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I was fired today for not wearing my glasses after my lead told me not to bother with my glasses.


Also, "just got fired" means I am PISS DRUNK AND BUYING MORE. Because getting fucked up will take my mind off the FUCKING BULLSHIT that happened today.


EDIT: IT WAS A LIE. They fired EVERY TEMP in the ENTIRE BUILDING. I did NOTHING wrong, they just didn't have any more use for us.


Do me a favour and never buy anytging made by Precor.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Since I don't buy fitness equipment, I can do that.


Good luck on finding a new job.

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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My mood as of right now is somewhere between "enraged" and "murderous".

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I was fired today for not wearing my glasses after my lead told me not to bother with my glasses.


Also, "just got fired" means I am PISS DRUNK AND BUYING MORE. Because getting fucked up will take my mind off the FUCKING BULLSHIT that happened today.


EDIT: IT WAS A LIE. They fired EVERY TEMP in the ENTIRE BUILDING. I did NOTHING wrong, they just didn't have any more use for us.


Do me a favour and never buy anytging made by Precor.


Well what did you expect as a temp? To stay there forever?



My vent: Who the hell calls the cops over $6?! Seriously, dude/wife paid for suit to get dry-cleaned and have two badges added on. Later we noticed a hole on the inside, we informed them, and they agreed to getting it repaired, so it did, and they never paid for it. I've never seen someone so angry before, especially over $6.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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You really need to calm down. I understand you're upset but that's no excuse to act like a dick to the forumers.

the name's riley

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Seattleite, I get you're pretty damn pissed, I would be too - but please don't vent it out on others. You can vent it to the thread, not other users. That was a really uncalled for comment and I don't want to see anything else like it.


@Ninja: I've had a customer yell at me before because they wouldn't pay for the extra $2 for their meal - even though they had $50 in their hand... She was with her husband or something at the time, so I got a verbal beating from both of them. That wasn't fun... some people are just really damn picky over money. Losing $1-10 isn't going to kill anyone - wish people would realize this.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I know you get a hard-on from getting pissed off at me, but seriously, how was I (or anyone else here) supposed to know that A) You signed up for 9 months, and B) you were let go before then?


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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Unfortunately, not everyone can read minds. I'm still working on the problem.


Moderate point of anger for today: Observing the existence of pretentious nonsense in what is considered 'news' these days.

Feel free to PM me about almost anything and I'll do my best to answer. :)


"Beware of what you ask for, for it may come to pass..."

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Can you not lash out at people that have nothing to do with your situation, please? If you honestly can't handle that simple fucking rule, then go back to 4chan.

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Moving swiftly on...


When your flatmate can't go 10 seconds into a conversation with his dad with an argument blowing up about something completely insubstantial, it really sucks the joy out of the atmosphere.


I like my flatmate (being also my bandmate) a lot, and I like to help him and hang out as much as I can. But I notice now that he gets very defensive over any criticism, especially from his dad and his girlfriend. Granted, it's not one-sided, they get just as defensive. But he's not very good at neutralising the situation. I've tried intervening to try and calm things down, but that doesn't get well-received either. I guess it's just how they talk to one another. Which is kind of bollocks.


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Can you not lash out at people that have nothing to do with your situation, please? If you honestly can't handle that simple fucking rule, then go back to 4chan.


You mean, can I not lash out at people who mock me about serious issues, who have done so before and I am sick of listening to? Sure. Blocking them is more efficient anyway.




Unfortunately, not everyone can read minds. I'm still working on the problem.


Moderate point of anger for today: Observing the existence of pretentious nonsense in what is considered 'news' these days.


She doesn't need to read minds. She just needs to know the first thing about temp work, and not mock people until she knows what she's talking about. Maybe not even then, in this context.


But, it has occurred to me that not everybody has done temp work, so here's the important thing: Temp work always has a set length on its contracts. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes it's a month, in the case of Aerotek contracts (Aerotek is my staffing agency) it's 1-11 months. Companies are NOT supposed to terminate your contract early unless YOU do something wrong. Not because they really only needed you for the christmas rush and they're all prepped for it now, which two clients in a row have done to me now. If Precor only needed me for the christmas rush, they should have signed me up for a 2-3 month contract and just ridden the remaining weeks out, like the agreement they signed with Aerotek and the contract I signed when I joined Aerotek both explicitly said. And if Nintendo only needed me for the christmas rush last year, they should have done the same.


