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She's mentally ill, and has these moments every once in a while.
Yeah, that's why I avoided saying something like "What a ******", because it wasn't deliberately malicious. She would not have been in sound mind.

I wish I could say something to help :/


GTA V Heists suck all the peeeeeen.
I think I'll add that to the 'examples of online MP sucking' list.


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Yeah, that's why I avoided saying something like "What a ******", because it wasn't deliberately malicious. She would not have been in sound mind.

I wish I could say something to help :/


You can't, but I appreciate the sentiment.


Sometimes, it's very stressful being with her, but the rest of the time she's a wonderful person and it's not like she isn't trying, or that she doesn't immediately realise she was in the wrong. I mean, it was TWENTY DEGREES out there last night when I was waiting, and after I got back she waited for six hours just to apologize to me. And I might have been joking about her being colder on the inside (she was inside two hours before I knew she was there, and it was another half hour before we had sex, she had plenty of time to warm up), but I know that CAN'T be good for you, and it certainly isn't comfortable. You can't fake that.


I've given up on basically every other woman on the planet. Every women I've dated apart from her was either using me for something, or was just generally a selfish bitch who used their second x-chromosome as an excuse not to work on ANY of their MANY and MASSIVE flaws. Kari, on the other hand, actually tries to be a good person, and mostly succeeds. That by itself is so rare, I can't leave her just because she's so frustrating 1% of the time.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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That you persevere with her, where most other people would have given up long time ago and gone in search of a lower hanging fruit says a lot to me about you as well.


But don't be too skeptical about women in general... I know at least two, whom I'd want to remain in my life forever and I didn't exactly set out on a quest around the world to find them (even though, geographically speaking, some may question whether I really didn't :P ) Anyway, what I'm saying is - there are good women around, who a man would gladly kill or die for and it would be worth it...



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Sometimes, it's very stressful being with her, but the rest of the time she's a wonderful person and it's not like she isn't trying, or that she doesn't immediately realise she was in the wrong. I mean, it was TWENTY DEGREES out there last night when I was waiting, and after I got back she waited for six hours just to apologize to me. And I might have been joking about her being colder on the inside (she was inside two hours before I knew she was there, and it was another half hour before we had sex, she had plenty of time to warm up), but I know that CAN'T be good for you, and it certainly isn't comfortable. You can't fake that.


I've given up on basically every other woman on the planet. Every women I've dated apart from her was either using me for something, or was just generally a selfish bitch who used their second x-chromosome as an excuse not to work on ANY of their MANY and MASSIVE flaws. Kari, on the other hand, actually tries to be a good person, and mostly succeeds. That by itself is so rare, I can't leave her just because she's so frustrating 1% of the time.

She loves you man.You've know each other for a very long time.Know that despite her mental issues,she cares about you.Never be mad at her.Ever.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I feel stressed... And tired... And depressed.

Mother decided to make a real dick move and tell me - the day my boyfriend gets discharged from the hospital - that he can't sleep in a bed with me at night. Why? Cause of her own religious faith. *sighs* It gets worse. Because of this... This means that our hotel arrangement no longer works. We planned to have her in one bed in the hotel, and in the other bed would be me and my boyfriend. Not allowed to sleep together - so she sent my boyfriend off to another place to sleep, where his dad is staying. So no boyfriend at night at ALL. It gets even worse. All of his medical equipment is here at this hotel. If he needs something urgently, he has to get his dad to drive all the way here and get what's needed. His medicine is here, pumps, lines, fluids, everything. And he's sleeping somewhere else. Ffffreaking fuck. IT GETS WORSE. Today was just a nightmare... Everyone was out, just me and my boyfriend in the hotel (so... We can't sleep together at night, but we can be alone in the hotel for hours and hours... ...are you retarded?) And suddenly, medical stuff. One problem, fixed. Another problem, fixed. But... Repeat this... Over... And over... And over... Add on top that we couldn't find anything we needed because his parents just chucked stuff in any old place, and some things were missing, some equipment was completely new and unfamiliar... His iestomy broke 3 times in the one fucking day, ended up having him take his meds an hour late because we were too busy with other shit like blood sugar tests and insulin. Had to measure the food he ate and the drinks he drank. Had to record every bit of detail, make sure all his medications were taken at the right dosage, and after each little medical act, had to clean the place up because there's always such a mess afterwards... Empty packets, tissues, even needles if we used any. And note... I... ME... did all this. For my boyfriend, he directed me what to do, and I did it all. For hours this went on and on. Got to the hotel at 4pm, which is when the drama started... Finished and it's 12am right now. I'm so fucking tired. And after all that, don't even have time to relax because he's gone - has to sleep in that other place. No rewards. No touch. He just came, I did his medical stuff for him, and he's gone. Fuck this. I shouldn't have to be in tears when he leaves. I want to spend time with him. Not just do this shit for hours and hours. At 11pm, his dad comes in to pick him up and he complains; "Why aren't you guys packing up? Come on, we gotta go!" Geeeeeeeeeez. I'm so stressed. Tired. Lonely. Bored. Hungry. Couldn't eat dinner... Was too busy keeping my boyfriend fucking alive.



