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If I had to sum up the luck I have in any CoD game it would be a dude named Murphy with an express badge attending the Bullshit Convention. This isn't an exaggeration because I counted. 10 games. All different lobbies. in each game 2 people on my team that went 0-15+. One of them was sitting there shooting at a fucking rock. literally just aimed down at a small rock on the ground and shooting every so often. On top of that every game had someone on the other team going like 30-5 with that bullshit shotgun haymaker. Because you know, fighting an AA12 with faster fire rate and less spread is fun.


Then there's the lifelong trend that if I'm going to shoot at someone who's not aware of me yet, you can bet your ass a team mate of his is gonna round a corner with some 1 hit weapon and fire first. If I had to put a percentage on those odds, well over 80.


Another predictable pattern: my team never travels in any semblance of a group. once that starting bell is rung then that's the LAST I see of them outside of the final kill cam. And the rare occasions they DO travel as a group, they wipe to one guy. Almost always. It feels like if I don't land the kill on that dude first then the killfeed is logging red for days.


Don't get me wrong. This game is fun. one of the most fun CoD's I've played in forever. But tonight can go fuck itself with a rusted iron nail bat. So much bullshit it's starting to burn into my monitor.

Retired Forum Moderator

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If I had to sum up the luck I have in any CoD game it would be a dude named Murphy with an express badge attending the Bullshit Convention. This isn't an exaggeration because I counted. 10 games. All different lobbies. in each game 2 people on my team that went 0-15+. One of them was sitting there shooting at a fucking rock. literally just aimed down at a small rock on the ground and shooting every so often. On top of that every game had someone on the other team going like 30-5 with that bullshit shotgun haymaker. Because you know, fighting an AA12 with faster fire rate and less spread is fun.


Then there's the lifelong trend that if I'm going to shoot at someone who's not aware of me yet, you can bet your ass a team mate of his is gonna round a corner with some 1 hit weapon and fire first. If I had to put a percentage on those odds, well over 80.


Another predictable pattern: my team never travels in any semblance of a group. once that starting bell is rung then that's the LAST I see of them outside of the final kill cam. And the rare occasions they DO travel as a group, they wipe to one guy. Almost always. It feels like if I don't land the kill on that dude first then the killfeed is logging red for days.


Don't get me wrong. This game is fun. one of the most fun CoD's I've played in forever. But tonight can go fuck itself with a rusted iron nail bat. So much bullshit it's starting to burn into my monitor.

CoD is one of those games that when it works, it's the most awesome thing in the world, but when it doesn't... it's really frustrating yeah.

Game developments at http://nukedprotons.blogspot.com

Check out my music at http://technomancer.bandcamp.com

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Somebody explain how all my nerves go fucking insane after I miss sleep for one night. Please, because I get chills, phantom pains, and even start to feel myself BLEEDING from wounds that I got YEARS AGO and NO LONGER EXIST.


Also, I am getting fed up with all the mailboxing in this town.These people are fucking assholes.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I selected the 'One month' plan, thinking that I would only pay once, and that's it. After that box/month, I would not be billed again (and again, and again, and again). You're stealing money from me because I did *not* select the 3, 6, or 12 month plan. Those are also false advertising, because what's the difference (besides the customers paying more money) between a 1 month plan and a 1 year plan, if you keep on charging us?


(This is an email I sent to Nerd Block).


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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So my flatmate and his close friend of 12 years came back tonight, both rather drunk (but my flatmate much more so), and it turned out some shit had kicked off (again) with his girlfriend, but much worse than usual. The friend tried to get through to my flatmate by doing what only a close friend would do (as in 'friendly' slapping). My flatmate snapped and started throwing punches, with some contact. Thank fuck I was in the room at the time, because they would not have held back. I had to first near-choke my flatmate to snap him out of it, and then hold his friend's arms round his back to keep him from laying into him.


They cooled down though, and his mate eventually did a lot of opening up to me (he's going through some really tough shit right now), while we left my flatmate be.


He's now asleep, and I suspect he won't remember that he turned on his closest friend, which means I'll have to fill him in tomorrow, and he's gonna feel even worse than he has been lately.


This had better not happen again. I will not put up with bullshit like that.


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@Seattleite: You should probably get some sleep! :3

@Ninja: Good luck with sorting that out!

@Binky: So that's why you're up at 4am! :D Heh. I hope it works out alright... but for now, goodness me, get some sleep! No need to put up with drunk bullshit at this time of night/morning. X3


And now my own vent: Why does my mother lack the mental ability to feel my pain? I'm working a real late shift, working till 11:30pm tonight, and will be my longest shift yet. So she bursts into my room at 8am, telling me to clean my room so that she can come in and help me paint the walls. Ughhh... I've had like... 30 minute naps during the day but I don't think it's going to help much. I'm going to be EXHAUSTED. I just hope I don't fall off my feet during work. :S I don't want to be painting at 8am in the morning, when I have work later in the afternoon. Gooo awaaaayyy!