But instead, Precor and Nintendo pulled a bait and switch, Precor promising nine months after Nintendo last year had offered eleven. And I am extremely angry at this blatant disregard for the legally binding contract these companies entered into.


Though, on a more positive note, I did DAMNED FUCKING GOOD to last six weeks. Most temps get bounced in a couple days for not keeping up with the expected pace or standards of quality, especially on night shift (where I was) where they also tend to quit because the shifts are ten hours. So... At least I can take some pride in lasting until they had originally intended to kill my contract anyway, even if that isn't what I was promised in a legally binding contract.


As for the news:



Moving swiftly on...


When your flatmate can't go 10 seconds into a conversation with his dad with an argument blowing up about something completely insubstantial, it really sucks the joy out of the atmosphere.


I like my flatmate (being also my bandmate) a lot, and I like to help him and hang out as much as I can. But I notice now that he gets very defensive over any criticism, especially from his dad and his girlfriend. Granted, it's not one-sided, they get just as defensive. But he's not very good at neutralising the situation. I've tried intervening to try and calm things down, but that doesn't get well-received either. I guess it's just how they talk to one another. Which is kind of bollocks.


Agreed. I find most family issues would be swiftly resolved if people would simply have an honest discussion about it. We've got the opposite issue with my roommate's boyfriend. He does everything his parents say almost without question even though he knows his dad is a complete fucking idiot. And once again, a little honesty there would go a long way.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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When have I mocked you? Also, I'm a guy. If I've ever mocked you, I never meant to, sorry.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I can't tell if I hate my Dad or love him.


The source of my problem was because of my Dad. The resolution to my problem was because of my Dad. I've lost 2 years of my life in stress cause of my Dad, but everything is okay now. XD I tried changing my computer DNS to Google's, so I could access some sites like Amazon and crap like that. Problem is, I needed my boyfriend's password for the computer to access the settings to do so - and he can only put in his password through TeamViewer. Changed it. It didn't work. I'm freaking out cause to change it back, I need my boyfriend's password. And I don't have the internet to get him to fix the internet!!!!!! BLARGH!! So I had to do some tethering with my phone, try not to mess anything up, then do reboots on so much shit to try and troubleshoot the problem. Found the problem... only an hour after trying to fix it does my Dad remember he blocked the Google DNS through the router. -_- THAAAANKS... YOU TELL ME THIS NOW!!?! But he helped me work around that, and now I don't know whether to punch him or hug him. We had to do all this fixing over Facebook too. Long distance problems. :\ From both my boyfriend and my dad. *cries lonely tears* XD Ughhhrrr... so much drama in the span of a few hours... *whines*

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I'm gonna be honest with you guys.

I almost jumped out of a window on purpose this morning.

No joke.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I'm gonna be honest with you guys.

I almost jumped out of a window on purpose this morning.

No joke.

What's up...?

It would take way too long to explain the full story,but I got yet another fucking F on a test which I studied HARD for.

Among many other things about a lot of stuff.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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I'm gonna be honest with you guys.

I almost jumped out of a window on purpose this morning.

No joke.

What's up...?

It would take way too long to explain the full story,but I got yet another fucking F on a test which I studied HARD for.

Among many other things about a lot of stuff.

Damnit... that's gotta suck hard... :/

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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I relate to this so much, especially when I'm in the middle of closing up. In fact, last night, I already had the money out of the cashier drawer, when I had a customer come in. Also, earlier that day (like an hour before I was to close up), a woman came in, with clothes to drop off, and was wanting one of them to be cleaned for free. Her reasoning? She didn't like how they turned out last time. Look, unless you have permission from my manager and/or the owner, I can't give you a made up discount or "forget" to ring up one of the clothing. The best I can do is ring all the clothing up, like I normally do, and leave a note for my manager. There's nothing I can do if she declines the free item (which she most likely will do).


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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