can be a villain too" thing was stapled on to avoid the whole "uber-nationalist" criticism the games keep getting hit with.


Oh, bullshit. You're grasping at straws here.


As noted, how did they make those stereotypes believable?


They didn't use them, and I didn't say they did. I just said the countries they picked as enemies were cliche. But so you know, they did a good job of playing enemies from those nations WITHOUT making any racist statements about those nations. And they actually showed a few positives. Like when you're going into the city they planted a nuclear bomb in, you might notice it has been completely evacuated by all civilians. That's not a gameplay convenience, that's cannon. The arabs evacuated their citizens before the battle, and when they nuked the city they didn't kill any civilians. As for the Russians, your main allies in the game are Russian. Specifically, they're the actual Russian government that the ultranationalists are trying to destroy.


The main thing about the first two Modern Warfare titles is that your enemies aren't a particular nationality. Your enemies might be Russian, Arab or American. The real enemies of these games is ultranationalism. And remember that at the time, we were at the tail end of a huge wave of ultranationalism in the states. I do believe they were making a statement, especially in the second game.


And as for the third game, they probably realized their new demographic was too stupid to understand that, gave up, and just cranked out something the ultranationalistic retarded dudebros that had (for some reason) flocked to this franchise (that hated exactly the attitudes they exuded) would like and carried their money home in a freight train. And they spent all their time on the multiplayer because that's all the dudebros would ever play. And they threw in a new shock scene because it was expected of them, and didn't bother making it any good, or at all relevant to the plot. And so on. What you're seeing is the result of a previously good writing team that has given up and just doesn't care anymore. It's depressing, and a bit disgusting, and that's why I want nothing to do with it.


Also, you forgot to bash CoD Ghosts.


I never played Ghosts. I'd given up on the franchise by then. I gave up on the franchise in the same game the writing team gave up on it, and never went back to it. It had all the appeal of a jar full of cold spunk then, and now it's about as appealing as if the spunk had started to mold. I'm not touching it, I'm not going anywhere near it, ever again.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Vent: my amazing ability to be able to pass out pretty much any time, even if I'm in the middle of doing things!

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Fuck people not planning ahead and then blaming me for their own fucking retardedness.

"I didnt plan out on buying this booze until one day before, can you help me get one?"

"I have no one that will buy this late"



"I lend money in your name and I didnt ask first, thats cool right?"

*2 days later*



"I bought all this retarded shit for fucktons of money, now I cannot afford cigarettes, can you give me half your pack? LOL!!!!!1"

"Life sucks sober!"

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Hey, I'm about to get very, VERY angry about my girlfriend's siblings right now. I want you to know before I do that I have known these people since I was a small child, they're pretty much my family too (not that that would discourage this exact kind of rant anyway) and I normally trust their judgement fairly well. That said...




They just left yesterday. They left. No explanation as to where they were going, or why, or when they'd be back. They just let my girlfriend know they were leaving, told her to take care of their respective children (each has a child from their separated marriages, the older has two kids but the other is in the father's, my best friend's, custody), gave her $3000 and left. And that's it. They could be on fucking MARS, in a fucking SPACE BROTHEL, and NOBODY WOULD FUCKING KNOW. (Obviously not literally, they don't have that kind of resources and if they did they'd take us with them, but you get my meaning.)


WHAT THE FUCK? What is it that was so important they had to leave in less than an hour, give NO information as to where they were going, why they were going there, or when they'd be back? And why are they giving her THREE FUCKING GRAND? How long are they going to be gone that THREE GRAND is warranted? It's not for the bills, they said they took care of that. Where did they GET three grand, anyway? They both work dead-end jobs for $SH.IT/hour. How is ANY of this even POSSIBLE?


I AM FUCKING SCARED, and I'M not the ones whose siblings just vanished into the night without any explanation. Imagine how SHE feels. I am going to go join my girlfriend so she'll have something to do and not be encouraged to just crawl into bed with a bottle of absinthe.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I feel that the whole "American can be a villain too" thing was stapled on to avoid the whole "uber-nationalist" criticism the games keep getting hit with.


Oh, bullshit. You're grasping at straws here.


Meh. Probably.


As noted, how did they make those stereotypes believable?


They didn't use them, and I didn't say they did. I just said the countries they picked as enemies were cliche. But so you know, they did a good job of playing enemies from those nations WITHOUT making any racist statements about those nations.


Until the third game, right? Speaking of which, did the third game have any Arab villains?


I AM FUCKING SCARED, and I'M not the ones whose siblings just vanished into the night without any explanation. Imagine how SHE feels. I am going to go join my girlfriend so she'll have something to do and not be encouraged to just crawl into bed with a bottle of absinthe.