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I love and hate SFM. I love it, because I can make animations, something I've always wanted to do as a kid, but wasn't really good enough at drawing, let alone 2D/paper animations. I hate SFM for multiple reasons, one of them being I'm limited to what I can, and can't do. Let's say there's a certain gag I want to do that's a reference to a certain coyote and roadrunner. I can either use, let's say, a Scout and a Pyro. I could also find a coyote and roadrunner model in the worksh-nope, doesn't exist. Maybe I could import Gmod mod-nope, doesn't exist. Well I guess I could download Blender, and take months to learn how to make models, and textures, and whatnot, or have someone else make the models I desire for the project, and future projects, but that usually means paying them, and I don't quite have the means to do so. Now custom maps? I can do (to a degree), my biggest problem is, which version of Hammer? I've heard that the one that came with SFM is a broken mess of sorts.


"We don't call them loot boxes", they're 'surprise mechanics'" - EA


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I can sympathize with all of this. It gets worse if you try to find people to help you, the normal response is "do it yourself" which gets frustrating when they fail to realize many of them were in the exact same position when they first started off.

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I don't want to appear heartless, but I'm actually REALLY sick of seeing; "Pray for Paris" "60 dead in France" Blah, blah, blah. I get it!! You don't have to rub it into my face, and prove to me once again, that I can't do shit. I see YouTube with the French flag, then Tumblr with the logo, I see it on fucking Facebook, you can't escape it. Like, yeah, thanks for reminding me that the world is fucked up and people are dying. THANKS. A LOT. Really fucking picking up my mood. People die every single day to terrorism and shit, why is France so suddenly different? Why do they suddenly get all the media coverage? It's really all so depressing, I didn't want to start my week to this. Sure, I'll mourn the losses and pray, but I don't want to have to feel pressured to do it, having the French flag thrusted down my throat. I should be able to watch something, or look through my emails, without being reminded that there are people being murdered and family's are all suffering. I care, alright? But goodness gracious me, just stop. I can't do shit. And I feel terrible for staring at my computer screen, not being able to help anyone. Don't have money to donate to charity, don't have transportation to get anywhere. This just goes with anything really. "THEY NEED YOUR HELP". Yeah, well, I can't do SHIT. Thanks for reminding me.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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I don't want to appear heartless, but I'm actually REALLY sick of seeing; "Pray for Paris" "60 dead in France" Blah, blah, blah. I get it!! You don't have to rub it into my face, and prove to me once again, that I can't do shit. I see YouTube with the French flag, then Tumblr with the logo, I see it on fucking Facebook, you can't escape it. Like, yeah, thanks for reminding me that the world is fucked up and people are dying. THANKS. A LOT. Really fucking picking up my mood. People die every single day to terrorism and shit, why is France so suddenly different? Why do they suddenly get all the media coverage? It's really all so depressing, I didn't want to start my week to this. Sure, I'll mourn the losses and pray, but I don't want to have to feel pressured to do it, having the French flag thrusted down my throat. I should be able to watch something, or look through my emails, without being reminded that there are people being murdered and family's are all suffering. I care, alright? But goodness gracious me, just stop. I can't do shit. And I feel terrible for staring at my computer screen, not being able to help anyone. Don't have money to donate to charity, don't have transportation to get anywhere. This just goes with anything really. "THEY NEED YOUR HELP". Yeah, well, I can't do SHIT. Thanks for reminding me.


Das ist doch alles sheisse.


Note: I am only ancestrally German, but it is a family saying. It means "It's all shit." And when we use it, double emphasis on "all". Every shred of everything on the subject is shit. Just ignore it for a few days, give a little time fot some truth to get out.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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I haven't tweeted or posted on Facebook about it for pretty much that reason. Anything I'll say has already been said. Even the controversial points. It's nice to see the signs of solidarity, but it's tainted by the prospect of people doing it for attention, and because it's the popular thing to do. Besides, I'm actually more concerned about what will be done in response. But that's for a different thread.




So we've let a cat in for the night, as the weather's pish, and it was nigh-on crying outside. To be honest I'm not very happy about it, as it belongs to our upstairs neighbour, and is not our responsibility. I've given it a towel, food and water, so it should be a little comfortable. Rather concerned about any overnight 'deposits', as I'll likely have to throw that towel out depending on where it happens.


Just hope it's not stressed out.