Sorry... Rant over...

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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A lesser person would have run away long ago in the face of all that responsibility. You're a good person, Jeb.

Retired Forum Moderator

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Can't put it better than Rarity.


Just hold on, Jeb. One day is nothing when you have your entire life to look forward to. One day's frutstration will go away and be forgotten. Just remember that eventually - and soon - you WILL get that reward. You will get what you need and want so much and you will get it many many times over.


As for yesterday... scratch it off and don't look back...



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So apparently yesterday my girlfriend drank rather a lot too much and passed out. Today she woke up to find that while she was unconscious, her older sister dyed her hair black and left her naked in a bathtub with all her empty wine bottles. Let me repeat: Her sister DYED her gorgeous, waist-length red hair JET BLACK, with REAL hair dye, WITHOUT her permission, while she was UNCONSCIOUS, and then left her NAKED in a fucking BATHTUB with half a dozen GLASS BOTTLES.


Somebody explain to me how, exactly, that's okay. Quickly, please, because I am seriously tempted to go over there and confront her sister about it. I don't care that she's the scariest person I have ever met and I don't care that she can and will kick my ass, I will go over there and we're going to throw hands.



Actually, justice has been served without me. I just got a text message from Kari saying "I win."


Attached was a picture of her sister's new buzz cut.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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that he can't sleep in a bed with me at night. Why? Cause of her own religious faith. *sighs*
It was like that with my ex. Not allowed to share a bed, because I'd have to marry her first. I wasn't going to *do* anything without her consent, but the more I look back on it, the more I realise how much we weren't on the same page. Not long after we broke up, I made friends with a lass and she'd stay over at night and we'd spoon and watch cartoons, but nay sex, because neither of us wanted it. It's possible to sleep with a girl, but not *sleep* with a girl.


So apparently yesterday my girlfriend drank rather a lot too much and passed out. Today she woke up to find that while she was unconscious, her older sister dyed her hair black and left her naked in a bathtub with all her empty wine bottles. Let me repeat: Her sister DYED her gorgeous, waist-length red hair JET BLACK, with REAL hair dye, WITHOUT her permission, while she was UNCONSCIOUS, and then left her NAKED in a fucking BATHTUB with half a dozen GLASS BOTTLES.


Somebody explain to me how, exactly, that's okay. Quickly, please, because I am seriously tempted to go over there and confront her sister about it. I don't care that she's the scariest person I have ever met and I don't care that she can and will kick my ass, I will go over there and we're going to throw hands.

No, that's not ok. That's not ok at all. Fucking hell, would it be safe to say your girlfriend's sister contributes to her problems? Get her out of that house. Lock her sister in a basement. Maybe not that last part, but fuck me, that's negligent and exploitative.




Edited for my own Vent.


Ok, this seems petty considering the recent vents, but out of the blue my laptop stopped reading my PS3 controller. It seems to know it is connected, but I can't use it, not on Steam or on my PCSX2. I feel utterly clueless, and violently angry (nothing fills me with me rage more efficiently than inconsistent, dodgy technology). I think I'm going to have uninstall and re-download everything to do with this and start from scratch. I can feel myself wanting to smash this laptop to pieces. I need to calm down, I can't do anything good in this mood.


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These past 3 days have been me wading through a sea of other peoples entitlement, self-importance, selfishness, and passive-aggression just about everywhere I go. Dear world: GET OVER YOURSELF. Stop acting like you're owed the cosmo's when the most important thing you've done all day is eat breakfast!