Jesus Christ. I hope everything turns out alright. I'd make a joke about it, but this could be parental abandonment. Just be damn careful, okay?

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Meh. Probably.


Until the third game, right? Speaking of which, did the third game have any Arab villains?



I don't give a fuck about any of this right now.


Jesus Christ. I hope everything turns out alright. I'd make a joke about it, but this could be parental abandonment. Just be damn careful, okay?


It's not her parents. Her parents are dead. It's her younger brother and older sister.


Turns out they left a note.


"*Here's $3000 payment.

*Don't worry about the bills.

*Don't spend it all on booze.

*We took care of the rent and the day-care.

*Get yourself a bus pass if you need it. City busses only.

*Don't get a job."


Great. Thanks guys. Real fucking informative.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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It's not her parents. Her parents are dead. It's her younger brother and older sister.


Ah. Still pretty bad.





Vent: I fucking hate how I miss things that are right in front of my fucking face! I mean once or twice is alright, but it has been a near constant lately.

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Sometimes I wonder if anyone understands the concept of privacy.

Oh, you know, reading what I'm doing over my shoulder doesn't bother me or anything, just keep doing it.

the name's riley

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Sometimes I wonder if anyone understands the concept of privacy.

Oh, you know, reading what I'm doing over my shoulder doesn't bother me or anything, just keep doing it.


Or "hey, you're looking something private on your phone, let me see!"


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Why is it that companies that ship with a 1-3 week shipping time wait until 4 days from the deadline to actually ship the damn product? Seriously, why would it take 2 weeks to ship a laser the size and weight of an expensive pen from China to the USA, and then another 4 days to get it to my door? Or a cellphone to take over 2/3 of it's 2 week shipping time, and still not have a functioning tracking number?


I hate companies that update their tracking info only AFTER they deliver the package. (I have had this several times, and it looks to be happening again with my new cellphone) Seriously, why have tracking numbers in the first place if you don't update them until 3 days after the package is delivered?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I just managed to annoy myself, because I had one of those moments where I stop and just really think about things in a more detailed fashion, and I realized that if I were to say anywhere the words "admitting that you are wrong is a strength and not a weakness" I would most likely get a majority agreement.


That's not bad. In theory, that's good. But that's just that, in theory. In practice, it's hypocritical, because I'm positive that a good amount of those people that are agreeing, are the same people that when told are wrong, fight tooth and nail with little to no actual proof or evidence that they're right, then take this insufferably obnoxious self righteous, holier-than-thou attitude of "well then you're wrong" when you continually shut down any out-of-the-ass arguments they throw at you.


I should like start a campaign or something to get the American education system to put in a mandatory Critical Thinking class because holy fuck this nation needs it. Hell, every nation needs it. I've stopped participating in like 99.9% of all forum based "serious discussions" everywhere because I read these topics and posts and just wanna shout at my screen over half the stuff I read. So much one sided arguments with little to no consideration or analysis of opposing views. Sometimes even stout refusal to acknowledge that the opposing side is in any way credible or even intelligent and resorting to downright insults as counterargument. I even see that here. Like, I love you guys to death but god, I don't think I can handle being in any political/world relative discussions with anyone here. In fact, I think I'm just gonna go ahead and continue my self rule of not going into that forum.


Some suggestions that go a long way and is basically critical thinking 101:


-Reread your post before posting it. Like, 3 times over. If you sound like an asshole to yourself or have any doubts in any ways after the third read, erase it, try again.

-Argument does not mean fight. Returning to the first, just because someone doesn't follow your point of view, does not mean you need to be an ass.

-Don't be an ass. Plain text just in case the first two didn't clue this in.

-Don't be an ass.

-Proofread. Seriously. Good grammar is the basic structure of a good argument.

-Think, analyze, research, source. Think about what you're saying before you say it. Analyze the opposing argument and consider their points. Research any information you got from another source, even if you think you know exactly what they said or meant. And lastly, source what you find. No one is gonna take it on faith that you know what you're talking about, no matter how much more intelligent than them you think you are. If by any chance you feel too lazy to do any of this, then you should not be in the debate.

-and lastly, capitalized because this is what frustrates me the most in debates and practically everyone is guilty of it to some level, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ADMIT YOU ARE WRONG. Seriously, the world's not gonna end if you happen to actually be wrong for once and no one's gonna hold it against you. If they do, then they are guilty of not following steps 1-4.



tl;dr, the world sucks at debating and it pisses me off.

Retired Forum Moderator

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