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On your ongoing view count/ad revenue problems. Have you considered using Subabble? I think you meet all the criteria (though obviously there's no guarantee you'll get accepted). It allows you to have people give you what amounts to paid subscriptions, but the exact amount is optional and nobody is forced to pay. You're still allowed to get ad revenue on top of Subabble income. The videos would still be hosted on Youtube/Blip, so there's no major changeups in your workflow.


The only downside is that you have to offer "perks" that people can redeem after they've given you enough money. They tend to be things like signed posters and stuff like that, but they can also be things like early access to videos or access to a "subscriber night" of some multiplayer game or whatever else. You'd be responsible for fulfilling those requests in a timely manner blah blah blah, I don't know if that would add too much to your workload.

If people want to throw money at Ross, they can always just donate it.

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Ross, just a thought I had regarding the youtube views issue. Do you think it might have something to do with people who use adblockers? Like me, I'm using firefox and adblock plus so I never see any ads on youtube. Do you think youtube is not counting views from people like me? Maybe lots of subscribers who use adblockers cause channels to glitch? Probably not but just a thought I had. Anyway great video, looking forward to more.

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Ross, just a thought I had regarding the youtube views issue. Do you think it might have something to do with people who use adblockers? Like me, I'm using firefox and adblock plus so I never see any ads on youtube. Do you think youtube is not counting views from people like me? Maybe lots of subscribers who use adblockers cause channels to glitch? Probably not but just a thought I had. Anyway great video, looking forward to more.



I don't need Adblock on Youtube, I have an extension that makes the video larger and makes it block all video ads etc. I might disable that, I feel bad hurting people like this... I'm sorry Ross!!! Please don't make me go back to Ross's Sex Dungeon... I mean... Don't throw me in the brig good sir, I'll be good; promise :mrgreen:

I just... I don't even...

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The blip link is working now. I'm watching there right now.




No, I'm ahead of you on this unfortunately.


Clearly, you are, Ross! :-) What was the problem, if not a secret?



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Ross, just a thought I had regarding the youtube views issue. Do you think it might have something to do with people who use adblockers? Like me, I'm using firefox and adblock plus so I never see any ads on youtube. Do you think youtube is not counting views from people like me? Maybe lots of subscribers who use adblockers cause channels to glitch? Probably not but just a thought I had. Anyway great video, looking forward to more.
I doubt that's the case. Ad block just means the view doesn't count towards any ad revenue, if it actually meant views didn't show up, this would have been a massive issue long before now.


What was the problem, if not a secret?
They never told me, I never got a reply email, but they fixed it, 4-5 days after release.

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Well, looks like the way the wind is blowing the vote is going to be decisively in favor of Freeman's Mind. Can't say I'm upset, I feel like the series has really picked up the pace of what's going on, finally getting to the fabled Lambda Complex. I haven't actually played this far into Half Life so everything Freeman encounters now will be as new to me as it is to Freeman. Other than that I'm pretty discussed with what Youtube's been doing. Even if the bug isn't their fault that still makes them grossly incompetent at best. I'm still Nostalgic for Youtube in it's Golden Age, but now it might be for the best if their overthrown by Twitch. I'd definitely watch any Mr. Scott cared to stream.

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Seeing how close you are to Xen, do more FM episodes until you teleport. Would Freeman's see Xen?, or would he just wake up on the train to City 17?.


Also why did Freeman not investigate the Ninja's body more, as some of them are females and telling by the death sounds they sounded female.


Didn't you hear him? What if they're faking death? I wouldn't give a ninja the opportunity to lure me in close so he OR she could take me out like that.


Anyway, in response to the voting, I didn't read the whole post before casting my vote for Freeman's Mind. Definitely do what you enjoy more. I finally watched the Game Dungeons a little while ago and would be happy with just about any of your content, Ross.

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Guys, does anyone know what is going on or is everyone confused? Recently youtube said they were cracking down on fake views. But at the same time, peoples views have been almost cut exactly in half - all over the place. Are we just supposed to believe people have been getting exactly half of their views from bots? And it seems for many people that the views and likes are wildly inconsistent. Is there a bug AS WELL as fake views being cut down, or what the hell is going on?

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I voted for Freeman's Mind. I'm really eager about getting to Xen.

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." -Stephen Colbert.

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Guys, does anyone know what is going on or is everyone confused? Recently youtube said they were cracking down on fake views. But at the same time, peoples views have been almost cut exactly in half - all over the place. Are we just supposed to believe people have been getting exactly half of their views from bots? And it seems for many people that the views and likes are wildly inconsistent. Is there a bug AS WELL as fake views being cut down, or what the hell is going on?
While they could be related, the video I linked to proves that REAL views are being cut also. The reason being is the guy set up a link where more people clicked on the link to his website, coming from Youtube, than Youtube reported as viewing the actual video. If you're confused by this, that's because what I'm describing is impossible in reality. Since that's what YT is reporting though, the only conclusion to draw is that YT isn't reporting all the views. Stuff like the like-to-view ratio and statistically improbable events are circumstantial evidence, the website results however, are direct evidence. I can't say WHY Youtube is doing this, just that they are.

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Is it possible that the 'Do Not Track' features of some browsers are resulting in this? Not from the browsers themselves, but from Youtube taking the feature too far...

Don't insult me. I have trained professionals to do that.

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I use adblock with YouTube so I don't see ads, but inspired by this debacle with YT and blip (the main channel I prefer to watch AF videos) not working, I unearthed a script that allows me to create exception in the adblock to whitelist individual YouTube channels so that I'll see ads only on those I want to support. I think it goes without saying that chilledsanity (Accursed Farms) was the first one to go on this list. I know it actually doesn't help with Google being epitome of evil, but I hope it counts towards something.

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do you still see them ross? do you still see The Board of Directors of Machinima?! ;) if you know what I mean Ross youll know I was referencing your video on Zany Golf

“Error 482: Somebody shot the server with a 12-gauge. Please contact your administrator”

“Caution Laser Caution Laser Caution Laser”

“I can now solve up to 800 problems a minute”

"I got my degree under the tutelage of Dr. Pepper."

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I'm actually a theoretical physicist and I use Majorana spinors everyday :geek: . I loved the reference to him! :lol: Btw Ross, if you need any kind of technical reference or explanation just ask. I will be more than glad to talk to you!

Wow, that would be an awesome resource to have if any jokes got quite technical or advanced. Sometimes it's awesome

just to know how remote or limited a joke is when it only circles around specific mathematician or physicist leagues.


Sad Ross had no response to this. :(

I thought the same, but then I remembered there's no money involved as a reward, so there's kind of too much time devoted to it.



danielsangeo, I quite like your avatar, but then I noticed it's similar at the BMS forums as well! Also, I loved your post:


Sorry, we can resume the topic. Personally I can't actually get any adblocker to work with YouTube without screwing things

up, so I've left mine off. I'm getting more and more tempted to block it somehow though because they're getting worse.

Edited by Guest (see edit history)

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I think Youtube just decided that channels were being paid more than they would like, and all these "fixes" are really just ways to make checks smaller.

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Awful funny thing about the ad rene...money (I forgot spell). Didn't google give up the "don't be evil" thing some time back. i forgot. Maybe they turned evil.

I forget things a lot and I like chumtoads.

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