And dear guest staying at our house for a week(who happens to be the biggest offender),


The next time you want to tell me all about how much more you know than me about how bad video games are, please remember this: I did a 24 page research paper using academic journals and peer-reviewed medical studies about the positive vs. negative effects of games on the body and psyche. You read an online gossip article. I'm sick and tired of that matter-of-fact tone you use every time you do and the pungent odor of dripping condescension that comes with it. You DON'T know what you're talking about so PLEASE FUCKING STOP. And about the whole "you'll never make friends wasting away in front of a computer" I have a more active social life than you do! I don't even have a car and I get out more than you, and I'm an introvert! "No friends" FUCK you. I only seem like a recluse because i spend a majority of the time you're here avoiding being in the same room.


And ONE OTHER thing: Next time you go to the theaters, for the love of god, stop. vocally. commenting. on. how. much. every. single. preview. looks. bad. to. you. I happen to be excited about Overwatch and the new Warcraft and I'm sure many other people in that theater were too so actually use your brain before going "oh, THAT looks teeeeeeeerrrrrible" and "I can't believe they're putting games in movies now! Get that garbage out of here" loud enough for the next theater over to hear it you inconsiderate asshole.



Your friends pissed off son.





I've been putting up with this woman twice a year for the last 15 years of my life. I'm not sure how many more I can do.

Retired Forum Moderator

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These past 3 days have been me wading through a sea of other peoples entitlement, self-importance, selfishness, and passive-aggression just about everywhere I go. Dear world: GET OVER YOURSELF. Stop acting like you're owed the cosmo's when the most important thing you've done all day is eat breakfast!


And dear guest staying at our house for a week(who happens to be the biggest offender),


The next time you want to tell me all about how much more you know than me about how bad video games are, please remember this: I did a 24 page research paper using academic journals and peer-reviewed medical studies about the positive vs. negative effects of games on the body and psyche. You read an online gossip article. I'm sick and tired of that matter-of-fact tone you use every time you do and the pungent odor of dripping condescension that comes with it. You DON'T know what you're talking about so PLEASE FUCKING STOP. And about the whole "you'll never make friends wasting away in front of a computer" I have a more active social life than you do! I don't even have a car and I get out more than you, and I'm an introvert! "No friends" FUCK you. I only seem like a recluse because i spend a majority of the time you're here avoiding being in the same room.


And ONE OTHER thing: Next time you go to the theaters, for the love of god, stop. vocally. commenting. on. how. much. every. single. preview. looks. bad. to. you. I happen to be excited about Overwatch and the new Warcraft and I'm sure many other people in that theater were too so actually use your brain before going "oh, THAT looks teeeeeeeerrrrrible" and "I can't believe they're putting games in movies now! Get that garbage out of here" loud enough for the next theater over to hear it you inconsiderate asshole.



Your friends pissed off son.





I've been putting up with this woman twice a year for the last 15 years of my life. I'm not sure how many more I can do.


You should beat the shit out of this person. Break their bones, make them bleed and cry, that sort of thing.


EDIT: I think there's something wrong with me....

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@Rarity: That person seems piss annoying. ._. Good luck with her. XD


OT: If you're going to take my family out for a New Years Eve dinner... Don't be fucking tardy. :evil: Seriously. 20 minutes later to picking us up, you forget something back at your house, then when you get here, it takes you 10 damn minutes to just get into the damn restaurant. 10:40 ISN'T DINNER TIME. >:( Grrrr.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Transplant doctor forbid me to get a pet snake because of my fiancé's immunity and shit. :( I've always wanted a pet snake. But now... I can't have one. That's so depressing. The only reason I didn't get a snake for myself earlier was because I thought; "Hey, my partner and I can own one together!" Buuuut nope! One year isn't a long enough time to own any sort of pet except bloody fish. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr... I've always wanted a pet snake... They're so cute... :cry:

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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The reason you can't do a snake isn't because of the snake itself, but because of the snakes food. Snakes eat rodents, and rodents carry diseases...


Still sucks that you can't have one.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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The majority of this page will be my vents alone apparently...


*deep breath* WHAT THE FUCK!? What kind of fucking car sets off an alarm if you unlock it and open it from the fucking inside???? WHO DESIGNED THIS!? Are you fucking kidding me?? Thanks for scaring the absolute shit out of me! Are you fucking me... What if there was a psycho maniac outside and I wanted to get out of this car? I unlock it, open it, siren goes off and I get shot 500 times. Thanks car! And why is it so difficult to unlock in the first place? What the fuck kind of car is this? My fiancé's weird as mother was concerned that we wouldn't be able to breathe in the car (don't ask), what she SHOULD have been worried about is whether I'd get interrogated by the cops for setting off the alarm. What the fuck is this. I'm so mad, and the siren was loud as shit. I wanted fresh air, but had to scramble around in the dark to try and fix the thing. I couldn't...