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Oh, Binky. Giving a cat a shelter on a stormy night? The Universe will count it in your favour in whatever ledger it keeps for all of us for the Judgement Day! Bless your bass-playing little soul! :D Two of my 3 cats came into my life in a similar fashion - they asked for shelter and stayed forever... :-)


I agree, though - a lot of this French flag waving is selfish self-promotion and opportunism, plus a dose of sympathy-porn. Having said that - I am intensely interested in anything factual that appears regarding the perps, their connection, backers etc. I want to know all that to refine my own worldview.


Also, one of my distant relatives was on the Stade de France during the attack. She was unharmed but it was a scare for the family. So I have a bit of a personal interest in it all as well...



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@Binky: *places hand on your shoulder* You're a good man. X3 For both of those paragraphs. XP


The Universe will count it in your favour in whatever ledger it keeps for all of us for the Judgement Day!

All I could think of was like... Santa and his list of nice people. XD The 'ledger' ticked me towards that thought. Good job Binky, you're not getting coal for Christmas. XP


But in seriousness, oh my gosh! *hugs and doesn't let go* :S That must have been a bit scary. I hope you had a good way to communicate with her, so you weren't like... Left in the dark for too long.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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Ah, thanks! She had her smartphone with her and the internet was working... She was more in the dark than we, though. We were updating her with what we saw and heard on TV as she was sitting in the stadium, waiting for the evacuation. Took her a looong time to get back home afterwards.



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I am being forced to watch football. I hate football. That is all.


Also, 19/Fuck this.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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So... in one week, I have to complete 2 exams, 6 practical assignments, 2 theoretical assignments, 4 quizzes, go to work on Friday, complete a bunch of assignments for a unit at school to hand in on Friday, and I have my mother breathing down my neck, telling me how lazy I am. :3

Tells me to clean the kitchen, sorry, I can't, I have an English exam tomorrow, and if I don't study, I'm going to get a SHIT grade. So, when you come home, don't scream at me for not cleaning the kitchen. Stop telling me I'm a fucking disappointment.

"I've got so much work to do this week though!" I can try to explain, but nooooo... it's always the same; "Well I do too!"

SO FUCKING WHAT?? PISS. OFF. I NEED to do this work! I'm trying SO hard to get it done, and I'm being called a failure and a disappointment. Fucking thanks.

And nobody tell me; "You should have gotten it done earlier!" I literally got my course units TODAY, and it's all due in 7 days. And exams can't be rescheduled or anything. This is end of year stress, fucking wonderful. Real glad I have supportive parents. -_- Just... great...

UGHHHH. I can't wait to have my own house.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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So... in one week, I have to complete 2 exams, 6 practical assignments, 2 theoretical assignments, 4 quizzes, go to work on Friday, complete a bunch of assignments for a unit at school to hand in on Friday, and I have my mother breathing down my neck, telling me how lazy I am. :3

Tells me to clean the kitchen, sorry, I can't, I have an English exam tomorrow, and if I don't study, I'm going to get a SHIT grade. So, when you come home, don't scream at me for not cleaning the kitchen. Stop telling me I'm a fucking disappointment.

"I've got so much work to do this week though!" I can try to explain, but nooooo... it's always the same; "Well I do too!"

SO FUCKING WHAT?? PISS. OFF. I NEED to do this work! I'm trying SO hard to get it done, and I'm being called a failure and a disappointment. Fucking thanks.

And nobody tell me; "You should have gotten it done earlier!" I literally got my course units TODAY, and it's all due in 7 days. And exams can't be rescheduled or anything. This is end of year stress, fucking wonderful. Real glad I have supportive parents. -_- Just... great...

UGHHHH. I can't wait to have my own house.

Just calm down,Jeb.Why don't you talk about this with your mom?

And you're going to make it.You're smart.I know you will.


"Hark! Dost thou hear with thine ears what I hear with mine? Interloper! No quarter shall be shown hither, fiend! Anon! Show thyself, churl!"


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@Binky: *places hand on your shoulder* You're a good man. X3 For both of those paragraphs. XP
The Universe will count it in your favour in whatever ledger it keeps for all of us for the Judgement Day!


:3 There were no deposits in the morning. We had a window open so it may have popped in and out. It was nice to have some cat contact. Just hoping the owners don't put it through that again.




No vents just now. My flatmate could do with one though right now. He's gonna be nearing his wit's end before long if he and his girlfriend can't sort shit out.


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Exam and work shift tomorrow, I wake up this morning feeling more sick than an Ebola host.

Fuuuuck meeee.

I have back pains that hurt when I freaking breathe!! Feels like my body IS trying to kill itself. Every part of me feels so uncomfortable... Ughhh.

"Ross, this is nothing. WHAT YOU NEED to be playing is S***flinger 5000." - Ross Scott talking about himself.


PM me if you have any questions or concerns! :D

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