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Oh, and your statement about environmentalists is just incorrect. Don't ask why, or else this discussion will degrade quickly.

Take the environmentalist quiz:




If you didn't see one of the founders of Greenpeace saying that modern environmentalists are ignorant of what environmentalism actually is, then you need to get your eyes and ears checked.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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And you have nothing to say about the news comments I had talked about, yet you insisted to argue about environmentalism?! What is wrong with you?

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Why are people arguing about environmentalism

Because it annoys him. ;)

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I can eat plastic with no ill effect, but the same night I eat some slightly expired food I come down with an awful fever.


Well, looks like it's back to plastic. lol.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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Most foods contain some form of plastic now... In the food itself... Some even contain silicone, since it's non-toxic.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Why are people arguing about environmentalism

Because it annoys him. ;)

Oh thanks' a fucking lot! I'm tempted to report you for trolling. And you still haven't given any kind of response to the aforementioned news comments.

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Oh thanks' a fucking lot! I'm tempted to report you for trolling.

No you aren't. If you were, I would've been reported by now.


And you still haven't given any kind of response to the aforementioned news comments.

What comments?

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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Oh thanks' a fucking lot! I'm tempted to report you for trolling.

No you aren't. If you were, I would've been reported by now.

I didn't do it out of patience. I wanted to though.


And you still haven't given any kind of response to the aforementioned news comments.

What comments?

Okay, here's what I want you to do: get about 20-30 news comments form the article I had linked to, and post them here. Don't cut anything out of them either, post them here, exactly what was said, and who said it.

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Hey man, he's going to cherry-pick the comments he talked about the first time anyway. :P Just leave it be. It's easier to ignore the stupid things people say than to teach rationality.

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Here are a few, under the consideration BTG failed to provide ANY. (also keep in mind that this article covered the ineffective nature of American drone strikes)

This Swedish expert should first take a hard look at his own country which is on a fast clip to islamization. Anyone who's been to Sweden over the last 20 years can easily notice some drastic changest and the way the unchecked growing muslim population is already affecting their demographics, culture and politics. I've been to some areas of their cities where one would hardly take for a Swedish neighborhood. Last year a mosque in one of Stockholm neighborhoods was granted permission to make prayer calls over loudspeakers !!, and others throughout the country are also submitting their requests. Over the last few years, muslims holding Swedish passports have been arrested in Europe for links with Islamic terrorist groups, not to mention a large number of them that have travelled abroad to "wage jihad". Not to mention the recent riots in their muslim areas, something unheard of before in their orderly and progressive society. Question is: Would anyone ever imagine, back in the the 1970s or 80s that liberal,rich and mostly atheist Sweden would one day be so closely linked with misogynistic, sectarian, backward, and fascist islam? I'd like to hear what this Swedish "analyst" would say about it. It looks like that Sweden's notorious criticism of U.S. anti-terrorism operations or their naïve and self-destructive asylum/refugee policies have not prevented their muslims from becoming a domestic problem and an international threat. Sure, drone strikes will not stamp out al Qaeda, but it apparently stopped those nuts in that charred and mangled car pictured in the news. That's good enough for me. -william


KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!! -John


Since we are using these on americans overseas can we use them on the border to stop the illegals???????-John Hilligoss


Oh I see were taking this information from another known liar. Of course Liberals and Liberal media love liars and praise them. - ThePatriot


There is no terrorism, they have been feeding this lie consistently after. The real problem and "terror" exist within our own government trying to contain us by making the people have fear. People are willing to give up everything in terms of being in a safe country. Does this mean giving up some rights and giving full trust to the government? I mean they do really care so much about us but yet never do what we ask. I say keep the peace and america needs to stop acting like a superpower. There is no need for this nonsense. If the world leaders weren't so greedy the world would be a better place but unfortunately the united states simply does whatever they want, by going into other countries and making embassies as if they crowned themselves world police? The us will only do what is in there interest and if it means wasting more billions of dollars on these stupid wars then so be it. Since the american people have fallen to comfortable with this culture that involves media, propaganda, and consumerism, very few people are aware of the real situation which is the united states plan to keep people working like slaves since they are in control of oil they price everything in a way that makes it hard for you to save and to enjoy spending time with loved ones. The ultimate goal for the us is to go into world war 3 which will completely destroy the dollar,and then the stock market will crash which results in an economic depression far worst than what any american has seen. This is all a ponzi scheme so that the New World Order will come into action when all the pieces of the puzzle are ready for it. Unfortunately this will happen as George Bush Senior clearly said it in 1991, and said that they will be successful in fulfilling this vision of novus ordo seclorum -Alejandro Jaramillo


Their pronounced hatred for us is so ingrained the babies are probably born with an ak47 or ied in their hands and a burning US flag in the other. Sure you can kill em and let their god sort them out but nothing short of total genocide will stop it -Mark


The drone strikes have been weak.Terrorist obama needs to have hundreds of drone attacks against his brothers.Obama is letting thousands of terrorist escape.Obama is guilty of high treason and he should be treated as such -Yaoosucs


What a fun job it must be to blow the #$%$ out these Islamic vermin! I'd do it for free! -Tiki Joe


Islam is a Cancer. On the whole Islam as an organized religion, should be denied its protections for being a religion by every government in the world. The US is not the only country to have had problems with these groups. Germany, Great Britain, China, and Russia have all had terrorist actions carried out on their soil and against the people of their countries. All of these countries, militarily and unilaterally need to act against the political ideology Islam and its members with a swift and complete elimination of all of the members. We must use the tactics of the Islam political agenda by hiding our assets, marking the targets, and strike with the force of the massive amount of fire power only such a coalition could bring to bare. It would mean thousands dead in one moment, but I don't have a problem with that. Consider over 3000 died in one moment being crushed to death when the world trade center buildings came down and they were not military persons but rather civilians, fire and law enforcement. Consider every member of the Islamic religion a target for elimination including Egypt, Saudi, etc. Islam is a Cancer and should be eliminated completely. If they have ties to Islam, they have ties to terrorism and none of the political agenda Islam can be left. -Dean


Well BTG, what is the response?

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BTG can't respond to things that are idiocy, only things that are insane. There's a difference of some sort.

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