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I'm guessing that was designed by the same asshole who thought having the alarm go off when the car is being towed was a good idea. Now every time some asshole in LA decides they're too important to park correctly, they have to haul a blaring vehicle to the impound. And considering the population of LA and the surrounding areas, this happens a lot. So glad I live in a quiet secluded neighborhood. Not sure if I'd be able to keep my sanity were I to experience that outside my home as well.

Retired Forum Moderator

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How can Bloodborne be SO AWESOME offline and COMPLETE SHIT online? Anybody else get that? The PvE going straight to hell as soon as you go online, despite nobody being present and there being no gisible lag? Because FUCK does it ever do that for me.



If at all relevant, female Noble Scion, 20/8/15/30/30/9. +7 Ludwig's Holy Blade (considering switching to the Reiterpallasch, just got it) and +6 Hunter's Pistol (looking for Evelyn right now), Knight's garb with surgical long gloves, black hunter boots and no helm. I don't know if there's any known issues with any of those, but despite no visible lag, it's now taking noticeably longer to register control input, I'm getting hit by enemies that aren't even facing me and my character is getting caught on nothing when trying to move. I don't have any of these issues offline.


Also also:

I am aware that this is the pettiest vent I have ever posted. But after how heavy the last few were I think a light one is in order, and I don't get how going online can fuck up control responsiveness, collision detection and hitboxes.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Two words: Goddammit Mac.


I wanted to play the Sims 2, yet its Mac version doesn't support the Yosemite OS. I tried emulating the Windows version through Crossover, no luck. The fucking autorun.exe and setup.exe would just open and close immediately. That never happened when i'm emulating other games like GTA San Andreas.

Welp, now what?

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Anyone else get angry at something, and you can't bring yourself to vent about it because you think it's too stupid(or invalid) to be angry about? working/living with soldiers is like that. You can't have worries or stress because your coworkers has "had it worse" than you. granted...a 2 year deployment fucking sucks, losing your best friend to indirect fire sucks, having your bitch wife take your kids is fucking what suicide watch is for. I am fully aware of how much all that sucks. Stress is relative. I KNOW you've been through it. but that doesn't invalidate my problems. It feels like people won't care until i've hit the bottom. I have to have a tragedy happen to me before anything counts. I'll even admit; civilian problem's seem stupid to me at this point too. I don't feel a lot of sympathy(if any) if your boyfriend dumped you or whatever, but i still understand that it's a big deal to YOU. I'm still willing to talk it through with you. Not condescendingly tell you about how what i've been through is far worse. The bottom line is: no one fucking cares about YOUR past when their present is weighing on them. What are you trying to accomplish? make them feel shittier because your life sucks too? Good job, asshole.


I'm done. Thanks for reading guys. Hope you have a great day. Despite anything to the contrary.

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So like, when youtube first changed it's comment layout to the way it is now, I didn't mind it all that much. I tend to avoid forming instant opinions before I've had time to properly acclimate to change. But now, I hate; just absolutely loathe; this layout for one simple reason:


This layout empowers the vocal minority with nothing nice to say about anything, because the top comments are not just factored by number of likes, but reply activity as well. Meaning if someone says something that outrages a bunch of people, they get flooded with replies. This moves it towards the top, attracting the attention of like-minded toxic individuals, and that of opposing viewpoints, further cementing it's position at the top of the page. Because of this particular design flaw, and human nature's tendency to challenge everything we disagree with, hatred and ignorance have now been given a shiny pedestal with speakers and a broadcasting antenna.


And frankly, I'm so sickened by what I read in these comments sections that I had to resort to addons(see: Herp Derp for youtube) to block them so not only would I not be tempted to read this filth, but avoid ever even accidentally stumbling into the comments section.


There's my vent. May seem petty in comparison to what's going on with everyone else, but just the thought that in this day and age of progressive thinking that there's still so many people out there with such narrow, selfish, and ignorant outlooks on life is deeply upsetting to me.

Retired Forum Moderator

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